Air-Randy Get Out Of Niketalk


Sep 1, 2007
cant knock his hustle and appreciate the pics
but what he is doing isstill illegal
but if he doesnt mind blood money just don't buy

sooner or later JB and NIKE are going to do something if it gets serious theyre probably reading this right now deciding to take legal action or not
Why do y'all care if what Air Randy is doing is illegal? How is it worse than what Nike and JB and countless other U.S. corporations do to millions ofpeople across the globe in terms of unlivable wages, working conditions, etc. These corporations make deals with corrupt, greedy public officials who fattentheir pockets at the expense of their people's lives. But because this is technically "legal" we don't care? Corporations, including Nike andJB exploit millions of people and y'all don't even blink but a man steals a few pairs of shoes and people's world stops. What a joke. The peoplebashing these dudes need to step back and reassess the "big picture" in my opinion. Peace
Stuff like this go hand and hand. I love the way he show pics of shoes almost half a year in advanced, but if the shoes are beng stolen it's kind of shady,but this is 2008 who havent did shady @@*+? If you had a chance to get these shoes early and best of all make profit off them, who the hell wouldnt bite? Ilean towards Air Randy's side. More lke 80/20. JB shold thank guys like him and others for droping pics on websites, because if they dont..........

1. Who would know what to expect when you go to a store to copp?
2. Who would even plan on saving to buy something they never seen before?
3. Who would be on this site, ISS, Uptempo and etc...? What would be the need to come to this site? To amagine what a shoe would look like? Photoshops on whatyou think a retro would look like? Lets not get into speculation on a new sig lmao. i could see it now, there would be and load of drawings on what the new J(should) look like, lmao.
4. JB probaly wouldnt even make as much money as they do if it wasnt for them.
5. My reason for number four is this. Now we all know, well most of us know. That the first impression on most new j's or shoes period, is 80% of the timenot a good one. Just recently, in my case i saw that ******* scanned pic of XXIII and said hell nah im not coppin that trash, but as you look at them more andmore due to these leaked pics you tend to have your feelings toward them to sway. And now I'm really feeling them. To simplify this. I would not buy a lotof j's if i walked in the store and had my first look and opinion right there, i would jus say ehh and leave the hell out had not I had a chance to sithere and take some good looks to give a second opinion and let them grow on me.
Stuff like this go hand and hand. I love the way he show pics of shoes almost half a year in advanced, but if the shoes are beng stolen it's kind of shady,but this is 2008 who havent did shady @!#@? If you had a chance to get these shoes early and best of all make profit off them, who the hell wouldnt bite? Ilean towards Air Randy's side. More lke 80/20. JB shold thank guys like him and others for droping pics on websites, because if they dont..........

1. Who would know what to expect when you go to a store to copp?
2. Who would even plan on saving to buy something they never seen before?
3. Who would be on this site, ISS, Uptempo and etc...? What would be the need to come to this site? To amagine what a shoe would look like? Photoshops on whatyou think a retro would look like? Lets not get into speculation on a new sig lmao. i could see it now, there would be and load of drawings on what the new J(should) look like, lmao.
4. JB probaly wouldnt even make as much money as they do if it wasnt for them.
5. My reason for number four is this. Now we all know, well most of us know. That the first impression on most new j's or shoes period, is 80% of the timenot a good one. Just recently, in my case i saw that ******* scanned pic of XXIII and said hell nah im not coppin that trash, but as you look at them more andmore due to these leaked pics you tend to have your feelings toward them to sway. And now I'm really feeling them. To simplify this. I would not buy a lotof j's if i walked in the store and had my first look and opinion right there, i would jus say ehh and leave the hell out had not I had a chance to sithere and take some good looks to give a second opinion and let them grow on me.
I agree with what blco02 said. And I don't understand why people think doing illegal things is okay. Just because there are a lot of people out there doingillegal stuff doesn't make it right. It seems like there are so few people who actually are willing to stand up for what is right. So, yes, I knock hishustle. I guess my question is how can people still respect and support something like that? Is it just because you are seeing pictures of shoes months inadvance? I mean I love Jordans just as much as anyone in here but they are just pictures of the shoes. All anyone does in here anymore is complain as soon asthey see the pictures anyways. And if you want to say that Jordan/Nike rips off their consumers and they are just getting what they deserve then don't buyfrom them either. Don't support something just because everyone else is doing it or because it's popular; support something for what you think itactually stands for. I know there are some people who will flame for this, but I have to stand up for what I feel is right.
And same thing that happened to Mr Nike86 happened to me. I posted at 9:16 pm not I'm posting in response to what I read on the first fourpages.
RockDeep Wrote

