Advice I took from NT has really helped me in real life.

Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

Originally Posted by krazy88s

I feel ya. The initial approach is many of most will def. strike out, mainly because many guys won't do it. But what you're thinking is always the best route IMO. Just walk up to them and like "Excuse me, I noticed you from across the room and I just had to introduce myself" But don't noticeably make way your way to her. When you get her number and if you wanna text, talk about whatever you talked about when you first introduced yourself.
Thanks. So after that initial text, how long do you think is a good time to start hinting towards smashing and start sexting? What would be a good way hint this? I'm thinking of trying what this other niketalker said "So when we gonna #$+%?.....I'm joking, but I'm really not"

Originally Posted by man listen

^Bro...once you get the eye it's GAME OVER. No exaggeration, this is what I had to learn. As a pretty boy you have to learn the power of your prettiness.....the average guy does NOT get the eye all that often so he has to run a different game. In essence.....a chick eyeballing you is ADMIRING you. I used to try to game up these chicks but the reality is that they have a strong desire to game YOU up (impress you, get your attention, compete with your other girls etc) basically doing all the work. All you gotta do is introduce yourself ask them about their family, dreams and things they like....hug them and touch them here and there to keep that sexy tension and THAT'S IT. play it cool because anything more is killing their desire......REAL TALK. every other guy is trying to get makes her proud if you can make her say to herself I GOT THIS GUY
So, wait kind of confused right now. You're saying I shouldn't try to smash these type of girls and just play it cool with them? If thats the case i understand, sort of...
Son, don't ask them about their dreams, families, things they like, the @#$+ lol. Homey if you looking for the main then yea i would ask those things to see where her head is at, if you just there to mess around, then don't do this especially if you just met her. You get put in FZ and SX by the first time you meet her, and after that it's hard to make the switch. And to the touchy feely/hug stuff, i must agree you got to be in the field to play ball, can't be in the dugout calling the plays.

Nah, there is a difference from playing it cool and playing it like a friend. Playing it cool- talk when they talk to you, you see their excited to talk to you, be 2levels below their excitement, when they talk look away/act distracted(this urks the shiiit out of them)- this is when they try to bring up topics to make you pay attention, they message you-message back randomly-don't do back-to-back(come on now, act like your talking to other bishes or busy) until it gets interesting(sex topics, but even then hold your ground soldier, she might just be playing with you), etc.

Now this is a difficult game to play, because you must know when to make the transition from playing it cool, to trying to get some Culo. If you miss the boat, you might have to wait for the other one which may take a while; in other words, if you don't know when to make the transition, she can just go to another man to get it and come back to you another time.

I'm no expert(18y'old), but this has worked for me. Still learning, tho

Alpha in training, haha.
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

Originally Posted by krazy88s

I feel ya. The initial approach is many of most will def. strike out, mainly because many guys won't do it. But what you're thinking is always the best route IMO. Just walk up to them and like "Excuse me, I noticed you from across the room and I just had to introduce myself" But don't noticeably make way your way to her. When you get her number and if you wanna text, talk about whatever you talked about when you first introduced yourself.
Thanks. So after that initial text, how long do you think is a good time to start hinting towards smashing and start sexting? What would be a good way hint this? I'm thinking of trying what this other niketalker said "So when we gonna #$+%?.....I'm joking, but I'm really not"

Originally Posted by man listen

^Bro...once you get the eye it's GAME OVER. No exaggeration, this is what I had to learn. As a pretty boy you have to learn the power of your prettiness.....the average guy does NOT get the eye all that often so he has to run a different game. In essence.....a chick eyeballing you is ADMIRING you. I used to try to game up these chicks but the reality is that they have a strong desire to game YOU up (impress you, get your attention, compete with your other girls etc) basically doing all the work. All you gotta do is introduce yourself ask them about their family, dreams and things they like....hug them and touch them here and there to keep that sexy tension and THAT'S IT. play it cool because anything more is killing their desire......REAL TALK. every other guy is trying to get makes her proud if you can make her say to herself I GOT THIS GUY
So, wait kind of confused right now. You're saying I shouldn't try to smash these type of girls and just play it cool with them? If thats the case i understand, sort of...
Son, don't ask them about their dreams, families, things they like, the @#$+ lol. Homey if you looking for the main then yea i would ask those things to see where her head is at, if you just there to mess around, then don't do this especially if you just met her. You get put in FZ and SX by the first time you meet her, and after that it's hard to make the switch. And to the touchy feely/hug stuff, i must agree you got to be in the field to play ball, can't be in the dugout calling the plays.

