A man's persepective of what a woman's perspective is of a man

Napoleon wrote:

this is reeally really reallly reallly stupid and a vast generalization. I'm not saying a lot of guys don't have female friends in hopes of getting in her pants one day, but the opposite holds true for women. I am friends with many females I have absolutely no desire to shmang. Some opposite sex friendships start out mutually and completely platonic and blossom into a romance later based on compatibility.

about the OP, from the outside looking in.....relationships just look like the most stressful and confusing 3%## ever. Unfortunately, I'm not about that life. I hate making a big deal out of absurdities and bull$#@# because of my perspective on life. And women feed off emotional responses. I rarely get angry, this is not necessarily a good thing when it comes to relationships. If a woman tried to argue/fightwith me about nonsense I usually just take the passive aggressive route to diffuse the situation.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Napoleon wrote:

this is reeally really reallly reallly stupid and a vast generalization. I'm not saying a lot of guys don't have female friends in hopes of�getting in her pants one day, but the opposite holds true for women. I am friends with many females I have absolutely no desire to shmang. Some opposite sex friendships start out mutually and completely platonic and blossom into a romance later based on compatibility.

about the OP, from the outside looking in.....relationships just look like the most stressful and confusing 3%## ever. Unfortunately, I'm not about that life. I hate making a big deal out of absurdities and bull$#@# because of my perspective on life. And women feed off emotional responses. I rarely get angry, this is not necessarily a good thing when it comes to relationships. If a woman tried to argue/fight�with me about nonsense I usually just take the passive aggressive route to diffuse the situation.
.  The one who shows the least emotion, has the most control.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Napoleon wrote:

this is reeally really reallly reallly stupid and a vast generalization. I'm not saying a lot of guys don't have female friends in hopes of�getting in her pants one day, but the opposite holds true for women. I am friends with many females I have absolutely no desire to shmang. Some opposite sex friendships start out mutually and completely platonic and blossom into a romance later based on compatibility.

about the OP, from the outside looking in.....relationships just look like the most stressful and confusing 3%## ever. Unfortunately, I'm not about that life. I hate making a big deal out of absurdities and bull$#@# because of my perspective on life. And women feed off emotional responses. I rarely get angry, this is not necessarily a good thing when it comes to relationships. If a woman tried to argue/fight�with me about nonsense I usually just take the passive aggressive route to diffuse the situation.
.  The one who shows the least emotion, has the most control.
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

Originally Posted by Slim

girls don't know what they want, man. but in their defense, most people, young and old, don't either.
Younger women are super immature mentally they don't know what they want
It's because when they're young and attractive they have more options and are therefore more entitled to act that certain way, but as they get older they realize their losing their attractiveness/appeal and need to find a man asap
Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

Originally Posted by Slim

girls don't know what they want, man. but in their defense, most people, young and old, don't either.
Younger women are super immature mentally they don't know what they want
It's because when they're young and attractive they have more options and are therefore more entitled to act that certain way, but as they get older they realize their losing their attractiveness/appeal and need to find a man asap
Originally Posted by CJ616

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Napoleon wrote:

this is reeally really reallly reallly stupid and a vast generalization. I'm not saying a lot of guys don't have female friends in hopes of�getting in her pants one day, but the opposite holds true for women. I am friends with many females I have absolutely no desire to shmang. Some opposite sex friendships start out mutually and completely platonic and blossom into a romance later based on compatibility.

about the OP, from the outside looking in.....relationships just look like the most stressful and confusing 3%## ever. Unfortunately, I'm not about that life. I hate making a big deal out of absurdities and bull$#@# because of my perspective on life. And women feed off emotional responses. I rarely get angry, this is not necessarily a good thing when it comes to relationships. If a woman tried to argue/fight�with me about nonsense I usually just take the passive aggressive route to diffuse the situation.
.� The one who shows the least emotion, has the most control.

cosign on both of these. im rarely angry or upset (or at least show it),�dissect�that as much as you want, but when it comes to women in an�argument�after all rationality goes out the window and it resorts to trying to get a rise out of me. i just hit em with the
, then�keep it moving. in the end their always the ones�
�and im always
Originally Posted by CJ616

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Napoleon wrote:

this is reeally really reallly reallly stupid and a vast generalization. I'm not saying a lot of guys don't have female friends in hopes of�getting in her pants one day, but the opposite holds true for women. I am friends with many females I have absolutely no desire to shmang. Some opposite sex friendships start out mutually and completely platonic and blossom into a romance later based on compatibility.

about the OP, from the outside looking in.....relationships just look like the most stressful and confusing 3%## ever. Unfortunately, I'm not about that life. I hate making a big deal out of absurdities and bull$#@# because of my perspective on life. And women feed off emotional responses. I rarely get angry, this is not necessarily a good thing when it comes to relationships. If a woman tried to argue/fight�with me about nonsense I usually just take the passive aggressive route to diffuse the situation.
.� The one who shows the least emotion, has the most control.

cosign on both of these. im rarely angry or upset (or at least show it),�dissect�that as much as you want, but when it comes to women in an�argument�after all rationality goes out the window and it resorts to trying to get a rise out of me. i just hit em with the
, then�keep it moving. in the end their always the ones�
�and im always
Originally Posted by CJ616

