A well paying crappy job vs a crappy paying fun job?

Crappy well paying job by a landslide....Im not looking to have fun. I want the money, and a lot of it.
Crappy paying fun job

I like to keep my sanity first.
crappy paying fun job is better....
im 16 and supervise at Papa Murphys i get $7.00 hr but its a really easy job...
i dont bust my balls at all and its fun.....customers are nice employees are hella cool
before i got asked to become a supervisor i was on verge of quitting to go work for a gas station that was gonna pay me $7.75 but its too much work so i didntend up going
and im glad i didnt
I make 7.60 as a graphic designer for my school and i LOVE it. I''m in college, so any money i make is a bonus, plus it adds to my experience and makegreat connections for down the road.
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