A man's persepective of what a woman's perspective is of a man

Originally Posted by papageorgeo

They be acting like they don't want you to work, but if you don't work they act like you don't do enough work.


However, arguing and getting mad over it isn't going to help at all. 

You just have to accept thats how females are and thats how they are always going to be and adapt to it. Adapting to the way women are and most likely are going to act will save you a ton of grief (not all) and help you make better decisions among the context thus increasing your game. 

Not accepting this will also lead you on to a life where you just sit through life waiting for that "one special girl" who will sweep you off your feet because she is different from the rest. While you might eventually meet a girl like this its not going to be from sitting and waiting, its going to be from a tolerance you have acquired in dealing with the way women act. 

Know the way that women are so when they act accordingly you don't loose your cool and flip but rather have planned verbal tactics in order to deal with whatever female trait we don't quite understand when she throws it at you. 

However, arguing and getting mad over it isn't going to help at all. 

You just have to accept thats how females are and thats how they are always going to be and adapt to it. Adapting to the way women are and most likely are going to act will save you a ton of grief (not all) and help you make better decisions among the context thus increasing your game. 

Not accepting this will also lead you on to a life where you just sit through life waiting for that "one special girl" who will sweep you off your feet because she is different from the rest. While you might eventually meet a girl like this its not going to be from sitting and waiting, its going to be from a tolerance you have acquired in dealing with the way women act. 

Know the way that women are so when they act accordingly you don't loose your cool and flip but rather have planned verbal tactics in order to deal with whatever female trait we don't quite understand when she throws it at you. 
2 things.  May sound cliche, but true.

1) The nice guys finish last, they will get their heart stomped on at some point.
2) Never let a female dog have your trust.
2 things.  May sound cliche, but true.

1) The nice guys finish last, they will get their heart stomped on at some point.
2) Never let a female dog have your trust.
She doesn't want you to cancel your plans for her, but she knows you have plans and asks you to do something for her.
She doesn't want you to cancel your plans for her, but she knows you have plans and asks you to do something for her.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

She doesn't want you to cancel your plans for her, but she knows you have plans and asks you to do something for her.

i give
 for these chicks...

most unattractive thing ever...
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

She doesn't want you to cancel your plans for her, but she knows you have plans and asks you to do something for her.

i give
 for these chicks...

most unattractive thing ever...
My take on this, find someone that suits you. It may take a while, but when you find someone where you can deal with all that and still be there, don't let her go.
My take on this, find someone that suits you. It may take a while, but when you find someone where you can deal with all that and still be there, don't let her go.
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