__Anybody have their own apartment?

Aug 26, 2006
If so, are the bills hard to maintain? How much do you get paid?

After looking at the post your setup thread i'm seriously thinking about getting my own place sometime in the spring. I make roughly $1500 a month. Thiswould be a huge move and I don't want to end up not affording it and eff up my credit.
if you could find a decent looking apartment for under a grand a month then i think youll be good....
Depends on where you live... If you make $1,500 a month I wouldn't recommend spending more than $750 a month for a place because you'll have to factorin the other bills you'll have to pay as well such as cable, electric, etc...

Put it this way... Cut your paycheck in half and see if you still enjoy your financial situation cause that's pretty much how it'll be once you getyour own place.

I'd suggest trying to get some roomates to help pay rent.
if you could find a decent looking apartment for under a grand a month then i think youll be good....


$1500/month isn't gonna get anything.
Mr Fizzy Womack wrote:
if you could find a decent looking apartment for under a grand a month then i think youll be good....


$1500/month isn't gonna get anything.

I only pay a grand a month on a 2 bedroom apartment and less than $150 dollars on bills....only difference is i make nearly 4k a month but still use less than $1150 a month on just my apartment....$1500 can go a long way if you just look and put some time and effort into it....
Originally Posted by 430AM

Put it this way... Cut your paycheck in half and see if you still enjoy your financial situation cause that's pretty much how it'll be once you get your own place.
I couldn't have said it any better than this.
and $1500 a MONTH?....thats not even 20 G's a year.

I'd say you gotta double that amount at the very least
i think fam not tryin to get w/ roommates, though.... i know i'm certainly not as SOON as i get done w/ college... i dont care where i'm at..

i refuse to go home... or stay w/ some friends...
me and my mom sat down and figured out some numbers...

for a young man w/ no baby mama, no taxes, no school loans.... to live comfortably in a relatively cheap apartment... including food and cable...

it takes about 30 Gs a year to live....

you make over that, so you straight...
Originally Posted by lysolflow

me and my mom sat down and figured out some numbers...

for a young man w/ no baby mama, no taxes, no school loans.... to live comfortably in a relatively cheap apartment... including food and cable...

it takes about 30 Gs a year to live....

you make over that, so you straight...

$1500 a month is like 18 G's
1500 is not going to be enough. If you made 1500 a check then yeah you'd be good.
Get a roommate.

Make sure he's clean and not rude.

If it's going to be a friend, seriously consider if y'all can be friends living together...

Most people can't live with their friends for the simple fact that the lil things they do that piss you off can kind of go ignored when y'all don'tlive in the same house.

Same home... All their annoying characteristics are displayed all day.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Get a roommate.

Make sure he's clean and not rude.

If it's going to be a friend, seriously consider if y'all can be friends living together...

Most people can't live with their friends for the simple fact that the lil things they do that piss you off can kind of go ignored when y'all don't live in the same house.

Same home... All their annoying characteristics are displayed all day.
I made $2500+ a month, rent was $640
at one time, I was making under $2k and rent was still the same, and was definitely livable still, but i had to cut some corners.

it just mostly depends on where you live though...
Yeah i have my own apartment.

Silver Spring, MD

Make 5grand a month/$1225 a week

all bills/rent=$2100 a month.

government stability FTW!
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Get a roommate.

Make sure he's clean and not rude.

If it's going to be a friend, seriously consider if y'all can be friends living together...

Most people can't live with their friends for the simple fact that the lil things they do that piss you off can kind of go ignored when y'all don't live in the same house.

Same home... All their annoying characteristics are displayed all day.

YES!!!! I went thru this living with my friend.....

real talk ignore these fools talkin bout u dont make enough....Its all based upon where you live, cuz rent varies.

Bills are fine if you manage correctly and dont let them pile up....

what might be your downfall is your spending habits. Goin out to eat often?? Bad Move...Clubbin?? Bad Idea...Bars?? Bad thoughts....
doesnt mean its gonna kill your social life, but it wont be a thing that should be taken lightly.....clothes shoppin also.....buy groceries and invest in aGeorge Foreman Grill....

p.s. Buy some glade plug ins or air freshners.....chicks and people in general will remember. Fresh smelling crib is just always nice
Originally Posted by Be23ForLife

mr. fizzy woman, care to elaborate

what if dude lives in a low-cost of living area
True story.

I lived by myself straight out of college.

Apartment was $480 a month, other bills were about $300 a month.

It wasn't a huge apartment, but I was happy to have a clean, safe place of my own.

$1500 a month can definitely do what you need if you live in the right area.
i have 3 roomates living in NYC and i am telling you the roomates are key. you probably got time to wait it out on your own with roomates before you get aplace solely for you, after you've saved a little cash
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