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How's that fair for people that don't have enough money to spend to get 9 min head starts? It's pretty tough to get a pair of yeezys if you don't have a really good head start. 
It's fair because everyone has the opportunity to get platinum. Just because you aren't in a position to get platinum doesn't mean it's not fair. This is coming from a non-platinum member
I wonder how people complain about not being able to hit Plat VIP. I get that in 2 weeks, if that. That's just 2 releases.
poeple who only buy hyped stuff never set foot in brick and mortars  
Foot apps are the best system out, IMO. And it would be so easy for other companies to learn from too. It's really simple: only allow accounts to purchase limited releases that have a purchase history. That weeds out all the dummy accounts.

I agree.
3.5K on my VIP account last year and it did me no good. :smh: (store still does instore raffles)
I wonder how people complain about not being able to hit Plat VIP. I get that in 2 weeks, if that. That's just 2 releases.

I really don't buy anything from footstores. Like never.

Someone will find out that some part of the "Pay to play" is illegal, then it's all over.
if the foot stores get Greens alot of people in here are Good. now if they release like zebras were doomed
I wonder how people complain about not being able to hit Plat VIP. I get that in 2 weeks, if that. That's just 2 releases.
Not everyone buys every release that comes out.  Some people just want certain shoes, but you can always buy enough stuff to hit platinum then just return the items without using your VIP to keep your platinum status.  It's pretty simple.

New adidas confirmed will be interesting, but it will be nice to not sit on my mobile phone plus desktop for 2-3 hours on a splash page hoping to get in, knowing if I get in I could purchase multiple's ( which is totally unfair and adidas should have a system once you purchase it kicks you out and recognizes and doesn't allow you back into the splash page at all.
Less than around Belugas numbers maybe?

What were Beluga stock numbers???
Belugas was the smallest (not including Zebras) of the v2 releases .... I'm suspecting (given the comparison to Black/Reds) these would be around Oreo/ Black Friday levels. 
Doesn't the app favor new plat VIP members? Like if they just because Platinum VIP
The app state's and it's supposed to be a random algorithm process.  Doesn't matter if you spent 350$ and platinum or 10,000$ and platinum, still have the same chance as a platinum member.
Im assuming ADC CONFIRMED will no longer allow guest checkouts essentiall limiting one shoe per account.

And that logging out and into another account kicks you out the queue

Should be interesting
Really hoped that the foot apps would be nationwide by now. It's hard out here. :frown:

Edit: just realized that it wouldn't make a difference. Only one FTA and one FNL gets Yeezy's here. :lol:
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Doesn't the app favor new plat VIP members? Like if they just because Platinum VIP

Nope. App seems to be a true randomized raffle once you're Platinum. Most important success factors seem to be size and locations. I've hit on accounts new and old. Low spend and high spend.
Im assuming ADC CONFIRMED will no longer allow guest checkouts essentiall limiting one shoe per account.

And that logging out and into another account kicks you out the queue

Should be interesting


Figured Creams was the last time the back button would be sooo useful.
Yeezy powerphase will be in my city. Hope it's FCFS [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
How's that fair for people that don't have enough money to spend to get 9 min head starts? It's pretty tough to get a pair of yeezys if you don't have a really good head start. 
No it's not fair to expect folks to spend X for the opportunity to spend Y, but I think there is a 'fairness' in the app because newbies get 'lucky' as well as the status folks in the footstore system. My Champs account had zip spent on it but a friend hit online for Royals I used his hit to credit it my account. The next release was the Yeezy release and still not plat status .... but because I had a purchase on the account before the big day I was lucky enough to get the surprised hit on the Creams which I bought and coupled with the credit for the Royals put me in plat status. Technically, I only bought the one pair of kicks I wanted and 'hustled' my way to the plat status. I think there are opportunities to circumvent the 'buy-in' for the app. And there's one thing I am sure of about sneakerheads they will figure away around the barrier preventing them from getting to their kicks. 
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