Air Jordan 12 “Wings” - April 2, 2016

3k entries yet dudes were in here celebrating giving the dude props for that telling him " good hustle!" Etc etc. Yet they're on the sideline themselves salty and complaining why they ain't get a pair lol...smh never cease to amaze me.

Welcome to NT. The home of d-riders that praise people that exploit the system, programmer's/coder's, and modern day Al Bundy's.
Well when it comes to eBay a lot of those prices are purposely inflated. If you take a look at a lot of those bids the user will have 0 feedback, which in MOST cases means a fake account. People will use multiple accounts just to boost the price sky high to troll everyone into thinking that's the real value. 15k for a pair? You can bet money that shoe wont be sold and pair for. The resale value is most likely around the 1k-1.2k range just depending on size
ahh I got you. so for the $15,000 pair, would it be safe to say that the seller is likely in on it then? he's having these fake sky high bids hoping a real bidder will come in and pay that much?
Welcome to NT. The home of d-riders that praise people that exploit the system, programmer's/coder's, and modern day Al Bundy's.

Repped, that made me chuckle. 
ahh I got you. so for the $15,000 pair, would it be safe to say that the seller is likely in on it then? he's having these fake sky high bids hoping a real bidder will come in and pay that much?

Yeah that's a pretty safe assumption. Anytime you see a pair of shoes at a price so abnormally higher than others, most likely its due to that reason. Hopefully nobody will be dumb enough to purchase these seeing as others pairs are FAR CHEAPER! But you never know, cant underestimate stupidity
Congrats to those that won. Since Nike started the draw/raffle system, I have not had any luck. 0/6.

Very frustrating to not ever win, but I only enter once so I'll probably never have any luck.
All u gotta do like the other people that won multiples is create 3 different nike account, with 3 different phone numbers names, addresses, and credit card info...use family or close friends, worth the trouble for limited releases...

hold on ................................................................................................someone had 3k entries? if thats true im never entering the draw again lol :lol:

3k entered??? Wtf lol. I thought my 23 accounts was a lot. I scored 3. 1 shipping email from Nike another 1 I checked the tracking with reference number and it show shipped actually on its way and the other still processing. Nike's system is slow at updating man. The 1 pair that Nike sent the shipped email is behind the pair that I got no email for lol. 3rd may get canceled. Don't know. Still says preparing to ship so I should be good

Yep the dude is a member of NT
The Eminem 4's that recently came out sold for in the range of 19k to 30k. And those were limited to 10 pairs for charity. No way these should go for 15k or whatever outrageous number even if its limited to 12k pairs.
Well I entered twice and won 1 and sold that one for $800 shipped.  My Flu games and Red Pros are now paid for.  
hmm i was only in for the black and white look with the gold  accents too.. dont like the wings look.. but i was thinking..if the wings are exposed after you wear..couldnt you just put some black leather dye over the wings so they look like playoffs?
Was thinking if my pear gets to rubbing down i might repaint over wings logos also to keep em black and clean
Was thinking if my pear gets to rubbing down i might repaint over wings logos also to keep em black and clean
Then they wont be the wing 12's, sounds like yall wing 12 owners have a decision to make as far as wearing these [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
All u gotta do like the other people that won multiples is create 3 different nike account, with 3 different phone numbers names, addresses, and credit card info...use family or close friends, worth the trouble for limited releases...
Yeah, I've thought about doing that, but when you've got people submitting thousands of entries I just feel like one or two more entries won't make a difference for me.
I guess that's what I get for playing by the
So your saying once the gold wings shows up it stays there. Ahhhh man I was hoping it was some wax on wax off type [emoji]128169[/emoji] ya feel me. Like u rubbed it to the right for wings rubbed it the the left for black lol [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
So your saying once the gold wings shows up it stays there. Ahhhh man I was hoping it was some wax on wax off type [emoji]128169[/emoji] ya feel me. Like u rubbed it to the right for wings rubbed it the the left for black lol [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
[emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji], yup it stays there aint no wax on wax off ***
Damn I got hood winked straight okeeedoked[emoji]128545[/emoji]
Ain't no point in rocking these then straight locked up in the safe type shoe. Boy if you get caught up in a [emoji]128169[/emoji] storm and u don't have a pair of o [emoji]128169[/emoji]shoes in the back of your car your wings will straight look like doodoo[emoji]128175[/emoji]
I just don't see all the hype for these. I guess it's for a good cause. I liked these shoes when they were pretty much Playoff 12s with a little gold, but when I heard about the blacking rubbing off, I was no longer interested. I get why people resell, but they are making it impossible (sometimes) for people out there who legitimately liked the shoes and want them.......and not just to make money.
Ain't no point in rocking these then straight locked up in the safe type shoe. Boy if you get caught up in a [emoji]128169[/emoji] storm and u don't have a pair of o [emoji]128169[/emoji]shoes in the back of your car your wings will straight look like doodoo[emoji]128175[/emoji]
I just don't see all the hype for these. I guess it's for a good cause. I liked these shoes when they were pretty much Playoff 12s with a little gold, but when I heard about the blacking rubbing off, I was no longer interested. I get why people resell, but they are making it impossible (sometimes) for people out there who legitimately liked the shoes and want them.......and not just to make money.
yea the hype for these from me kinda faded away. yea they are cool and if they are number thats a little more cool but people over here trading frags and yeezys and all this for them. i wouldnt do that. i think lance mountains did this better anyways
Damn I got hood winked straight okeeedoked[emoji]128545[/emoji]
Ain't no point in rocking these then straight locked up in the safe type shoe. Boy if you get caught up in a [emoji]128169[/emoji] storm and u don't have a pair of o [emoji]128169[/emoji]shoes in the back of your car your wings will straight look like doodoo[emoji]128175[/emoji]
dont think the black will come off that easy will it?
So your saying once the gold wings shows up it stays there. Ahhhh man I was hoping it was some wax on wax off type [emoji]128169[/emoji] ya feel me. Like u rubbed it to the right for wings rubbed it the the left for black lol [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]
would be cool if it was like a heat/cold sensative thing. where with cold it shows wings and with heat it goes back to black lol
That's what I thought it was I thought it would be heat activated and it would show the wings and when it sat it would fade back to black
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