allen iverson is a free agent, and no1 is even talking about it....what has the NBA come to?

Originally Posted by Drob2345

I honestly believe that a lot of people on NT aren't trying to understand they way it looks through AI's eyes, when he came into the league he inherited a team that had no or very little talent for his first few seasons, so if he wanted to win he was trained to do it for himself, and honestly that's probably how its been with most of other things in his life, that does not mean he is selfish or a cancer...he is just someone who's had make it happen for himself, and i honestly believe if he went to a team where he has genuine respect for the coach and the team actually believes him instead of doubting his abilities he can still flourish. If Allen Iverson had Shaq for the years Kobe did he could have won those rings, so i don't want to hear some bs about him not being a winner, he just has own style. Also he hasnt been situations that were right for him, and hes not hard to play with becuase he is a selfish player because he is a smaller sg who plays in an age of the 6'5 sg, so it makes him a defensive liability...
Good LORD you made so many excuses for him. So you're saying he has to go to a team where he respects the coach and the team "actuallybelieves him instead of doubting his abilities," that he would be good?
Yea that's his problem, the teams he play on doubt his ability :/ Andit's his own damn fault if he doesn't respect the coach. You're always supposed to respect your coach unless they do something to lose that respectlike Isiah.

I'm sure you're right though. It's not his fault, it's just that he's never in a situation that's "right for him."
AI just isn't that good anymore. He shoots a low % , dominates the ball to the point where his teammates are worse off.. and plus he's getting old. Ihave no doubt he can play in the NBA for a few more seasons. However, he will need to accept his limitations and tone down his attitude and come off the bench.
The Nerve of some of you.....

The way you guys talk about A.I. is straight blasphemous...and I'm not even an A.I. fan.

How dare you guys talk about a future HOF like this. 2nd Highest scoring average in the NBA playoffs ever. Career 27 a game ppg, saying he's done. SMH.Talk about percentages, Bean doesn't have the greatest field goal percentages either. Watch next season, I know chuck has at least one more all worldseason left in him. Prove em' wrong chuck, I know you can.
is it blasphemous? or is it rather the truth?

fact is, right now, AI won't be helping any team win unless he takes a smaller role. what is so hard to understand about that?
Can AI's situation be similar to TO's situation in the NFL? Basically the same personality in terms of team play and expressing themselvesnationally.

Either AI can go to a team where he can consider himself the leader of the team with help around him rather than him being the help, or he goes to achampionship caliber team where he can accept a sixth man role. If he goes to a young team (i.e. Bulls, Grizz, Bobcats) and has to accept being a 3rd or 4thoption then he will cause a problem. It's up to the coach to determine what players are first options on offense and I'm pretty sure that's whatthe Grizzlies brass are considering in terms of the pros and cons of signing him.
A.I. interested in the Grizzlies.

(Grizzlies haven't expressed interest in him.)

Ric Bucher discussing the sad state Iverson finds his career in:

This is why you don't confirm negative suspicions about your attitude in the last year of a contract.
Originally Posted by kixtension

AI just isn't that good anymore. He shoots a low % , dominates the ball to the point where his teammates are worse off.. and plus he's getting old. I have no doubt he can play in the NBA for a few more seasons. However, he will need to accept his limitations and tone down his attitude and come off the bench.

O'rly. Since going to Denver he has shot 45% from the field which is right up there with all the other top scorers in the league. While still averaging 7+assists per game. Again Im not sayin he deserves Lebron money but all the gripes about him are from when he was with Philly and lets face it who else on thatteam was going to shoot the ball. Eric Snow? John Lynch? Theo Ratliff?

The Denver expreiment didnt work because they didnt have a Point gurad who could run the show. If they had a good point there they would have been beasts.Someone who could manage the game and decide when Melo got the ball and when Iverson got the ball. When Iverson is the one who has to distribute the ball thewhole game he is obviously going to look for his shot since thats the kind of player he is. He is a scorer. And one of the best to every play the game at that.

Cue the homer comments................But I would love for you to challenge my statements.
Memphis is a terrible fit. With Rudy and OJ there arent enough shots per game. Like I said in an earlier post I think NO or Toronto would be good fits. Goodpoint guards who would thrive off the attention Iverson gets on Offense where they could either give Ive the ball and let him work or use the attention he getsto distribute to the other guys on the floor.

Philly could also be a good fit again since Miller is there to run the show now. We'll see but Memphis would be a terrible decision.
Everybody talks about a.i.'s decline which is fine, but besides last season, in which he was traded, and came off the bench, and played with a less thanremarkable coach, show me the decline in Chuck's game?
Everybody talks about a.i.'s decline which is fine, but besides last season, in which he was traded, and came off the bench, and played with a less than remarkable coach, show me the decline in Chuck's game?
Last season.