Nah, there is a difference from playing it cool and playing it like a friend. Playing it cool- talk when they talk to you, you see their excited to talk to you, be 2levels below their excitement, when they talk look away/act distracted(this urks the shiiit out of them)- this is when they try to bring up topics to make you pay attention, they message you-message back randomly-don't do back-to-back(come on now, act like your talking to other bishes or busy) until it gets interesting(sex topics, but even then hold your ground soldier, she might just be playing with you), etc.

Now this is a difficult game to play, because you must know when to make the transition from playing it cool, to trying to get some Culo. If you miss the boat, you might have to wait for the other one which may take a while; in other words, if you don't know when to make the transition, she can just go to another man to get it and come back to you another time.

I'm no expert(18y'old), but this has worked for me. Still learning, tho

Alpha in training, haha.
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

man listen wrote:

^Bro...once you get the eye it's GAME OVER. No exaggeration, this is what I had to learn. As a pretty boy you have to learn the power of your prettiness.....the average guy does NOT get the eye all that often so he has to run a different game. In essence.....a chick eyeballing you is ADMIRING you. I used to try to game up these chicks but the reality is that they have a strong desire to game YOU up (impress you, get your attention, compete with your other girls etc) basically doing all the work. All you gotta do is introduce yourself ask them about their family, dreams and things they like....hug them and touch them here and there to keep that sexy tension and THAT'S IT. play it cool because anything more is killing their desire......REAL TALK. every other guy is trying to get makes her proud if you can make her say to herself I GOT THIS GUY
So, wait kind of confused right now. You're saying I shouldn't try to smash these type of girls and just play it cool with them? If thats the case i understand, sort of...

That's exactly what I'm saying.....don't try to smash because then you're taking away her chance to try and smash YOU. it's a turn off lo key....the same as those guys that get all emotional and jealous with females then the chick gets bored because that's HER job and she didn't get a chance to work.....your job is to pursue your goals and her job is to pursue you (men are motivated by women and women depend on men). Lil Weezy said it best......"I aint even tryna hit it ....Imma get it when it's TIME to get it". she'll start to ask you how many girls you have and the subject of sex WILL come up....when it does don't shy away from it just let her know she doesn't have the heart to be alone with you and take all her clothes off.....feel me?  
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

man listen wrote:

^Bro...once you get the eye it's GAME OVER. No exaggeration, this is what I had to learn. As a pretty boy you have to learn the power of your prettiness.....the average guy does NOT get the eye all that often so he has to run a different game. In essence.....a chick eyeballing you is ADMIRING you. I used to try to game up these chicks but the reality is that they have a strong desire to game YOU up (impress you, get your attention, compete with your other girls etc) basically doing all the work. All you gotta do is introduce yourself ask them about their family, dreams and things they like....hug them and touch them here and there to keep that sexy tension and THAT'S IT. play it cool because anything more is killing their desire......REAL TALK. every other guy is trying to get makes her proud if you can make her say to herself I GOT THIS GUY
So, wait kind of confused right now. You're saying I shouldn't try to smash these type of girls and just play it cool with them? If thats the case i understand, sort of...

That's exactly what I'm saying.....don't try to smash because then you're taking away her chance to try and smash YOU. it's a turn off lo key....the same as those guys that get all emotional and jealous with females then the chick gets bored because that's HER job and she didn't get a chance to work.....your job is to pursue your goals and her job is to pursue you (men are motivated by women and women depend on men). Lil Weezy said it best......"I aint even tryna hit it ....Imma get it when it's TIME to get it". she'll start to ask you how many girls you have and the subject of sex WILL come up....when it does don't shy away from it just let her know she doesn't have the heart to be alone with you and take all her clothes off.....feel me?  
Originally Posted by man listen

