Allergies FTL!!!!

Mar 13, 2004
Cot left eyelid is lookin like Forrest Whittaker's. Even on allergy medication, HOW CAN YOU NOT RUB YOUR EYE? I hate allergy season...
sucks for you

not having allergies FTW
It's killin me.

Plus I gotta work the front register at my job which is RIGHT BY the front door and there's always air blowing in and out bringing pollen, etc with it. Ialways have a box of tissues on deck now.
try one of those allergy eye drops w/ antihistamines. I use the Visine one. It works for a while but it's better than nothing.
i don't have crazy allergies like you, but my eye gets itchy as all hell. and you're right, if it's itchy, damn right i'm gonna rub's weird cuz a couple years ago, i had no allergies. now, i can't breathe through my nose some days. it sucks.

Alergies, FTMFL
I am right with you. My allergies get so bad sometimes that I don't even go out once I get home. I don't know which is the worst...the constantsneezing, runny nose, or itchy eyes. One year, I caught pink eye from rubbing my eyes so much....I woke up in the morning and my eyelashed were glued shut
. Anyway, I take Claritin and use Patanol eyedrops and so far this year,I'm pretty good.
Allergies are terrible. Im allergic to dust, so that is pretty much everywhere. I always gotta keep my room clean and all that good stuff. And i hate when iwake up and i just know its gonna be a long day with sneezing, and runny nose, and watery eyes. Pretty much can't do anything the whole day without havingto blow my nose. Luckily im taking allergy shots but gotta get back to it since last time i went was 2 months ago.
I think they get worse or even start when you get older, I remeber being 16 or 17 and hearing people say that there eyes are itching or that they cant breath,and i would think there were just weired but now im 26 and I hate this time of year and fall just cause of the allergies .
I feel your pain, I have allwergies daily. I'm on the baseball team and its windy as a mofo out here. Allergies suck.
I've had pretty bad allergies all my life. My eyes get watery, sneeze every 10 minutes, and my nose is stuffy all the time.
for some reason, i don't have allergies this season, i've had it bad in the past. allegra is the truth, but claritin does work too, the 12hr, not the24hr because i think it wears off past the 12hr mark.
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