A.I. Salty already

Damn, I really wanted to comment on this BEFORE I left the house this morning.

Didn't even know about his comments at the time.

I watched that Memphis - Kings game (great game btw) and I KNEW AI was steaming.

Son didn't even play down the stretch. And he got like 30 seconds of burn in the OT period.

I knew he was tight b/c he was saying before the season began how he had planned to LEAD the Grizz to the playoffs.

And from what I watched last night, they have no intentions of letting him LEAD this squad at all.

It's a shame that management always try to dictate when a player is done.

It happened with Favre. And now AI. Bernie Williams as well.

It's like, as soon as you hit a certain age, they feel as if you can no longer do it. Despite the fact that you are actually still "doing it".

Sucks for AI.

Ah well, I guess it's time to go read through the foolishness in this thread.....
Originally Posted by SHUGES

And from what I watched last night, they have no intentions of letting him LEAD this squad at all.

It's a shame that management always try to dictate when a player is done.
Is it at all possible that they were holdin him back a bit since it was his first game back from a leg injury? Is it even remotely possible theywere just monitoring his minutes?

Not saying that's the case, usually you would tell a player if they were gonna do that and they obviously didn't tell him anything, I'm just askingif it's possible.
Originally Posted by SHUGES

I knew he was tight b/c he was saying before the season began how he had planned to LEAD the Grizz to the playoffs.

And from what I watched last night, they have no intentions of letting him LEAD this squad at all.

It's a shame that management always try to dictate when a player is done.

It happened with Favre. And now AI. Bernie Williams as well.

It's like, as soon as you hit a certain age, they feel as if you can no longer do it. Despite the fact that you are actually still "doing it".
What did AI do to help LEAD Denver while he was there? I won't even bring up Detroit because the other dudes quit too, so maybe it's notfair...

But when was the last time Allen Iverson was 'doing it' as a leader?
I just watched all 9 of his attempts on an edit....I was bored so if anyone cares ( I used to do video breakdowns FYI). I didnt bother looking at all his touches, just attempts

1.Screen and roll on left side,6 dribbles, pull up jumper , miss
2.Screen and roll on left side, 8 dribbles, fade away jump shot, miss
3. Transition isolation left side, 5 dribbles, pull up jumper , made basket
4. Screen and roll on left side, 5 dribbles , pull up jump shot, made basket
5. Screen and roll on left side, 2 dribbles , pull up jump shot, made basket
6. 3 point jump shot right wing, make
7. Flare jump shot left side, miss
8. Screen and roll, left side, 5 dribbles, lay up, made basket
9. Screen and roll left side, 5 dribbles, pull up jump shot, miss

All you aspiring coaches, see any patterns??
Why is he dribbling so god damn much? Dude pounding the air outta the basketball...
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

What did AI do to help LEAD Denver while he was there? I won't even bring up Detroit because the other dudes quit too, so maybe it's not fair...

But when was the last time Allen Iverson was 'doing it' as a leader?
Allen Iverson was "doing it" just a year ago. Whether he was a leader or not is up for debate. But clearly, he was still a productiveplayer just LAST YEAR. A player does not average 26 ppg if he's washed up as some of you put it.

AI isn't Shaq or Peja Stojakovic. A guy who still gets the minutes but who's numbers are CLEARLY declining.

AI isn't Chris Webber or Grant Hill. A player who was putting up good numbers 1 year, then GOT HURT and averaged sub-par numbers the next year.

AI isn't even Eddie Jones. A player who is good, but has a younger guy that is WITHOUT QUESTION the future of the franchise ready to play behind him (cuzRod Stuckey MOST CERTAINLY was NOT that guy). In other words, AI didn't lose his spot to a guy who was better than him in Detroit.

AI is just a guy who wants to play ball. I don't see how none of you can see or relate to that. It's like telling Steve Nash next year "hey look,you put up 12 apg and averaged 15 ppg last year. But we want you to sit on the bench b/c we traded for this kid Rubio to play your position".

That's why, despite not liking Favre, I felt where he was coming from w/Green Bay. And in Favre's case, he had already won a title for the Pack! How doyou tell a guy who is clearly still "doing it" that he no longer is any good??

Montana... Rice... Same thing happened to them. Bernie Williams. Maddux. Glavine.

Notice I haven't named any bball players. And that's cuz it seems as if AI is the only one that is getting screwed like this.

Originally Posted by CP1708

Is it at all possible that they were holdin him back a bit since it was his first game back from a leg injury? Is it even remotely possible they were just monitoring his minutes?

Not saying that's the case, usually you would tell a player if they were gonna do that and they obviously didn't tell him anything, I'm just asking if it's possible.
Man, we all knew AI was ready to play.