Air-Randy is not getting their shoes legitly from Nike at all, and the Folks at Jordan are and continue to be Highly Ticked at them getting these shoes and showing them online when they do.

Just to clarify: When the first Fusion AF 12's were shown, it is a FACT that only two samples had been produced for HQ. The day the Sample box arrived it arrived one short. The Next Day Air-Randy had it on his site and they revealed on NT.

Jordan was very Salty. Not sure what Nike Legal did IF anything, and if they continue to do nothing, it really doesn't matter, it only shows they don't support the company by allowing it to continue by not sending a cease and desist letter to Air-Randy.

I know that Air-Randy has also blantantly lifted pictures and images from BabyDills site before, which doesn't lend much credibility to him from jump street at all, if you need to steal images in order to push your own "product"

As for Marquee Sole- They are a mystery to even the folks at Nike. Speculation there (at Nike) is someone is gettin additional boxes of Shoes out at the Factory in some shape or form and selling them on the site.

Nike isn't too happy about that, but they can't control Security at Production Facilities when they Contract them to Police themselves. So as long as whoever is getting the product out of the door, Marquee Sole will be in business.

I will say, if you are not getting boxes with your shoes, this is because those shoes are leaving the factory in something other than a box. Say a Duffel bag or trash bag.

So since Air-Randy is fake why do we still have him in niketalk? i mean there clearly fake shoes so lets get him out.
We have to take down all Air-Randy stuff as in people who promote him and in the Website Store Outlet Posts
Come on NT


Move this post if its in the wrong area
No offense, but I believe I unbiasedly took care of this linking to the thread that was already in the General Forum.

I have my opinions, but the post was made for other people to decide for themselves.
I personally appreciate air randy and marquee sole for what they're doing for the sneaker community. They allow us to see the actual shoes long before thereleases so we can plan our budgets and saturday mornings accordingly. If left up to Nike we wouldn't see pics of any shoes more than 1 week before therelease. Then everyone would be salty. I say let them stay. We all benefit. The only people who don't benefit is Nike, and they don't care about usanyway, so why should we care about them. At the end of the day, they still make their money regardless.
Why knock another mans hustle? Air-Randy doesn't come in here telling you what to do or not do.......
stop hating on the mans hustle. he is trying to make money, would you like it if people were writing stuff about you and in effect it stopped you frommaking money? if you think his tactics are wrong, message him and don't look at his stuff, don't worry about how he gets his stuff. worry about howfootlockers, nike and jb rip you off.
Sorry Nike/JB, disgruntled sweatshop workers doing modern day slave labor gotta eat too
I aint mad at anybody tryin to get their hustle on, but this is exactly why I don't purchase shoes from sites like these. I can not justify paying%%!$loads of $$ for an early release, when the manner at which some of these shoes are received are questionable to say the least. Seems like everyone wants tocheat the system to gain a profit.
Originally Posted by rodster831

All we have to do is not buy from them if thats the problem
i like the pictures and all
but after that post in the general section
i would never buy from them ever.
kind of a shocker but thats the way the cookie crumbles
Word to Bruce Almighty
Hey... Can't knock the hustle.

I guess I do by not paying kobe in colorado prices!

