900 terabytes can be stored in 1 gram of bacteria

Originally Posted by ninjahood

gives new meanin to da term "catchin a virus"
Now... wouldn't it be wise to try and access bacteria to see if previous civilization made the same discovery?
That'd be cool
Now... wouldn't it be wise to try and access bacteria to see if previous civilization made the same discovery?
That'd be cool
From the comments on that site:
sounds like the theories about aliens storing data/information in our genes might have the possibility of being true....

That's the thought I had when I was 
 and thinking about it earlier, mind was BLOWN.
From the comments on that site:
sounds like the theories about aliens storing data/information in our genes might have the possibility of being true....

That's the thought I had when I was 
 and thinking about it earlier, mind was BLOWN.
won't be long before they start hacking the dna of future generations to turn them into muscle slaves.
won't be long before they start hacking the dna of future generations to turn them into muscle slaves.
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