Like I said in another thread, I wouldn't be surprised if the reason he didn't play the first few games was cuz he wanted to avoid the Detroit andDenver media circus.
Ok Shuges, I see what you're saying, but first lemme say one quick thing, with Favre, dude was screwin over the front office year after year never lettingthem know if or when he would come back. They went into the last 2-3 drafts havin no clue what they needed and where dependant on if he came back or not. Finally they couldn't pass up on Rodgers who had dropped like a stone, and they sat that kid waiting and waiting for Favre to make a choice, finally theyhad enough and made it for him. So Favre wasn't totally in the clear there.

That said, why exactly does a team need to keep AI so he can chuck? That's my thing. Nobody mentioning what leadership he brings, or his ability to getothers involved or defense or anything else, it's always "Allen can score 26 a night." Well, sure, he will always be able too, he's atalented scorer, but if he does nothing else for your squad, and he isn't a coach type player like even an Eric Snow who clearly isn't the player Allenis, then why does that team just HAVE to keep him around? Why do they OWE him a starting spot? Why does he HAVE to get all these touches? Lemme ask you, doyou truly feel AI NEEDS to have shots on this Memphis team? This a team that needs more scoring over a distributor, or a defender, or a leader type like whatBillups does? Come on now. We all saw what happened to both Detroit and Denver with that switch. And I'm not saying no one else was at fault in Detroit. But a player capable of doing more then just shoot is what most teams need. AI is so one dimensional it's not even funny. And it's not like he'sgoing to shoot 57 percent, his career shows that he will hover right around 42 percent or so, and with little else added to the club. That is considered"doing it"?
Two years ago in Denver was the most efficient, effective year in Allen Iverson's career... Any coincidence it was because he was taking 5+ fewer shots andplaying slightly fewer minutes per game than he ever had before in his career?
AI is just a guy who wants to play ball. I don't see how none of you can see or relate to that. It's like telling Steve Nash next year "hey look, you put up 12 apg and averaged 15 ppg last year. But we want you to sit on the bench b/c we traded for this kid Rubio to play your position".
If you can't see the CLEAR difference between those two, I don't know what to tell you...

Memphis was the only team willing to give Iverson a real chance... But he's still griping like he wants things on HIS terms... Memphis brought dude in whennobody else would and he's already complaining? I'm shocked.

Nobody is gonna take on Allen Iverson and let him shoot 20+ times a night at 41% from the field and 32% from three so he can get his 26 points a night... Ifthat's what he wants, he probably needs to retire...
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Allen Iverson was "doing it" just a year ago. Whether he was a leader or not is up for debate. But clearly, he was still a productive player just LAST YEAR. A player does not average 26 ppg if he's washed up as some of you put it.

AI isn't Shaq or Peja Stojakovic. A guy who still gets the minutes but who's numbers are CLEARLY declining.

AI isn't Chris Webber or Grant Hill. A player who was putting up good numbers 1 year, then GOT HURT and averaged sub-par numbers the next year.

AI isn't even Eddie Jones. A player who is good, but has a younger guy that is WITHOUT QUESTION the future of the franchise ready to play behind him (cuz Rod Stuckey MOST CERTAINLY was NOT that guy). In other words, AI didn't lose his spot to a guy who was better than him in Detroit.

AI is just a guy who wants to play ball. I don't see how none of you can see or relate to that. It's like telling Steve Nash next year "hey look, you put up 12 apg and averaged 15 ppg last year. But we want you to sit on the bench b/c we traded for this kid Rubio to play your position".
All of this is completely irrelevant. Nobody is doubting Iverson can still score as much as he has in previous seasons... but fans (well... afterreading your reply, most fans), media & league executives know that a team cannot be successful or grow whilehe's doing so.

But that's all Iverson wants... is to score as much as he can and do it his own way, and his career is definitely going to end ugly because nobody in theirright mind is going to let him do this.
Allen Iverson was "doing it" just a year ago. Whether he was a leader or not is up for debate. But clearly, he was still a productive player just LAST YEAR. A player does not average 26 ppg if he's washed up as some of you put it.

Dont nobody want AI on they team no more. This dude is Washed Up & a distraction.

You see how much he dribbles?

Why is he dribbling so god damn much? Dude pounding the air outta the basketball...

Originally Posted by FinesseSosa

Allen Iverson was "doing it" just a year ago. Whether he was a leader or not is up for debate. But clearly, he was still a productive player just LAST YEAR. A player does not average 26 ppg if he's washed up as some of you put it.
Dont nobody want AI on they team no more. This dude is Washed Up & a distraction.

You see how much he dribbles?

Why is he dribbling so god damn much? Dude pounding the air outta the basketball...


He is not washed up, but if he keeps his mouth shut he should get more burn. He should really accept his role or be on the outside looking in like Marbury.
AI my second favorite NBA player after Penny but as soon as he came in the game last night he killed their offense.

They had nice ball movement when OJ had the ball for the majority of the time, then Chuck started chucking. Taking those extra dribbles instead of making thepass.