The season before, he lead the Nuggets to being bounced in the first round, winning zero games.

"That was Carmelo's fault! He's the first round virgin, like T-Mac!"

But then when Iverson was gone and Chauncey was in, the First Round Virgin not only made it to the second round, but the Western Conference Finals.

Maybe it wasn't Carmelo.
I woudn't mind him in San Antonio to be honest...i'd take him for the MLE..if we cant get SHEED...

the reason why i wouldn't mind him is because pop can control his attitude..and duncan and parker can motivate him to go for a ring..instead ofself-glamour.

? (dampier? gortat? chandler? sheed?)

The Knicks should trade for T-Mac like is being discussed and sign AI for a year. It would be an exciting way to actually make fans pay attention to the seasoninstead of overlooking it for the summer, and when it doesn't work out, they have no commitments that would jeopardize the cap space.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Everybody talks about a.i.'s decline which is fine, but besides last season, in which he was traded, and came off the bench, and played with a less than remarkable coach, show me the decline in Chuck's game?
Last season.

The season before, he lead the Nuggets to being bounced in the first round, winning zero games.

"That was Carmelo's fault! He's the first round virgin, like T-Mac!"

But then when Iverson was gone and Chauncey was in, the First Round Virgin not only made it to the second round, but the Western Conference Finals.

Maybe it wasn't Carmelo.

Who was the point guard on that squad? Chucky Atkins? And Chauncy is extremely underrated as a great point guard. Everyone knows he is good but Iwould put him up there as Top 5 in the league right now.
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

Everybody talks about a.i.'s decline which is fine, but besides last season, in which he was traded, and came off the bench, and played with a less than remarkable coach, show me the decline in Chuck's game?

You still don't get it. It's not about a decline in his game. It's about what is either his refusal or inability to play team ball. I'll say itagain and again and again: Stop looking at his individual stats and start looking at his career wins/losses. He's not far above .500for his career. That has to say something about where he stands today. You can't look at the "haters" as the reason A.I. isn't getting offersthis off-season.
I woudn't mind him in San Antonio to be honest...i'd take him for the MLE..if we cant get SHEED...

the reason why i wouldn't mind him is because pop can control his attitude..and duncan and parker can motivate him to go for a ring..instead of self-glamour.

? (dampier? gortat? chandler? sheed?)

DAMN that starting 5 would be vicious! I think Damp would be the best fit, mainly because of his defense. With Iverson, Parker, and Duncan in thestarting lineup and Manu coming off the bench, the offense is fine, so get a post player who's o.k. with just getting a few dunks a game off TP/Iversondrive and dishes, but mainly being there to hold down the fort under the rim.

And Hill? Are you talking about Grant Hill, in hopes of picking him up? Or is there a Hill on the Spurs already that I'm not thinking of? And where'sGooden in your roster? Is he gone?
is iverson expecting to get superstar money still? if so i wouldn't be suprised if he just retires.

if he's looking for the money strictly the best move for him to do would be to sign a 1 year deal with some team. shut up and play basketball and show thathe still got it and have some team that doesn't get lebron overpay next summer for him
i think what hurt him the most was last year when he refused to play off the bench.... teams dont want a cancer
AI is only the "answer" for a team who wants a ball hog. He had a couple of decent pieces when he was with the 76ers when they made the playoffs. Thebottom line is, he is not a point guard he is a two guard and he needs the ball in his hands to be effective.
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

O'rly. Since going to Denver he has shot 45% from the field which is right up there with all the other top scorers in the league. While still averaging 7+ assists per game. Again Im not sayin he deserves Lebron money but all the gripes about him are from when he was with Philly and lets face it who else on that team was going to shoot the ball. Eric Snow? John Lynch? Theo Ratliff?
John Lynch?..... George Lynch
i think people are confusing ball hog with ball dominator ... ai has the ball in his hands a lot because he is one of the best EVER with the ball in his hands... a ball hog just runs around and jacks %*@% ... you cant average 7+ assist being a ball hog ... you can be a ball dominator though ...
I say that because of the state houston is in that they should try to get this dude,hey he plays through injuries so they dont have to worry about him beinghurt like tmac
Originally Posted by frankthekingdtx

I say that because of the state houston is in that they should try to get this dude,hey he plays through injuries so they dont have to worry about him being hurt like tmac
um.... no

like I said in another AI thread... its not 2001 anymore
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