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anything is possible with JB so we wont know until closer to Feb. they might only release them at Rack Room Shoes if they want, their logic is none and they care only about the bottom line so if they make something thats guaranteed to sell out and profit them lots in one day why wouldnt they do it? histeria is not their concern nor is their customer service or quality control for that matter.
Don't start all that limited talk, please.
This can't be true.

sorry about that. i was just relaying what i heard and wanted to see if anyone heard the same. i want these royals just as bad as the next guy

No need to apologize, you just heard something, so I doesnt hurt to share.

My bad bruh, I kinda came down hard.

Its just that there is usually someone posting about a shoe being extra limited before it released, trying to create hype.

My fault. We'll see soon enough.
My bad bruh, I kinda came down hard.
Its just that there is usually someone posting about a shoe being extra limited before it released, trying to create hype.
My fault. We'll see soon enough.

all good bro haha i been collecting for a long long time. however im new to niketalk and posting so i wasnt sure about the rules and etiquette haha learning curve!
Talking about rural areas: In Germany its really easy to cop all the Retro releases :D Anyway, this shoe is a must-have for me.
I'm not going to lie, I never been a big fan on the Air Jordan 1s but since these are true to OG form I will cop these no doubt!
2013 about to kill my pockets! These + 5's + 13's + possible aqua 8's and Columbia 11's >>>>2012 releases.
There were 50,000 pairs released according to the tags on my 01 pair. Lets just hope JB does not go with a crazy price markup. Quality looks pretty good judging from the pics that have been posted.
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