AJ XII "Nubuck" 2009 Retro

wow, like seriously, the nubuck is so different from the original pair and it looks to trash compared to it, im pretty sure there gonna be limited when therereleased
Why is everybody so mad at everybody else? JB please make more quality products so people will love one another again. JB Quality=the root to the madness.
Originally Posted by William Rivera 3

Originally Posted by richkid23

Ummm can we get back to the nubucks for a second lol j.p

what nubucks?

Originally Posted by GreatestGoliath

The Cement may have been scrapped for chatter about has stopped..... But We will see I'll try to find out for sure.... lol guys I Don't know everything but I do know alot. And yes the Air Jordan Silver is Dead..SMH, but expect to see alot shoes next year, but not as you expect them. Leather quality next year is supposed to improve as well.

Even though the Jodan 25th Anniversary/Silver was scrapped, there will still be Jordans with "silver" on them - not 1 or 2 but more than 10!
i would rather buy the retros from 2004 tan these ugly things.
the shape of the shoe is ugly. it looks like the shape of the 14s
and just like the cdp 12s the leather part has gotten even lower uugghhnn
not really feelin them. never owned a pair of 12s until i got the 11/12 package. maybe because the 11 were so hot , i never really thought that the 12 lookedgreat. but the quality on the 12's are nice
These come out the day after my bday these will be copped! Looks great and I never got a chance to get them when they released a couple years ago.
Originally Posted by GreatestGoliath

Grand Hustle... What BabyJ Said was Jordan doesn't have exact release Dates Yet. Second You don't have to believe me. I really don't care either way. Also I leave my computer on during the day while I step out, it's more convenient for me that way. As far as the whole picture debacle, that was already explained. and As I stated numerous times, I do Not work for Jordan Brand.. However Legit information get passed to me From Legit people here on NT, ISS, UTA and Sometimes Kenlu aswell...and no I don't steal others info......But if you don't like what I have to say then ignore me... But don't try to attack me personally, for you don't know me, nor I you.. It just make you look disgruntled and are reaching at somebody to be mad at.... so silly. Anyways, one again if you don't believe me then don't believe.. I really couldn't care either way. Because really what information do you try to provide? Goodness this is so stupid.......................
Ahh, so the truth comes out. You really don't have any info yourself - you get info "passed to you" from people on here and othersneaker messageboards. Why wouldn't they just post it themselves? This is crazy.

All you do is observe things that have been posted here and other places and repeat it.

And Goliath - Grand Hustle has never PERSONALLY attacked you. He doesn't say anything about you personally. He just says it's your info that'sstolen.

Kudos to you Grand Hustle - me and you and a couple others are the only ones with enough guts to stand up against a whole board of sheep and point out Goliathfor the fraud he is.
^ Ok Bloco02 if you say so..... If I was really the Super Fraud that you claim that I am, Then Why wouldn't the Big Guns on NT say so. I ,mean I talk withMarcSJ08 and he will vouch for me, I talk with Masterhammy, Solejordan and Several others and if I was a Phony why would these guys talk with me? You reallyare a Lame and a Hater Tough Guy. Last time I checked this Forum has rules against Flaming. but with the sad shape of this forum filled with haters like youwhich is why real info is posted elsewhere first then trickles to NT JB Forum. Trust there is plenty of info out there to be had but anytime people do idiotslike you flame them.... Man MarcSJ08 and Byronde, were right, NT really isn't worth the time. You guys never Post relevant information, Cry and Complainabout JB 24/7 yet still buy them, and Flame anybody who drops info or disagrees with you. And also I never once claimed to work for JB or Nike,Just like manyother People who post Info aswell, through happenstance just happen to be in the position to share. And you wonder why SneekGeezs Doesn't really post herenor MazeDowner, nor MarcSJ08 , or SoleJordan or Brim...... I mean the list is quite long, and it's because of suckers like you homeboy, weather you want toadmit it or not anybody with half a brain who reads this post would have to 100% agree with me.Yes My clues are vague, thats because I don't want to getanybody in trouble and plans change from this early on. But I'm going to give you what you want cause I'm so tired of you screaming my name like aFemale in Heat Bro, I'll just keep what I know to myself. No more Hints,No nothing, I'll just be like you guys, Cry Waah JB Sucks and lets Flameanybody who doesn't do or tell us what we want Blco02. This is a very Said State of Affairs, This One Forum filled with People like you are what killingthis whole site. And everybody knows it.

..............................Nuff Said.
Originally Posted by GreatestGoliath

^ Ok Bloco02 if you say so..... If I was really the Super Fraud that you claim that I am, Then Why wouldn't the Big Guns on NT say so. I ,mean I talk with MarcSJ08 and he will vouch for me, I talk with Masterhammy, Solejordan and Several others and if I was a Phony why would these guys talk with me? You really are a Lame and a Hater Tough Guy. Last time I checked this Forum has rules against Flaming. but with the sad shape of this forum filled with haters like you which is why real info is posted elsewhere first then trickles to NT JB Forum. Trust there is plenty of info out there to be had but anytime people do idiots like you flame them.... Man MarcSJ08 and Byronde, were right, NT really isn't worth the time. You guys never Post relevant information, Cry and Complain about JB 24/7 yet still buy them, and Flame anybody who drops info or disagrees with you. And also I never once claimed to work for JB or Nike,Just like many other People who post Info aswell, through happenstance just happen to be in the position to share. And you wonder why SneekGeezs Doesn't really post here nor MazeDowner, nor MarcSJ08 , or SoleJordan or Brim...... I mean the list is quite long, and it's because of suckers like you homeboy, weather you want to admit it or not anybody with half a brain who reads this post would have to 100% agree with me.Yes My clues are vague, thats because I don't want to get anybody in trouble and plans change from this early on. But I'm going to give you what you want cause I'm so tired of you screaming my name like a Female in Heat Bro, I'll just keep what I know to myself. No more Hints,No nothing, I'll just be like you guys, Cry Waah JB Sucks and lets Flame anybody who doesn't do or tell us what we want Blco02. This is a very Said State of Affairs, This One Forum filled with People like you are what killing this whole site. And everybody knows it.

..............................Nuff Said.
damn why cant people be grateful for the lil information that we get. looks like we are losing one of the last great NTers.
Originally Posted by GreatestGoliath

^ Ok Bloco02 if you say so..... If I was really the Super Fraud that you claim that I am, Then Why wouldn't the Big Guns on NT say so.

I have a PM from a "big gun"-probably the most well known "big gun"-that you might not want me to reveal...
Can we all just get along and share the info that others well never hear or get ?????

and the beat goes on .....
copping two pairs of these.. hopefully tha footlocker i work in gets these or tha footaction

regardless im copping 2+ pairs discount or not
Originally Posted by GreatestGoliath

I mean the list is quite long, and it's because of suckers like you homeboy, weather you want to admit it or not anybody with half a brain who reads this post would have to 100% agree with me.

..............................Nuff Said.



People like him add soap opera, FEMALE style drama to a damn sneaker board.....

Whats funny is I would bet that over half the people he thinks isnt "fake" get their info from other people too, he is just sooo attached to their$$%%+@!, he fails to realize that unless you are calling Mark Smith himself, you are getting info passed on to you one way or another...

With that being said, I'm probably not going to cop cause I still have a NDS pair.
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