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Unfortunately things never seem to work out when this is the case.  Hope everyone cooks this next release though. :smile:
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If you have the option hit up every store possible in your area. Depending on the Internet will leave more people disappointed then not
something loaded today
trying to pull a red october, or nah?
you tell me 
You can only fool people for a limited time.You were one of the guys who voluntarily left and pretended you parted amicably but had a secret agenda to avenge your feels.

View media item 2029053

Let's get a few things clear, just because you swipe a twitter account doesn't make you shrimpin.

1. No one on here can say you ever successfully ooped them any pairs.
2. No one on here can say you ever gave them a bd or captcha help
3. No one on here has ever participated in any of your paid services and can vouch.

EZ-YZY is still lit, trust. and SZN is coming. That will be the easiest identifier of who is shrimpin and who is slippin.

Why not ride the wave and stick with the CIS twitter account? Oh, that's right because you are uncertain as to if twitter will allow you to keep it once the support ticket is resolved.

Neways. God speed to you. Won't make this the drama hour.:lol:

View media item 2029073

P.P.S This was cute but I don't think you thought that through before you posted it. I have REAL legal, corporate entities that are in good standing in more than one state in the form of LLCs. So your statement has a report number attached to it from the Federal Trade Commission right? Not sure about your state statutes but I'm pretty sure that is some sort of misrepresentation or falsifying of identity theft . Anything you can to make sure your feels aren't forgeten eh? Real Recognize Real.

I wouldn't waste time and money suing you. That would be rather dumb of me, haven't really caused me any financial hardship. Just have to let these people know that you guys are grown adults who are having difficulty managing your emotions amongst your peers. (NT safe version)

Thanks for posting my real name. If we wanna get to dox'ing each other in here I can get it lit

This man just salty.

FWIW the twitter was easy to "hack" because it wasn't yours.

Sue me bro, can't steal my own identity
My man few things you seem to have failed to realize:

1. You were invited into the did not create it.

2. The twitter is is being operated by its original owner.

3. The ones who parted did so because you ****** up the dynamic of the group.

That dude up there has it right. The group is about family and making sure everyone gets a slice.
Lol you ****** are grown *** men

Grown man that doesn't appreciate my real name being posted over an invited member crying about a twitter that was never his to begin with.

Other than that... I'm chill. I'll wait for his LLC lawyers to come at me
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Let's see who, was invited, and who wasn't. You were part of, some NT pm group who moved to a chat session that had ads and redirects.That WAS NOT Cook In Silence.You came into the 'Cook In Silence' chat from an invitation which was sent to your email account. You chose to rock with the movement, I organized and facilitated the assembly. All of the decision making and checks/ balances went through me. My card is the one that gets charged every month for the fees. If you're not doing this for a show I can enable your account and we can really get down to the bottom of this but I'm aware as well as other people are aware that your guy's game is to mislead people. So I brought it back to the roots. Everything started from NT, I've been around since before people knew that ATCs were going on, i''m one of the first 5 to ever offer an ATC service, i have tenure. All of our twitter follows came from NT and the info we dropped here, respect we got here. You can't copy respect.

I despise even going over all of this but when you go and start trying to slander my integrity and credibility, i have to do what I have to do.

We can start from 0 and get the following back up with whatever name we choose because people are going to follow real content and real help. You ate off our info, I never ate from anything you ever did because you never did nothing. lol
For the record I don't know your, "real name", and I don't see any revocation of consent about your "real name", If that's your real name, sounds pretty dope :smokin but believe me, I don't care that much to post your real name. You're the guy who has all of the squad's info in your BNB bot, lol . As a biz owner, I steer clear of liability as much as possible, especially when info like that is unsecured.:nerd:
This man just salty.

FWIW the twitter was easy to "hack" because it wasn't yours.

Sure, we were salty right? I'm pretty sure we were minding our own business about to oop some carts for SNS and Finishline flu game carts and then all of the sudden the account wasn't accessible. We were doing God's work bro and ya'll devised a plan to starve the people.

View media item 2029352
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