Alright, Am I Wrong For This? (Air-out/vent/long read)


formerly airodney23
Jun 13, 2004
Alright, so this is my first girl problems post, so bear with me.

So yeah, there's this girl that lives in my building, freshman, cute, great *******. When I first met her, she had been flirting with me and I knew she wastryna get into something physical. All of first semester, I held off on her cuz I had other females to focus on (never panned out, blown). The day beforewinter break starts, her and one of my roommates (a good friend of mine) get caught in a compromising situation (basically in the same bed, looking likesomething physical was going on). She assures me that that was nothing, they were just chilling. I blow it off, cuz I trust the broad at this point. So overwinter break, we started talking seriously. She's talking about how much she misses me, how much she cares, all the stuff we're gonna do when we getback. So I'm like, Straight, this should be a good semester, cheeks on a consistent basis, never been in that situation before. So the semester starts andwe start chilling HEAVY, like she's in my room every day, sleeping over, all that. I know she's been smutted out or whatever, but I try to give her thebenefit of the doubt, thinking everything was in the past. So the subject of her and my roommate comes up again. Here's what she said about it verbatim:"I care about you too much to do something like that. If anything, I'm the most physical with you." So once again, I blow it off.

After a while, things between her and I escalate and we end up having sex. I'll keep it 100, it was my first time, I was in there for a solid minute. Mydumb @@+ didn't use any protection so we were both scared of a pregnancy (should be solved by now). This was the Thursday before break started. Friday, shegave me the mean fellatio
(and took the load like a champ). Sobesides the kid thing, I'm feeling good. Over break, more rapping, telling me I'm one of the people she's closest to on campus, so I'm ready toget back. Sunday we get back, more fellatio, more cheeks, and I'm in there for a decent amount of time, too.

So on Sunday, I actually caught the broad and my roommate in some sort of act. I ask her about it, she lies it away. The next day, I ask my roommate about it,and he confirms that they've been going at it since November. At this point, I'm more pissed than anything, cuz I hate being lied to. Me and the homieare still cool, but now I hate the broad. The two of them are actually still smashing (which I don't understand, broad is untrustworthy). She told him thatall we ever did was kiss, but I don't lie on my #@%!.

So basically, I put the whole situation out there on Facebook yesterday, wrote a note, tagged a few people, let it spread. EVERYONE on campus is talking aboutit, her friends are pissed. So I just wanna know, was I wrong for putting %*$$# on blast?

As per NT requirement, here's a pic (she's on the right, that's me just being stupid).
know she's been smutted out or whatever, but I try to give her the benefit of the doubt,
you know you cant turn a **** into a housewife and from jump, you should have asked your boy what was going on and then you would know the typeof chick you was dealing with.
So basically, I put the whole situation out there on Facebook yesterday, wrote a note, tagged a few people, let it spread. EVERYONE on campus is talking about it, her friends are pissed. So I just wanna know, was I wrong for putting %*$$# on blast?

Seriously, you aired her out on Facebook and you're wondering why she's mad?

^No, I'm not really concerned about her feelings. I'm just wondering if I'm in the wrong/what anyone else would do in my situation.
You kept catching them two in bed together and took her word for it that nothin was goin on? Let me ask you a question when was the last time you was in bedwith a female on numerous occasions and didnt nothin happen?

But no you werent wrong to answer you question.
at least imo
Too many signs of a no go my man. First off in your friends bed?? Second history. Third...

Also I wouldn't have put her on blast on FB it could lead to her doing the same about your smash game or something else and it could continue to escalatebetween you two.
Originally Posted by AiRodney23

So basically, I put the whole situation out there on Facebook yesterday, wrote a note, tagged a few people, let it spread. EVERYONE on campus is talking about it, her friends are pissed. So I just wanna know, was I wrong for putting %*$$# on blast?
Pretty childish
Grow up and just findanother, theirs more then one Tuna Boat in the sea
Originally Posted by Pmighty

You kept catching them two in bed together and took her word for it that nothin was goin on? Let me ask you a question when was the last time you was in bed with a female on numerous occasions and didnt nothin happen?

But no you werent wrong to answer you question.
at least imo
he is right, you guys are too trustworthy. The minute i smell something is wrong, i off the chick.
Well AC Green you prolly should of just charged it to the game. Aint no need to waste all that time trying to put her front street, let her make it, learn fromit, take your pimp game to the next gear and start ridin.
Everyone, I know I took the L, let's not get that mistaken. Lesson learned, I'm keeping it moving.
There's always a sense of vindication when you air somebody out. However, it usually leads to them doing the same. Like dude above said, she's probablygoing to tell everybody about your quickfire situation. Hopefully you enjoyed it while it lasted because girls won't want to give you cheeks for a minutenow (no pun intended).
my dude, you shoulda asked your mans before anything. in those situations, i've found out that a dude will rarely lie if he knows you keep it 100%.
you should talked to your boy after the first incident. you look like a simp to me ... no offense. but shortie is a **** and yougetting salty putting her on blast about it. i ain't showing sympathy for her or anything but real _'s and all the _'s that was getting it justlike you is
@ you.
Man you should just takin the L and not aired her out once you found out the whole team was hittin it. If you knew prior that this broad had Smutishcharacteristics why did you catch feelings. Chick played you like a violin and now your the one who looks childish and immature by airing her out of Facebook.Atleast you could have kept her on roster and just used her for the smash and dash.

Now your in a tough situation, you know this broad/her friends are gonna ruin your name. The only winner in this situation is your roomate. He got his anddidnt get played.

But take it as a lesson learned and just keep it moving and start counting down the days till summer
To be honest puttin her on blast prolly didnt do anything. Most ppl on campus prolly already knew shes a %$#. Most freshman chicks get smutted out at somepoint during the 1st year. Also, you shouldntve even said anything, cause aint nothing wrong with consistent cheeks as long as you stay strapped up. Then youand your roomate coulda eventually ran the train or as we call it the "phillidelphia threeway"
word Dro. now that ppl kno about her, you messing up someone else's (). shoulda kept it on the low. only females air ppl out like that.

@ going in a fast girl raw dog....she gonna air you out b...if i onlylasted one minute in a broad, i woulda kept my mouth shut
son, you got played like a fiddle. Va is going to keep it real and let you know why you slipped up.

1. You were a virgin.

2. You got to let a bird fly can't clip they wings man. A $*$ is a $*$ its simple as that.

3. DON'T catch feelings for these *****.

4. Your a fool for not keeping her on the roster and smashing her out with your roommate. Me and my dudes would have had a field day. No homes

5. Take the note down and take your L that's petty and trust me broads can do much more damage to your rep. You dont want to be one shot McGee who onlysmashed one chick in his college career.

6. Keep your heart 3 stacks and get your life together. Feel free to hit Va up if you need additional help. I've seen your case to many times and it painsme man.
Originally Posted by VaGixxer

son, you got played like a fiddle. Va is going to keep it real and let you know why you slipped up.

1. You were a virgin.

2. You got to let a bird fly can't clip they wings man. A $*$ is a $*$ its simple as that.

3. DON'T catch feelings for these *****.

4. Your a fool for not keeping her on the roster and smashing her out with your roommate. Me and my dudes would have had a field day. No homes

5. Take the note down and take your L that's petty and trust me broads can do much more damage to your rep. You dont want to be one shot McGee who only smashed one chick in his college career.

6. Keep your heart 3 stacks and get your life together. Feel free to hit Va up if you need additional help. I've seen your case to many times and it pains me man.
Co-sign on everything.


J/K, but you'll learn overtime.
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