A warning: Don't try ecstasy... vol. bad choice by my girl

If she had a bad trip the chances of her being banged are probably lower
If she had a good trip she was probably all touchy and you know what happens
Either way should find out what went down
Originally Posted by ai3mac1

she probably did get it...

In the Buuuutt!!
Originally Posted by Hustle1man

ill never do X because my first 2 experiences with people on it around me was too weird. First time i was 17 and my boys at 3pm were like come over and play bball, i go over there and 4 of em are in the back just wearing shorts and wife beaters trying to hug me and mess. I was like
. 2nd time a dif group of friends were rollin and all just on one bed together lounging on each other chewing on toothbrushes. just too weird for me.


the mental picture I got from this story is unexplainable
One of my dudes tried it, and swore his Jordan XIX's were talking to him.

Me personally, I'll pass. I never liked pills to begin with.
I know somebody who died from popping a e pill. Everybody said he died because he popped it and went to sleep
i heard that some chick in a high school around my area popped 6 triple stacks and just exploded, like KABOOM
it wasn't the x that made her jaw hurt.......hahah

and writing a paper on pills? hahah....never took x, probably never will, but people tell me they can't concentrate for more than a minute on one thing....

weed..you can write A papers after smoking....
Hell no, I don't screw with anything outside of booze and the green stuff. I'll probably try vicadin and shrooms once at some point but that's it.Drinking and chuffing are both such legitimately good things by themselves and even better when combined, I personally don't see the need to get insanelyhigh given the risks.
bro i am one of the biggest potheads you'll ever meet, i love everything that has to do with bud. but poppin' X is a experience that i think everyoneshould go through. i've done it twice so far my whole life and those were literally some of the best times of my life. long as you do it in a controlledenvironment and make sure you TRUST the people you get it from because if it's cut with some nasty #%+# you might have a bad trip. just be ready to wannachew on something and be the horniest you've ever been in your life if you're around girls.
Originally Posted by C o IVI p L e X

but poppin' X is a experience that i think everyone should go through.
Yeah, I hella want my son to experience X when he gets older. This guy!
So your basically telling me I haven't experienced life because I'venever done E???
It's the s-word.

I don't do it often at all, haven't done it in prbly 2 months, done it at least like 8 times and the least I've ever done is 3.

I don't feel any different.

But I feel like I've had a lot of good times, and that's what counts.

Drugs are just fun.
Everybody said he died because he popped it and went to sleep
I doubt that because its extremely difficult to sleep on ecstasy cus now adays all pills are cut with something unless youpop some Mollys. You sure he just popped then went to sleep? Sometimes no matter how hard I try I cant fall asleep so ill end up buying a bottle and drinkingtill I pass out.

One of my dudes tried it, and swore his Jordan XIX's were talking to him.

Dudes lying. You dont hallucinate or trip like that on E. Only time I started zoning out and lightweight trippingwas when I took 17 in one day and even then I was cool cus I can handle the majority of the drugs I take.
of my dudes tried it, and swore his Jordan XIX's were talking to him.
Dudes lying. You dont hallucinate or trip like that on E. Only time I started zoning out and lightweight tripping was when I took 17 in one day and even then I was cool cus I can handle the majority of the drugs I take.

, you lying nephew. It ain't no way you popped 17 pillsin a day and you around to tell about it. You would most definitely be chilling with
right now
Originally Posted by YungMooly

of my dudes tried it, and swore his Jordan XIX's were talking to him.
Dudes lying. You dont hallucinate or trip like that on E. Only time I started zoning out and lightweight tripping was when I took 17 in one day and even then I was cool cus I can handle the majority of the drugs I take.

, you lying nephew. It ain't no way you popped 17 pills in a day and you around to tell about it. You would most definitely be chilling with
right now

Technically you could do it, but they would have to be weak ++! pills(like a half stack) and you would have to take 17 pills THROUGHOUT the day. You'dprobably roll for like a week!
You dont know me. I popa few times a week and a minimum in one night is about 3 pills but every once in awhile I binge. I popped 13 Purple Internet Explorers and 4 Red Dolphins abouta month back at a tattoo expo. I popped 17 throughout the day but not all at once. I did take 8 at once during that day and popped the rest every so often.Pills were not weak either. The Internet Explorers were double stack but the dolphins were single. I have a very high tolerance but im going to quit for aminute and let my serotonin build back up cus it takes to many pills for me to reach euphoria now.
anxiety = ecstasy.
depression = ectasy.
brain erosion = ecstasy.
serotonin shock = ecstasy.

i learned the hard way. hate on it, i dont care, im so healthy and happy after what happened to me.
i hope more posts like this teach some of the younger kids on here not to mess with hard drugs.
those that are freely talking about how much they pop .. eh, its not a good look.

i'll stick to things that dont harm my body or send me to a hospital and rehab.
one of my cousins took a a bad batch and i his 2 of his blood vessels to his brain pop and now he's brain damaged.. and smoking crack
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