A well paying crappy job vs a crappy paying fun job?

Nov 22, 2007
Where do you all stand on this? Now by crappy paying, I mean just enough for bills and a little bit of spending money, not like $500+ more a month forluxuries. I'm looking for the fun job with well pay, but am in the well paying crappy job. I was wondering what you would pick, and maybe what you are innow.
oh man I'm in the same boat as you. My job, for the most part, makes me miserable. It takes up too much time in my life, the people at my job make memiserable, but I am making decent money. I think I want a less paying but less stressful job. I've changed a lot from when I graduated high school, so Ithink my whole situation needs to reflect that. I'd say go for the crappy paying job that you're actually ok and not miserable at, money isn'teverything.
1st one...then the other.

Money isn't everything....but it is freedom. Gain your financial freedom first, then you can get that crappy paying fun job.
depends if you need the money. if you're in high school living with your parents & want to get a job just to pay for gas or your cell phone bill getthe crappy paying fun job, but if you're in college, for example, & need money to help you pay for school id get the highest paying job you can find.
I used to be asst. manager of a concrete recycling company and got paid very, very well. Unfortunately... it sucked. It wasn't a tough job, but i worked60+ houors a week, the conditions (hazardous materials, dust) were gross and the head boss was a micro-managing jerk. I decided that even though i was gettingpaid AMAZINGLY, it just wasn't worth it...

Now i'm a manager of a kids fitness studio. I get paid alright, not nearly as well as i used to get paid. I make all the rules, play arcade games with kidsall day... It's really fun here and i'm in charge of all of it... but i wish i got paid more.

Honestly... i really can't choose which one i'd rather be at. I really wish i never left my old job, because i wish i was still getting paid so well...but i'm sure if i ever did go back i'd be in hell again. And where i am now, i love it... but i've already been thinking it's time to get abetter job that pays more... i'd hate to leave this place...
Hard choice, it all depends on your situation. Im for happiness but financial freedom later on is good also. Id have to factor in if I had kids and all otherthings. Even then who wantsa Father who work 60+ week. Money not everything but its so important so is bein stress free an happy also. Working kills people.
I wish I could just get a job during weekday hours
, M-F 8/9-5/6
Originally Posted by nnarum

I wish I could just get a job during weekday hours
, M-F 8/9-5/6
Who you tellin? Im at work right now as I type from my good ol blackberry that makes life lil better.
Definitely an easier job and average pay..

Stress is a killer, enjoy life.
crappy paying fun job cause you actually wouldn't mind working overtime which turns into more money
Make as much money as you can... work is work your gone for 8 hrs a day anyways why not get the most you can.
I have a crappy paying fun job right now and I'm doing better in saving my money than at my last job which was a kind of well paying job that was reallycrappy. IMO I'd rather pick the crappy paying fun job to eliminate stress if you are in school.
Depends on the situation. If you have a family, make all the money you can. If you're flying solo, do what the hell you want to do.
depends on how much more money the other job pays as well as my financial situation/needs.

personally, if the factors were taken out...id take the fun job no problem...my current job pays well, but its sooo monotonous and routine, id shoot myself inthe head if this were my real job..
It all ends up being the same anyway. If you pick the high paying, crappy job, your work might suck but you have the money to buy/do a lot of fun things whenyou're not working. If you take the crappy paying, fun job, you might have a good time at work but you won't have the money to the things you wantoutside of work.

I would take the high paying crappy job. You'll have a lot more freedom to do whatever you want later. That's what I'm planning to do - find a jobjust as a means to save some money up and then later find a job that I will enjoy doing. Work hard now, have fun later.
I'd choose the job that pays well and ISN'T crappy to you. But the thing is you either have to work a crappy job that pays crap before you get promoted(in my case) or be a lucky mofo and find one.
I'd take the high paying crappy job and just have a really fun life with that money outside of work. The way I see it is sure if you have a great job thatyou love, that job might take over your life. But work isn't everything to me and never will be. I'd like to enjoy life outside of work and having alot of money would permit me to do that. Worrying about bills, unforeseen expenses like accidents or lots of weddings/b-days in a row or whatever, budgetingall the time, not being able to eat at nice restaurants, buy nice things, having kids and not being able to afford to pay for their education and nice thingsfor them, etc. isn't something I'd accept just so I could have a job that I love. Work is far from the majority of adult life, and to enjoy the partthat is the majority, I think money is important. Of course there's a trade off, but I need $ to be happy outside of work...being happy in work means justbeing happy a minority of my life. It just makes sense to me. Ideally I want a job I love that pays a lot of money though so I could be happy almost all thetime
Yeah, I'm enjoying life right now, had a well-paying job that was repetitive with long hours, however I feel like I'm enjoying life more now becauseI'm in a fun job getting paid less but still enjoying my freedom until the semester start. I made more money with the time-consuming job but I didn'tget to spend it at all (except for shoes) because I would work all the time. Now I get to kick it with my friends while maintaining a slight budget (some thinglike a $250 budget every two weeks). May take is in this topic is: if your young, enjoy life, but if you need the money, get on the grind and make room in yourcalendar for a lot of sleep.
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