^Bro...once you get the eye it's GAME OVER. No exaggeration, this is what I had to learn. As a pretty boy you have to learn the power of your prettiness.....the average guy does NOT get the eye all that often so he has to run a different game. In essence.....a chick eyeballing you is ADMIRING you. I used to try to game up these chicks but the reality is that they have a strong desire to game YOU up (impress you, get your attention, compete with your other girls etc) basically doing all the work. All you gotta do is introduce yourself ask them about their family, dreams and things they like....hug them and touch them here and there to keep that sexy tension and THAT'S IT. play it cool because anything more is killing their desire......REAL TALK. every other guy is trying to get makes her proud if you can make her say to herself I GOT THIS GUY

im never really sure whether its actually her eye-boning me or just happened to be looking in my direction.

sometimes ill accidently make eye contact with a fugly and then think "oh geez she might think im interested in her" so i look back to make sure shes NOT looking at me
Originally Posted by man listen

^Bro...once you get the eye it's GAME OVER. No exaggeration, this is what I had to learn. As a pretty boy you have to learn the power of your prettiness.....the average guy does NOT get the eye all that often so he has to run a different game. In essence.....a chick eyeballing you is ADMIRING you. I used to try to game up these chicks but the reality is that they have a strong desire to game YOU up (impress you, get your attention, compete with your other girls etc) basically doing all the work. All you gotta do is introduce yourself ask them about their family, dreams and things they like....hug them and touch them here and there to keep that sexy tension and THAT'S IT. play it cool because anything more is killing their desire......REAL TALK. every other guy is trying to get makes her proud if you can make her say to herself I GOT THIS GUY

im never really sure whether its actually her eye-boning me or just happened to be looking in my direction.

sometimes ill accidently make eye contact with a fugly and then think "oh geez she might think im interested in her" so i look back to make sure shes NOT looking at me
Interesting thread. I am getting insight on this friends with benefits or bootie call situations in seeing how men function and think.

Ok, question....So, when it comes to you guys, don't you ever fall for these girls or even start to like them at one point? So, how do you know YOU will not develop feelings for her along the way?

So I am seeing advice about just being out of touch with the girls and a bit cold with them. What is the point of this? Nothing wrong with showing some affection or care and still making it mutual to not get too entangled with feelings. If I had a friends with benefits who was an %%!, I would dead it. There has to be a level of respect and civil communication. Nothing wrong with that.
Interesting thread. I am getting insight on this friends with benefits or bootie call situations in seeing how men function and think.

Ok, question....So, when it comes to you guys, don't you ever fall for these girls or even start to like them at one point? So, how do you know YOU will not develop feelings for her along the way?

So I am seeing advice about just being out of touch with the girls and a bit cold with them. What is the point of this? Nothing wrong with showing some affection or care and still making it mutual to not get too entangled with feelings. If I had a friends with benefits who was an %%!, I would dead it. There has to be a level of respect and civil communication. Nothing wrong with that.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

True story.........when it comes to females this whole not givin a (&#$# attitude has done wonders.

I been preaching this to you for years
Originally Posted by Al Audi

True story.........when it comes to females this whole not givin a (&#$# attitude has done wonders.

I been preaching this to you for years
There is girl A, B, C and D. Girl A is perfect i see myself married to her and i don't even know her personality. Girl B is good/alright and i would like to be with her maybe a bf/gf type thing, if it happens. Girl C is DTF and you know it, but her looks are more to the liking of a horse with one eye. Girl D is always there, ugly, fat and misguided thinking she actually has a chance.

Girl A, i will fall in love with, yes simp status, i must tread carefully and she may provoke my jealously with some of her actions.
Girl B, C, D; i can "play it cool" and show little to no effort in the convos except with B, since she does have options other then me.

That is the basis.

Showing your feelings- as you put it, is like being the dog of the house. He's always there, jumps when your around, humps your leg but never ejaculates. He is given about a minute of your attention/affection and afterward is discarded/ you go about to do your business around the house, Why? Because he will always be there.

Check and mate.
There is girl A, B, C and D. Girl A is perfect i see myself married to her and i don't even know her personality. Girl B is good/alright and i would like to be with her maybe a bf/gf type thing, if it happens. Girl C is DTF and you know it, but her looks are more to the liking of a horse with one eye. Girl D is always there, ugly, fat and misguided thinking she actually has a chance.

Girl A, i will fall in love with, yes simp status, i must tread carefully and she may provoke my jealously with some of her actions.
Girl B, C, D; i can "play it cool" and show little to no effort in the convos except with B, since she does have options other then me.

That is the basis.

