of course he was "friendly and polite" .....

i think these boys are doing this to show their manhood bc they can't smash chicks. I can't make sense if it though. There are other places where prostitution isn't legal and they don't have as many mass shootings. i don't understand what the issue is.
Well we’ve already had a shooting done by an incel.

And there have been people deep in the incel community that praise dude for what he did

Looks like he had a problem with "mestizos" invading his town. He hyped up some fascist book on his IG.
This sick racist **** knew who he was targeting when he killed that little boy.
Looks like he had a problem with "mestizos" invading his town. He hyped up some fascist book on his IG.
This sick racist **** knew who he was targeting when he killed that little boy.
never heard that term before
what is it
or does it mean
never heard that term before
what is it
or does it mean
mestizo = a white mixed with native American hispanic... i.e. the stereotypical Hispanic person as far as look ppl think of when they think of Hispanic ppl.
not that you asked but a large portion of Hispanic ppl from mexico are native American or a mix of native American and white with the rest being white...but there is a lot of ignorance stateside as to what Hispanic means/is.
A casta (Spanish: [ˈkasta]) is a term which has been interpreted by historians during the 20th century to describe mixed-race individuals in Spanish America, resulting from unions of Spaniards (españoles), Amerindians (indios), and Africans (negros). Offspring of European-Amerindians were labeled Mestizos, offspring of Europeans and Africans were labeled Mulatos, and the offspring of Africans and Amerindians and other mixtures had a variety of terms. Racial categories had legal and social consequences. Españoles were exempt from payment of tribute to the crown; free blacks, Amerindians, and mixed-race castas were required to pay tribute. Amerindians were considered free vassals of the crown and were not to be enslaved, except in the case of rebellion. Amerindians were exempt from the jurisdiction of the Inquisition, and military service.

The process of mixing ancestries in the union of people of different races was known as mestizaje (Portuguese: mestiçagem [meʃtʃiˈsaʒẽj], [mɨʃtiˈsaʒɐ̃j]). In Spanish colonial law, mixed-race castas were classified as part of the república de españoles and not the república de indios, which set Amerindians outside the Hispanic sphere under crown protection. Other terminology for classification is categorization based on the degree of acculturation to Hispanic culture distinguished between gente de razón (Hispanics, literally, "people of reason") and gente sin razón (non-acculturated natives), concurrently existed and supported the idea of the racial classification system. Created by Hispanic elites, the sistema de castas or the sociedad de castas, varied largely due to their birth, color, race and origin of ethnic types.

From the colonial period, when the Spanish imposed control, many wealthy persons and high government officials were of peninsular (Iberian) and/or European background, while African or indigenous ancestry, or dark skin, generally was correlated with inferiority and poverty. The "whiter" the heritage a person could claim, the higher in status they could climb; conversely, darker features meant less opportunity.

See how long folks been getting killed for the same $#!+
2019 and we're still getting killed over "who should be a citizen or not"
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