Hes got to adjust his game and his attitude. He ain't getting no younger.
Always sucks to see AI get hated on for his big mouth... He plays with a lot of heart and he might be selfish for the most part, but I think that's justhis mentality of thinking he's the best. The Grizzlies are 1-3 now. Same record as the Kings. Like he said, if they won, I doubt he would complain... asmuch. Haha. Don't fall for the hype. Shane Battier > Rudy Gay! Yeah, I am still mad at the Grizzlies over that Pau Gasol trade...
CP, I totally agree about Favre and his waffling.

But do you at least agree that the reason he MAY have been waffling is b/c the FO was already nudging him about what his "future" plans were going tobe?

I'm willing to bet (and I don't know this for sure), but I'm willing to bet that if no one asked Favre how much longer he planned to play (whetherit was the FO or someone in the media who asked the question), he probably would NOT have done so much waffling. He would have just kept slinging the rock likehe loves to do.

Originally Posted by CP1708

That said, why exactly does a team need to keep AI so he can chuck?
You guys don't think Carmelo Anthony benefitted in the long run from having AI around to take the scoring load off of him? At the time, manyof us (myself included) said that AI in Den was stunting Carmelo's growth. Guess we were all wrong about that cuz Carmelo has turned out quite fine no?

AI wouldn't be able to take the same type of pressure off of Rudy and OJ in Memphis?

Some guys in this L are BUILT for pressure-filled shots. Some grow into it. Some never do. At the very least, AI taking his same 18-20 shots per game or beingthere as a last second decoy would allow OJ, Rudy, and Conley to become better decision-makers as far as when to pass and when to shoot. Just my .02.

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Two years ago in Denver was the most efficient, effective year in Allen Iverson's career... Any coincidence it was because he was taking 5+ fewer shots and playing slightly fewer minutes per game than he ever had before in his career?
Any coincidence it was because he finally had a bonafide superstar playing alongside him?

Like, how do you guys blatantly ignore the effect Melo had on him and vice-versa, the effect AI had on Melo?

I find it comical that you guys are criticizing AI for still wanting to start after he went 2 straight seasons of 25 ppg on 45% shooting (which is great intoday's NBA for a man of his size) AND 7+ assists.

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

AI is just a guy who wants to play ball. I don't see how none of you can see or relate to that. It's like telling Steve Nash next year "hey look, you put up 12 apg and averaged 15 ppg last year. But we want you to sit on the bench b/c we traded for this kid Rubio to play your position".
If you can't see the CLEAR difference between those two, I don't know what to tell you...
Ok, since you wanted to ignore the point I was trying to make with the NUMBERS, please name me another NBA superstar who was forced out of hisposition after he put up a productive season the year before.

I'll wait.....

Originally Posted by CP1708

And it's not like he's going to shoot 57 percent, his career shows that he will hover right around 42 percent or so, and with little else added to the club. That is considered "doing it"?

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Nobody is gonna take on Allen Iverson and let him shoot 20+ 19 times a night at 41% 45.8 or 46% from the field and 32% 34.6% from three so he can get his 26 points a night... If that's what he wants, he probably needs to retire...

If the two of you can't admit that those numbers are "doing it", then I don't know what else to say.
Whoa whoa whoa, I was talkin CAREER numbers of 42 percent, and 31 from 3. Come on now, you can't pick and choose which seasons #'s to use.

Like I said, Denver made the West finals, I think their trade worked out well.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Whoa whoa whoa, I was talkin CAREER numbers of 42 percent, and 31 from 3. Come on now, you can't pick and choose which seasons #'s to use.

Naw, I know you were using career numbers. That's why I used Nowitness' quote for the corrections.

And what's wrong with picking and choosing seasons if I'm picking and choosing his most recent season BEFORE teams (Detroit) decided he was finished?
Not an Iverosn star, but he shouldn't be coming off the bench on ANY team. Especially if your team sucks.
It's sad that it's come to this for the Answer, or "The Player Formerly Known As The Answer."

At least one good thing came of this... I noticed another great nickname for ZBo: Snack Randolph.

Not an Iverosn star, but he shouldn't be coming off the bench on ANY team. Especially if your team sucks.
At first I agreed with this statement, but when you look at the fact that even the "rebuilding" teams in the L still have people thatcan do what AI can only do now and other things at a more efficient rate with far less headaches (think of Martin in Sacramento and Jennings in Milwaukee), andI would re-think that...
In the past, Iverson would have been almost certain to take the final shot. Instead, Zach Randolph threw away a bad pass to send the game into OT while Iverson stood alone in the corner, unguarded.

The A.I. hate is disgusting on here

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

A.I. = TO of the NBA

Dude should be grateful he even on a team.
thats an insult to T.O. cuz he actually works hard at his craft. Iverson just shows up for game time and expects everyone to bow down to hiswill.
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