It's true. I've seen so many people say X shoe/cw is hot. Then later on, don't even wear it or regret buying the shoe altogether. The way you can tell if you truly like a shoe is if you keep going back to it and looking at it, then you know you want it. Sometimes waiting for the sale price can get you caught and you wind up missing the shoe. I missed out on a few by just waiting for a shoe to go on sale and poof, gone.
yea i totally get it. i really want the shoe and am really contemplating it, but seeing how the 95 360s did last year, they put it on sale on FNL pretty fast; and they're still up on sale now. these $180 price tags really aren't helping when i've been buying $70 roshes and $100 am1s as of late. with that being said, it has happened when i bought the shoe, never wore it, and ended up selling it for less than what i paid for.. and ironically enough, it was the halloween am95 360 i bought years ago.