Am I wrong for still being annoyed about this?

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Sup y'all, just wanted to get some opinions about this. This happened on Saturday.

I'm house sitting for my folks. My folks live about a half hour from where me and my friends live.

There's this restaurant in that area that we really like, I decide it's time for lunch.

I call my friend (Friend 1) at 1130ish AM, like yo I'm in xyz area wanna slide to this spot for lunch?

He says hell yeah I can head out soon, mind if I pick up Friend 2(who lives in the same area as us)? I say cool bring whoever.

I don't expect them to be here immediately obviously but I assume relatively soon. Again it's only a half hour drive.

An hour ten minutes later, 1240 PM, I text Friend 1 "lmk when you're close". He says he's just now heading out and grabbing Friend 2.

So in that hour since my initial call they haven't left yet, but it's all good since he's heading out now. They should be here in half an hour or so. Cool.

35 more minutes pass, it's now 1:15 PM. I text Friend 1 and ask if I should go get the table since the restaurant is close to my folks place. No response.

I head to the spot and grab a table anyway since it can crowd up during the weekend. I'm just assuming they'll be around soon.

Now it's about 1:30, I'm at the restaurant and at the table. I call Friend 1, no response. Mind you this is nearly an hour after I was told they were heading out and it's only a half hour drive.

15 minutes later, 1:45PM, an hour after the "heading out" text, I'm getting annoyed but not furious or anything. I try to call Friend 2.

He picks up and tells me he's in the car with Friend 1, they just got done VOTING.

Voting son? Really? So y'all took an entire detour without informing me. Friend 2 tells me they're 10 minutes away for some reason. Ok whatever.

15 minutes later, 2PM, I get a text from Friend 2. On the way, ETA is a half hour, meaning 2:30, so they weren't actually ten minutes away 15 minutes ago.

At this point I've been sitting at the table like a jackass since 1:30. Now I'm actually tight.

Remember when I said I texted Friend 1 at 1:15 if I should get the table? He responds at 2:28 PM like yeah get the table we're 15 minutes out.

Negro I've been AT the table for an hour. And suddenly that 2:30 ETA was pushed out once again to 2:45.

When they get there at 2:45 I'm completely furious but I try to keep it cool because Friend 1 brought their toddler. They are obviously aware that I'm mad and they're like sorry we were late. I do my best to be civil and friendly but I cleary have an attitude.

At the end I guess Friend 1 was trying to make good because he suddenly picked up the entire check, which is cool but doesn't necessarily invalidate how I felt about the whole situation. Human emotions aren't transactional.

So I haven't really hit up or spoken to either of them since because I still feel weird about it. Friend 1 tried to call me yesterday but I ignored it.

Wondering if I'm an ******* for still feeling the way I do especially after the lunch was paid for. But it just felt wild disrespectful overall.

A basic "yo we're taking a detour to vote" text would have gone a LONG way at any point and would have taken like 8 seconds to send.

I had to call to get that information and didn't know they had even voted until after the fact.

TLDR: friends are a half hour away, I invite them to lunch, they take forever (literally 3 hours from the initial call and 2 hours from the "heading out" text) to actually come to the restaurant, and took a whole *** detour to do early voting without so much as a heads up. Still annoyed and haven't spoken to either since.
if it were me, i’d text them after half hour late max and tell them nah nvm and get some food from that spot for myself.

point being that i try not to put myself in a position so that others can irritate me like that.
if it were me, i’d text them after half hour late max and tell them nah nvm and get some food from that spot for myself.

point being that i try not to put myself in a position so that others can irritate me like that.

You're right and I was on the verge of just ordering, eating and dipping but something stopped me. Maybe I was being too nice or lenient.

In hindsight I should have 1000% done that
i don't think you should still be mad cause it was your choice to go there and grab a table without confirmation and they paid.
let it go. what else do you want them to do? beg for forgiveness? they apologized and paid for lunch. if you don't want to be their friends anymore, then just do that. don't hold on to it and try to get back at them.

be a man and move on either way.
don't hold on to it and try to get back at them.

I appreciate your opinion and perspective but I never said anything about this. Clearly it annoyed and annoys me enough to post about it but nothing in me is thinking about "getting back at them".
I’d be kinda annoyed too if they chose to make me wait like that. My *** is diabetic so I would’ve eaten and then bounced. My invite is on some Nike quick strike steez so you snooze you lose.

I’d let it go this time but ask him/her more specific questions before another invite in the future.
They definitely should’ve voted afterward on the ride home together rather than what they did. That would’ve been my whole thing.

And where did this little kid come from? Did they vote and go back to get her? :lol
Thats why I say, “lmk when your close..” or “lmk when you leave..”, I don’t move until I get a response. If I don’t get a response in like 45 minutes, I start moving accordingly. Once you move around on they *** a couple of times, they tighten up.
Thats why I say, “lmk when your close..” or “lmk when you leave..”, I don’t move until I get a response. If I don’t get a response in like 45 minutes, I start moving accordingly. Once you move around on they *** a couple of times, they tighten up.

Yep, I sent the "lmk when you're close" and got a "heading out" text at 1240, two hours before they actually showed up, which is the crux of me being annoyed.

I would've been all good after he picked up the check but that's just me

Fair enough

They definitely should’ve voted afterward on the ride home together rather than what they did. That would’ve been my whole thing.

And where did this little kid come from? Did they vote and go back to get her? :lol

😂 The kid was expected and welcome, I knew she would be riding with.
Your first mistake was leaving the house. You're house sitting --- stay in the house! Don't dip for 3 hours and leave it unattended. Otherwise what's the point of house sitting? Order delivery.
Your first mistake was leaving the house. You're house sitting --- stay in the house! Don't dip for 3 hours and leave it unattended. Otherwise what's the point of house sitting? Order delivery.

The house sitting activity was completed. This was me wanting to grab lunch in the area before heading home.
They def shoulda let you know what’s up but you jumped the gun OP…They ain’t hit you saying they on the way so it’s all on you for poppin out and waiting at the restaurant without word from em
I appreciate your opinion and perspective but I never said anything about this. Clearly it annoyed and annoys me enough to post about it but nothing in me is thinking about "getting back at them".
You’re right

so then what do you want?
I can understand feeling slightly played tho. Its like they wasn't respecting OP's time.
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