Showing your feelings- as you put it, is like being the dog of the house. He's always there, jumps when your around, humps your leg but never ejaculates. He is given about a minute of your attention/affection and afterward is discarded/ you go about to do your business around the house, Why? Because he will always be there.

Check and mate.
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by Al Audi

True story.........when it comes to females this whole not givin a (&#$# attitude has done wonders.

I been preaching this to you for years


real talk matt aint neva lied. i know.
Originally Posted by yungmatt

Originally Posted by Al Audi

True story.........when it comes to females this whole not givin a (&#$# attitude has done wonders.

I been preaching this to you for years


real talk matt aint neva lied. i know.
Originally Posted by NjCollector

There is girl A, B, C and D. Girl A is perfect i see myself married to her and i don't even know her personality. Girl B is good/alright and i would like to be with her maybe a bf/gf type thing, if it happens. Girl C is DTF and you know it, but her looks are more to the liking of a horse with one eye. Girl D is always there, ugly, fat and misguided thinking she actually has a chance.

Girl A, i will fall in love with, yes simp status, i must tread carefully and she may provoke my jealously with some of her actions.
Girl B, C, D; i can "play it cool" and show little to no effort in the convos except with B, since she does have options other then me.

That is the basis.

Showing your feelings- as you put it, is like being the dog of the house. He's always there, jumps when your around, humps your leg but never ejaculates. He is given about a minute of your attention/affection and afterward is discarded/ you go about to do your business around the house, Why? Because he will always be there.

Check and mate.
Thanks for that input. I can see it now.

Expect a PM from me since I have more questions about this stuff.

Originally Posted by NjCollector

There is girl A, B, C and D. Girl A is perfect i see myself married to her and i don't even know her personality. Girl B is good/alright and i would like to be with her maybe a bf/gf type thing, if it happens. Girl C is DTF and you know it, but her looks are more to the liking of a horse with one eye. Girl D is always there, ugly, fat and misguided thinking she actually has a chance.

Girl A, i will fall in love with, yes simp status, i must tread carefully and she may provoke my jealously with some of her actions.
Girl B, C, D; i can "play it cool" and show little to no effort in the convos except with B, since she does have options other then me.

That is the basis.

Showing your feelings- as you put it, is like being the dog of the house. He's always there, jumps when your around, humps your leg but never ejaculates. He is given about a minute of your attention/affection and afterward is discarded/ you go about to do your business around the house, Why? Because he will always be there.

Check and mate.
Thanks for that input. I can see it now.

Expect a PM from me since I have more questions about this stuff.

Agreed with njcollector. Never show emotion, at least initially. That's how both sexes get hurt. Showing too much care and you'll become nothing but that person that he/she will prolly clown when with their friends.
Agreed with njcollector. Never show emotion, at least initially. That's how both sexes get hurt. Showing too much care and you'll become nothing but that person that he/she will prolly clown when with their friends.
Its about time NT started admitting that this stuff works. Its dudes that are losing that are lying to themselves that this stuff is chauvanistic or improper of the modern man etc.

The same ones are out here complaining about the next man taking their women or smashing his grails.

Step it up fellas. I'm not that tall but game recognizes game.
Its about time NT started admitting that this stuff works. Its dudes that are losing that are lying to themselves that this stuff is chauvanistic or improper of the modern man etc.

The same ones are out here complaining about the next man taking their women or smashing his grails.

Step it up fellas. I'm not that tall but game recognizes game.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Interesting thread. I am getting insight on this friends with benefits or bootie call situations in seeing how men function and think.

Ok, question....So, when it comes to you guys, don't you ever fall for these girls or even start to like them at one point? So, how do you know YOU will not develop feelings for her along the way?

So I am seeing advice about just being out of touch with the girls and a bit cold with them. What is the point of this? Nothing wrong with showing some affection or care and still making it mutual to not get too entangled with feelings. If I had a friends with benefits who was an %%!, I would dead it. There has to be a level of respect and civil communication. Nothing wrong with that.
U got it mixed up. Once u establish the fwb stage, then there's no need to act like u don't care.  U women (not sayin u ) but women don't like simps and thirsty dudes b/c that shows weakness and desperation.    There's nothin wrong w/ showin affection, however, u know that we as men can't show it too soon or u women would get turned off. Correct?
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