Alternative Energy Education vol. Hydro, Solar, Wind

Nov 8, 2007
Looking for input on alternative energy education like what kind of schooling and general field info.
-thanks in advance
the only thing that is worth a damn is solar & wind so dont waste your time with anything else ... consider yourself educated ...
What kind of info you looking for my dude?

NABCEP certification is the benchmark as far solar credentials go. has some Boot Camp type week long courses. Kind of expensive at $3,500 though.

There is a wealth of educational resources and information regarding photovoltaics online. Standford University actually has several very good hour long PV courses posted on their YouTube account.
How about Space Energy?

I work for this company
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

What kind of info you looking for my dude?

NABCEP certification is the benchmark as far solar credentials go. has some Boot Camp type week long courses. Kind of expensive at $3,500 though.

There is a wealth of educational resources and information regarding photovoltaics online. Standford University actually has several very good hour long PV courses posted on their YouTube account.
This kind of info. Preciate it bro.
Look into geothermal energy and try getting into electrical engineering, along the lines of wireless electricity ala Tesla. Google has positions for this stuff.
You'd have to move though. The U.S. isn't doing $+#+ anytime soon. Iceland heats like 95% of their water geothermally, they also use a lot of hydro power. Wind is the up and coming thing here, the only problem is NIMBY, no one wants it here because it's an "eye sore" and creates habitat loss/alteration.
Go to school to get your MBA and forget about this sustainability/environmentalist crap.  Consider yourself educated.

Jerry Garcia dies and the hippies have nothing better to do?  Go see The Phish or something.
No one has really provided you with any serious information.

Typically power generation involves mechanical and electrical engineering.

Consequently, it would be wise to go to college and major in electrical engineering or mechanical engineering.
all these energy solutions are only temporary....none are permanent

most of the energy produced from these types of "green" power are going to be used locally (big city or state) and could never sustain the whole world let alone the whole country...

unless we are willing to invest the rest of our oil to these temporary solutions we should be looking for better more permanent solutions....

there now you are educated....
Couple of community colleges in the midwest have wind turbine technician programs you can get into.
Originally Posted by ll K R E A M 15 ll

all these energy solutions are only temporary....none are permanent

most of the energy produced from these types of "green" power are going to be used locally (big city or state) and could never sustain the whole world let alone the whole country...

unless we are willing to invest the rest of our oil to these temporary solutions we should be looking for better more permanent solutions....

there now you are educated....
but isn't the world just a collection of cities and states? before the model-T, cars were a luxury; now there are more cars than Americans. presently, solar panels are a luxury; won't be long before every house is plastered w/solar panels. biggest factors right now are cost, efficiency and appearance, all of which can be resolved w/time.
p.s. what does your third sentence mean? do we need to invest oil in wind turbines? not sure what you're getting @.
yes but the solutions for using hydro solar and wind are to produce fields of these power generators which will only power the nearby state and big cities...we dont have enough room in the country to be able to EFFICIENTLY produce enough power for the country so it will continue to be a "luxury"...

we are past the peak of global oil production/coming close to peaking...oil is a finite resource and we are on the tip of the bell curve...

this means that our oil production will peak and continue to decrease meaning we will never be able to reach the levels once before...i could go on and on with this....

all these green energy uses massive amounts of oil to build and produce not to mention all the oil it costs to maintain these...

my point is that solar, wind, hydro are all temporary solutions and the power will be drawn off locally never reaching areas that have no place to put these fields of turbines, windmills, and panels....unless we want to produce thousands and thousands of miles of transistors, cables and everything else that is necessary to connect the country to power....i am talking about the windmill farms projected to be put in the mid west and Texas or the solar panels pushing to be placed in the desert areas in the west. or even the ocean wind turbines and hydro power along coasts that would generate power for the coast but would never reach in-land.

this is just a perspective on the whole green energy movement and how it is continuing to focus on using our finite resources for production rather than looking into more permanent solutions or at least acknowledging something has to be done now rather than wait till its too late....
we need to invest more into nuclear fusion. there will be a huge cost and need for oil to get it going but its our best option.
yup...i agree...its just the safety issues are a lil problem but overall this is what we need to do...scary tho how much oil it uses and how much time it would take just to build one....

also other forms of free energy like using magnets and harness its forces...

there are many better solutions but are kept secret because they ultimately interfere with large profits in the oil markets and trickles down to us consumers...someday they will come to fruition but we cant keep relying on "OUR GOVERNMENT" to make the right decisions
safety is going to be a major issue. i think it was einstein who said that it won't be a problem to have fusion reaction but the problem will be to contain the energy produced from it. it would use use a huge amount of resources but the reward would be well worth it. from what i can remember from a lecture i went to we should have a working fuson reactor that generates energy that we can use by 2040 and see an actual fusion power plant by 2050.

your right a lot of this is being held back by oil companys.
Solar power has become a lot more efficient than it used to be. Solar panels can be installed on anything, so your diminishing space argument does not apply. Geothermal energy is very sustainable and is an efficient source of energy.

The reason why I recommended electrical engineering with a little background in alternative energy and Tesla wireless electricity transfer is because it is the future.
Watch this

Imagine a future in which in which energy is derived from the sun, oceans, wind, and from the earth surface. That that energy is transfered wirelessly without the need to plug in. Anything that would rely on an electrical source of battery would no longer be confounded. No longer will you need to stop and spend time to recharge your phone, laptop, or electrical car.
it does apply tho to larger applications...if you are talking about powering one house or a neighborhood yes space issue does not apply but to power big cities like LA, SF, NY, ATL, DET, DAL, or even their states as a whole, we need large spaces because we cannot put them ontop of every single building and empty space...

it needs to be efficiently placed, not just placed randomly throughout until finally we can power the whole country one area at a time...its a waste of resources and will ultimately hurt us if we continue to think like that

I agree that Tesla has great ideas for electricity transfer and that we need to use the sun, oceans and wind as much as possible. but we should not limit ourselves to these alternatives...with our technology and mind power of the world we should be able to create more efficient models and implement them into our daily lives

but like we all see, oil companies and the whole battle for control of resources is the reason we dont see the most ingenuous and most efficient products for our future...

we need a revolution of our thinking and our oil dependent lifestyles to really see the big picture and understand what needs to be done
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