.� The one who shows the least emotion, has the most control.


but my girl thinks that i'm being a jerk when i do this... i'm just tryin to keep stuff from escalating...

a woman can let her emotions run rapid because A. its socially acceptable and B. they cant do much damage to another person physically...

a man CANNOT let his emotions run him cuz A. its not socially acceptable (he'll be perceived as weak) and B. a man can do alot more damage cuz they're just naturally stronger...

plus... a man can stay on a rage much longer than a woman... so its just best not to go there... 
Originally Posted by CJ616

.� The one who shows the least emotion, has the most control.


but my girl thinks that i'm being a jerk when i do this... i'm just tryin to keep stuff from escalating...

a woman can let her emotions run rapid because A. its socially acceptable and B. they cant do much damage to another person physically...

a man CANNOT let his emotions run him cuz A. its not socially acceptable (he'll be perceived as weak) and B. a man can do alot more damage cuz they're just naturally stronger...

plus... a man can stay on a rage much longer than a woman... so its just best not to go there... 
The trick is to be a man ...a lot dudes forget their instinct when they've been domesticated a while.

Be the guy you were when you met her THAT'S IT...when you starting buying into her !++%$%!% you lost.


When you lose site of this or the arrogant swag that got her...YOU LOST and make threads like this
The trick is to be a man ...a lot dudes forget their instinct when they've been domesticated a while.

Be the guy you were when you met her THAT'S IT...when you starting buying into her !++%$%!% you lost.


When you lose site of this or the arrogant swag that got her...YOU LOST and make threads like this
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

LOL! I can't even be mad at this thread. MOST women are emotional and indecisive creatures. One minute we think we know what we want but then 5 minutes later, we change our minds. But the trick is, dudes need to be a little bit of everything to keep us interested.

We say we want a "good guy" but we also love when that good guy is kind of a bad boy. We say that we want a guy who knows what he wants but we also like to help you make important decisions. We want a strong guy but we also want you to know when you can let your guard down and tell us how you really feel. We want to be mysterious but we also want you to know what we're about.

I think we become more knowledgeable as we grow up and finally figure out how to act "normal". Whatever normal is
Originally Posted by KatieJade4

LOL! I can't even be mad at this thread. MOST women are emotional and indecisive creatures. One minute we think we know what we want but then 5 minutes later, we change our minds. But the trick is, dudes need to be a little bit of everything to keep us interested.

We say we want a "good guy" but we also love when that good guy is kind of a bad boy. We say that we want a guy who knows what he wants but we also like to help you make important decisions. We want a strong guy but we also want you to know when you can let your guard down and tell us how you really feel. We want to be mysterious but we also want you to know what we're about.

I think we become more knowledgeable as we grow up and finally figure out how to act "normal". Whatever normal is
Originally Posted by MASERATI HARM

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by MASERATI HARM

Ive sat here trying to figure out what to say about this topic ...

All I can come up with is you women ....

I'm Tired ..

Thats it .. thats all

I'm tired of trying to figure you chicks out ..

on the real ... Thats where the problems at ..

Always trying to get the one up or Advantage ..

$%+% it ..

All that ++!! does is give me a headache ...

$%+% playing the "game" .. I'm too old for that highschool ++!!

Just keep 100 ..

Indeed... It's getting to be ridiculous. The games were fun at first but now every girl I meet is just another headache waiting to happen.

You would think older or boring women would be better but not in my experience.
Nah older women are still women ...

Them broads play games too ..

Most older chicks are really good at playing it ...

Originally Posted by MASERATI HARM

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Originally Posted by MASERATI HARM

Ive sat here trying to figure out what to say about this topic ...

All I can come up with is you women ....

I'm Tired ..

Thats it .. thats all

I'm tired of trying to figure you chicks out ..

on the real ... Thats where the problems at ..

Always trying to get the one up or Advantage ..

$%+% it ..

All that ++!! does is give me a headache ...

$%+% playing the "game" .. I'm too old for that highschool ++!!

Just keep 100 ..

Indeed... It's getting to be ridiculous. The games were fun at first but now every girl I meet is just another headache waiting to happen.

You would think older or boring women would be better but not in my experience.
Nah older women are still women ...

Them broads play games too ..

Most older chicks are really good at playing it ...

i didnt read this whole post. but most women want a man to make decisions for her. she just wants to feel like her input is important. especially if the man knows what he is doing. from my experiences assertiveness is always welcome from a man. i look at how my dad interacts with women and there is such a difference from the men ive been dating. not to say that theyre punks but...you know. dating is so hard nowadays because so many people have a selfish and shallow mentality. i feel like all the decent guys are taken. all i get is old men and dudes just looking to wet their beak these days. 
i didnt read this whole post. but most women want a man to make decisions for her. she just wants to feel like her input is important. especially if the man knows what he is doing. from my experiences assertiveness is always welcome from a man. i look at how my dad interacts with women and there is such a difference from the men ive been dating. not to say that theyre punks but...you know. dating is so hard nowadays because so many people have a selfish and shallow mentality. i feel like all the decent guys are taken. all i get is old men and dudes just looking to wet their beak these days. 
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