Am I tripping or is my teacher? car realated

Sep 21, 2004
So in my finance class I have to handle this fictional family's finances for a paper, and one of the things I have to do is buy a used car for them. Myteacher gave me a list of cars to choose from, but I can't find any of the cars he listed. Is there some special way of listing automobiles that I do notknow of, am I stupid, or is he tripping? Here is the list:

Tomary, Naxima, Maxita, LAR300, IQ450, Poville, MERE320, Oldora, Toycel, Volksat, Honcord, F150RD, 130HITI, Plyneo, V01570, Honvic, Satsc, Golfvol, Honsey,B3MW, Dodpid.

I'm thinking he abbreviated them (Honvic=Honda Civic) but I don't know man... I googled some and can't find @%!@ on them.
Can anyone help me who has knowledge with this stuff?

Thanks in advance
Originally Posted by heyson

I'm thinking he abbreviated them (Honvic=Honda Civic)
Captain obvious

I googled some and can't find @%!@ on them.

Well financing a vehicle is finance lol, but what the hell is 130HITI and some of the other ones that are not so obvious? Thanks guys
Toyota camery, Volkswagen Golf, Toyota tercel, honda accord, honda civic, some type of dodge and beamer, Dodge interpid. How did those abbreviations not makesense to you?
since its a fictional finance situational problem, maybe he made fictional car models
Originally Posted by heyson

So in my finance class I have to handle this fictional family's finances for a paper, and one of the things I have to do is buy a used car for them. My teacher gave me a list of cars to choose from, but I can't find any of the cars he listed. Is there some special way of listing automobiles that I do not know of, am I stupid, or is he tripping? Here is the list:

Tomary, Naxima, Maxita, LAR300, IQ450, Poville, MERE320, Oldora, Toycel, Volksat, Honcord, F150RD, 130HITI, Plyneo, V01570, Honvic, Satsc, Golfvol, Honsey, B3MW, Dodpid.

I'm thinking he abbreviated them (Honvic=Honda Civic) but I don't know man... I googled some and can't find @%!@ on them.
Can anyone help me who has knowledge with this stuff?

Thanks in advance
Toyota Camry, Nissan Maxima, Toyota Celica, Honda Accord, Honda Civic, and Dodge Interprid is all I could figure out.
Originally Posted by ape

since its a fictional finance situational problem, maybe he made fictional car models
This is what I think. I mean he obviously made them up from real cars, but I think those model names are just fake. Did he give you numbers (gasmileage, MSRP, etc) for each "car"?
I went up to him and asked if they were fictional and he said no. He said they are real you just haven't heard of them, so I was thinking that they weresome different type +%## I never heard of. I have heard of Civics and Maximas
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