A warning: Don't try ecstasy... vol. bad choice by my girl

anyone know the science to this drug. why it makes everything so great.
They say one out of every ten pill is bad.

And you never know what it could be laced with cause its never pure but thats the point sometimes.
E is a serious drug, I know a couple of people that took it and was gone. I'm not talking dead, but they were never the same and this one chick is in amental hospital. It's like she has no soul. She was a mother of one. People joke about people becoming dopefiends, but once a person is gone and has nosoul, what else is there: but more drugs to do. I learn my lesson about drugs, it's all fun and games until you reach the deep end, and you can never getback. I've done plenty of drugs , but i won't get into it. Just be careful and don't let that "what if it feels good" feeling make youtry something new that you're not ready for. The hardcore drugs out there will destroy your potential. Trust me, I've seen people fall off and neverget back up again.
If the pill is MDMA ( ecstacy ) then there arnt to many bad effects short or long term. you come into problems and "bad trips" when the pill hassomthing else in it. when I used to do them around 99 - 00 a "bad pill" was hard to find. Most pills were MDMA, MDA, MDE, or somthing in the samefamily with similar effects. Now pills have got so many differnt things in them from PCP, ketamine, a number of research chemicals and most common meth. Itsturned from a good time thing to people only out to make money, as most things end up in this world.I can't say Ive ever had a bad time when on E but imsure there are many horror stories. Its all about the settings your in and the people your around. those factors can make it go either way. As for the rottingholes in your brain NO. there have been many many studies nd none can say for sure this is the cause. If you really have an interest in knowing about thiskinda stuff try Bluelight.ru or erowid.org. thy have real information and truth on the subjects. I don't advocate it or tell anyone not to do it just havethe facts before you do anything. sorry for the rant I just hate how people run with rumors.
My cousin was an awesome dude. He always hung out with us even though we were a little younger. He won a state championship in tennis, won the mens city golftournament when he was 16. He was vibrant, intelligent and outgoing. He had a girlfriend in high school who got him to start doing all different kinds of drugsand the dude was never the same again. Even to this day (15 years later) i am still shocked when i see him because he is really withdrawn, anti-social andawkward. Dont do drugs, it aint worth the possibility of chemically screwing yourself up.
im really 50/50 on trying it....i heard good and bad stories about it....plus ever since that bg song hennesy and xtc i been curious
ROAR, all those pictures of the brain with the holes, is not actual holes in yourbrain. The PET scans they use look for SERT Proteins, the less serotonin you have, the less SERT Proteins you have. Those"Holes" are just missing serotonin which can come back. Some of the scans look for levels of low blood flow, either way theseare not literal holes. People see that and think there are actual chunks of their brain missing, not true. Drugsare stupid, but if you choose to do them there a smarter way.

*Tester kits run for like 20$ and it will tell you if you have mdma or other stuff init. You don't even have to waste a pill to test it, just a little powder from it. I got one bad pill, fromthen on I never use without testing and never have problems.

*Golden rule, the more time you wait between rolls, the better. It takes 3-4 weeks to get normal serotonin levels back, its when you reuse ecstasy before you get your normal level back that you get problems….it takes more,does more damage, and doesn't feel as good….have some self control.

*Take antioxidants like vitamin C and vitamin E

Moderation. Use it.
watched a 20/20 documentary about how a gurl died the first time she tried it when i was 12... still staying as far away from that stuff as possible...
Vitamin C + Water + Breezy Breaks (Bring those church fans or those memoirs of a gisha fans to raves) + test your pills + moderation = Nothing but Great Times

Nocturnal Wonderland Sept 13 whose going?
People always judge me for the herb. The same people who drink themselves to a fatty liver, give themselves lung cancer and holes in their brain.

Like really, why can't ganja just be legal?

The only time I ever heard of someone freaking out on herb was fat joe's story of how he got naked and ran out of a house
Originally Posted by Twig1026

...white girl in high school said she tried it and ended up running from her shadow...enough to deter me from ever experimenting
yea do white girls have different body chemistries than other people cuz i knew this one girl from high school who popped a pill and thought her facedisappeared and she said she couldn't find it for hours
like someone said before, there are some real squares here on NT. some of you guys are very very misinformed. for one, ive honestly never heard anyone refer tobeing on X as a "trip". if you wanna trip, around my way anyway, you dose or eat some mushrooms. when you eat a pill, we call that rollin, cuz thereis really not much of a trip involved. i think your girl probly meant how hard her heart was beating, how much she was sweating, and she probably ground the%#$ out of her jaw too. it sounds to me like she took a pretty bunk roll if she didnt have any fun. first time i ate one, i admit i was sketched, but once itkicked in, i couldnt even force myself to get worried about it. i have a couple of friends who have taken MASSIVE amounts of E in one night week month ofwhatever, and yeah they are a little less sharp than they used to be, but i straight up dont believe these stories about cousins who rolled once and are stilluffed fifteen years later, moms who took half a pill and lost her soul to beelzebub, ect.

btw, candy flipping=
Yeh I just stick to the booze.

Except for one time.

I was so shook about getting on an airplane for my first time,the night before I was pounding rum with a few friends....and a buddy said pop this zanex and itwill put you out and you'll be good for the ride.


I popped two while i was piss drunk.Failure ensued.

I was wilin out so bad i was tryna fight my brother and sister.Saying i was gonna get them killed.I was telling them i was "gonna get them donein"
yeh those were my exact words.

Never again will i try that crap.
I was rollin the other night and had sex for 8 hours gotdamn!

I <3 x

cept I couldn't go to sleep till last nite.

buuut there is a downside as my man gucci mane put it so eloquently

"rollin off this extacy/ thinkin its beyonce/ really its a manatee...."
- gucci
Just cause it doesn't make you feel like gagging when you swallow it like alcohol can, just cause it wont make you cough like herb can doesn't mean itsokay to take as many as you can fit in your mouth. So many of you are the reason this drug has such a bad rep, you go crazy on it and wonder why bad thingshappen. Stick to a normal dose, no more than once a month......is it really that hard?

*Almost all the ecstasy related deaths were caused by the ecstasy being cut with something much more dangerous, can't stress the importance of testing yourpills enough.*
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