But I 100% appreciate seeing the pics of releases early. It is the PRIMARY reason I come to Niketalk.
Originally Posted by Jordan KingXI

RockDeep Wrote

Air-Randy is not getting their shoes legitly from Nike at all, and the Folks at Jordan are and continue to be Highly Ticked at them getting these shoes and showing them online when they do.

Just to clarify: When the first Fusion AF 12's were shown, it is a FACT that only two samples had been produced for HQ. The day the Sample box arrived it arrived one short. The Next Day Air-Randy had it on his site and they revealed on NT.

Jordan was very Salty. Not sure what Nike Legal did IF anything, and if they continue to do nothing, it really doesn't matter, it only shows they don't support the company by allowing it to continue by not sending a cease and desist letter to Air-Randy.

I know that Air-Randy has also blantantly lifted pictures and images from BabyDills site before, which doesn't lend much credibility to him from jump street at all, if you need to steal images in order to push your own "product"

As for Marquee Sole- They are a mystery to even the folks at Nike. Speculation there (at Nike) is someone is gettin additional boxes of Shoes out at the Factory in some shape or form and selling them on the site.

Nike isn't too happy about that, but they can't control Security at Production Facilities when they Contract them to Police themselves. So as long as whoever is getting the product out of the door, Marquee Sole will be in business.

I will say, if you are not getting boxes with your shoes, this is because those shoes are leaving the factory in something other than a box. Say a Duffel bag or trash bag.

So since Air-Randy is fake why do we still have him in niketalk? i mean there clearly fake shoes so lets get him out.
We have to take down all Air-Randy stuff as in people who promote him and in the Website Store Outlet Posts
Come on NT


Move this post if its in the wrong area


Originally Posted by Jordan KingXI

RockDeep Wrote

Air-Randy is not getting their shoes legitly from Nike at all, and the Folks at Jordan are and continue to be Highly Ticked at them getting these shoes and showing them online when they do.

Just to clarify: When the first Fusion AF 12's were shown, it is a FACT that only two samples had been produced for HQ. The day the Sample box arrived it arrived one short. The Next Day Air-Randy had it on his site and they revealed on NT.

Jordan was very Salty. Not sure what Nike Legal did IF anything, and if they continue to do nothing, it really doesn't matter, it only shows they don't support the company by allowing it to continue by not sending a cease and desist letter to Air-Randy.

I know that Air-Randy has also blantantly lifted pictures and images from BabyDills site before, which doesn't lend much credibility to him from jump street at all, if you need to steal images in order to push your own "product"

As for Marquee Sole- They are a mystery to even the folks at Nike. Speculation there (at Nike) is someone is gettin additional boxes of Shoes out at the Factory in some shape or form and selling them on the site.

Nike isn't too happy about that, but they can't control Security at Production Facilities when they Contract them to Police themselves. So as long as whoever is getting the product out of the door, Marquee Sole will be in business.

I will say, if you are not getting boxes with your shoes, this is because those shoes are leaving the factory in something other than a box. Say a Duffel bag or trash bag.

So since Air-Randy is fake why do we still have him in niketalk? i mean there clearly fake shoes so lets get him out.
We have to take down all Air-Randy stuff as in people who promote him and in the Website Store Outlet Posts
Come on NT


Move this post if its in the wrong area

This coming from the dude that is known for seeking E-Fame, postingFAKE info,

and website riding (not in a good way). Dude you're a LAME! Stop trying so hard

P.s. Lil Wayne said he don't get down like that.

P.s. Can I get my sig format back?
Originally Posted by NY GIANTS 11

Hey... Can't knock the hustle.

I guess I do by not paying kobe in colorado prices!

But I 100% appreciate seeing the pics of releases early. It is the PRIMARY reason I come to Niketalk.

Yo Eddie, that is funny with you bustin on Kobe with the Coloradoscandal......

Air-Randy must be tight with the factory workers!....

Somebody is gonna get their doors kicked in by Nike Legal.....
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