A Short Look Into The NYPD's Stop & Frisk Policy

I watched that entire video and feel disgusted...

...LAPD did that same ish to me out here about two years back.

It'll never happen, but I honestly wish this upon Obama's oldest daughter in a couple of years...

...let 'em feel the outrage we've been burning with for ******' decades.

Love my country with all my heart, but America can be such a bad joke sometimes...
man this is the truth and its only to males to...as a female i look officers in the eye and they dont say anything to me at alll even the female officers.....but yet they do it to males all the time smh good thing that stop&frisk app came out. once the phones are up the cops walk away
man this is the truth and its only to males to...as a female i look officers in the eye and they dont say anything to me at alll even the female officers.....but yet they do it to males all the time smh good thing that stop&frisk app came out. once the phones are up the cops walk away

man this is the truth and its only to males to...as a female i look officers in the eye and they dont say anything to me at alll even the female officers.....but yet they do it to males all the time smh good thing that stop&frisk app came out. once the phones are up the cops walk away

I will have to check this app out
NYPD are a bunch of degenerates.

This is disturbing. Funny cause I actually applied for the NYPD and passed every exam needed, but this right here might have decided my own fate.
- You have the right to remain silent. If you wish to exercise that right, say so out loud.
- You have the right to refuse to consent to a search of yourself, your car or your home.
- If you are not under arrest, you have the right to calmly leave.
- You have the right to a lawyer if you are arrested. Ask for one immediately.
- Regardless of your immigration or citizenship status, you have constitutional rights.

- Do stay calm and be polite.
- Do not interfere with or obstruct the police.
- Do not lie or give false documents.
- Do prepare yourself and your family in case you are arrested.
- Do remember the details of the encounter.
- Do file a written complaint or call your local ACLU if you feel your rights have been violated.
this is painful to watch, specially if youve experienced this type of **** first hand or one of your friends has, whats worst is that in a way i do understand the officers, at the end of the day is a job, is paying your bills, is your carreer and you want to do good....but this comes at the expense of some kids criminal record and civilians wallet and in return you get this animosity between the civilian population and these officers, meanwhile Kelly and the Mayor sit on their *** and continue to look as if they are doing an awesome job...why would more kids want to go into this type of career????....this **** is disgusting, go into the fire dept, become an EMT....dont go into the NYPD knowing what that job is about, is either make everyones life hell or we'll make YOUR life hell....

Honestly there has to be a way for officers to stand up against the crimes being comitted agaisnt them, i feel that even if you go to become a police officer for the right thing, to protect and help, they will break you and turn you into the ******** the majority of them are....from my own personal experience I can say being pulled over by a rookie is the worst ****** thing that can happen to you, having some dude at least 5 years younger than you talk to you as if they were your dad and show 0 respect can really set ANYONE off, it makes sense....to them you are a quota and practice, you lose it and they pump you with bullets, the comissioner says some sorry speech, some sorry *** excuse about how i moved my hand to fast and they had to make a move for public safety, maybe some people will protest but in a month my death will be old news and we back to square one.:x :x :x :x
I feel bad for these dudes. Same stuff happens to me and my friends  in Long Island cops just try to set you up just so they can get you. 
NY dudes is soft. They don't mess with this n bmore or Detroit or Chicago....

Officer down!
Ran up on me and my boy when we were like 12 after a basketball game patted down our ball shorts talking about how they know _er mothers give their babies little .38s in the cradle....peeled off laughing.

Illegally arrested and detained me in a Brooklyn precinct cell overnight at 16 just for standing in front on McDonalds. Told me not to worry about the white kids sitting in front of the store, the owners didn't want me there. Threw me in the paddy wagon and looked up something to charge me for...ended up with a summons for Blocking Pedestrian Traffic.

NYPD does as much if not more to criminalize innocent inner city youth as the local drug dealers and gang bangers. They make black and brown youth feel like they are supposed to be on the wrong side of the law.

Slavery never ended, just took a different form.
I know this all too well, my younger brother has been stopped plenty of times because he looks older than his age...smh
not even concealing it...smh

this and the similar laws in arizona are disgusting...

racial profiling is being encouraged, nd it isnt right...
independent monitoring with the authority to apply penalties would help keep em in check. but they need a whole change in the us vs them mentality/culture for things to even begin to slow down.
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