Amazon workers describe soul destroying and prison like work conditions

Gotta blame the consumer on this one. Yall wanted 2 day shipping and buying constant shxt that you dont really need only because of the sale price and the shipping. This is what you end up with.

People only care now because these are warehouses in the states/other first world countries. Im sure this is how every warehouse/sorting facility/sweat shop overseas operates going on decades now and nobody had anything to say.
Don't blame us. We're not treating the workers like trash. We didn't invent prime shipping.
No offense to anyone about that life, but I'm not looking to be in a warehouse all day.

When I was in college I worked in the Keebler factory for one night, 4 PM - midnight. It was 90 degrees and I spent the shift in the back of semis loading up every crevice with cases of cookies like it was Tetris. One break.

Dude asked if I wanted to come on full-time, gave me a case of Fudge Stripes and I told him I'd let him know. Never went back and slept til 3 the next day.
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im still low-key annoyed homie let such a layup gig slide thru his fingers for being sawwwft. :lol:
How is that the cause? They can treat them better AND still send over my dog food on time

Don't blame us. We're not treating the workers like trash. We didn't invent prime shipping.

Exactly. Don’t blame us because Amazon is beating these workers down.

But if they automate the entire process, then people will cry and complain because the robots took their jobs.

If they open more warehouses and hire more workers they’ll complain because the pay drops lower or because they can’t work more hours, overtime, etc.

If they move the operation off US shores it’ll be a MAGA parade to bring warehouse jobs back to the US

But why is that on me because I selected 2 day free shipping?

I want my **** when I want it. If not, There’s no point to amazon.
Exactly. Don’t blame us because Amazon is beating these workers down.

But if they automate the entire process, then people will cry and complain because the robots took their jobs.

If they open more warehouses and hire more workers they’ll complain because the pay drops lower or because they can’t work more hours, overtime, etc.

If they move the operation off US shores it’ll be a MAGA parade to bring warehouse jobs back to the US

But why is that on me because I selected 2 day free shipping?

I want my **** when I want it. If not, There’s no point to amazon.
It is your fault. You select 2 day shipping with extra unpaid hours/physical abuse dont you?
Warehouse work def sucks and conditions need to be Improved...but if you work in any metro area round this time of year u don’t gotta put up with all that, just dip on to another one if it gets that bad...they all hiring on sight
this is in another country tho

haven't heard too much negative regarding warehouses in the USA. I'm sure its hell of a lot of work tho
It’s not anyone’s fault but amazons.

No one said you gotta treat your employees like dog **** just because you’re busy.

If you paid better and treated your workers like humans maybe you wouldn’t be so short staffed.
this is in another country tho

haven't heard too much negative regarding warehouses in the USA. I'm sure its hell of a lot of work tho

That other country is the UK though. It's one of the most equivalent countries.

I've heard the Amazon warehouses in the Boston area are just as awful. There's a reason they're hiring 24/7 365. It's a revolving door for people trying to make a quick buck and get out ASAP.
That other country is the UK though. It's one of the most equivalent countries.

I've heard the Amazon warehouses in the Boston area are just as awful. There's a reason they're hiring 24/7 365. It's a revolving door for people trying to make a quick buck and get out ASAP.

I've never worked a warehouse job before, so I don't know the turnover rates for employees, but I'd assume its got to be high just about everywhere in 2018, no?

This is just me blindly assuming, based on the stockX thread and the general mentality of the young working force in this generation.

Not saying that people shouldn't choose their mental/physical health over their job, but I'd assume there would be more people starting and quitting warehouse jobs at a much higher rate than 30 years ago

All jokes aside, Amazon sounds like a ****** place to work for, especially with the micromanaging of bathroom breaks, but I'd like to see a comparison to some other major warehousing jobs. Who else is a major name in retail with a large demand in warehousing jobs/delivery? Walmart? Any food/grocery services?
I've never worked a warehouse job before, so I don't know the turnover rates for employees, but I'd assume its got to be high just about everywhere in 2018, no?

This is just me blindly assuming, based on the stockX thread and the general mentality of the young working force in this generation.

Not saying that people shouldn't choose their mental/physical health over their job, but I'd assume there would be more people starting and quitting warehouse jobs at a much higher rate than 30 years ago

I'd guess corporations like Wal-Mart, Amazon, Home Depot, Best Buy, etc that employ hundreds of warehouse workers have the worst conditions. I worked at Netflix when I was in college and they put similar pressure on us, although we got to sit down.

B*tch tried to have a talk with me asking about my numbers and I just looked at her like


They didn't care if the product went out all banged up as long as you were meeting your quota, which I never did. I always treated it as quality > quantity.
I'd guess corporations like Wal-Mart, Amazon, Home Depot, Best Buy, etc that employ hundreds of warehouse workers have the worst conditions. I worked at Netflix when I was in college and they put similar pressure on us, although we got to sit down.

B*tch tried to have a talk with me asking about my numbers and I just looked at her like


They didn't care if the product went out all banged up as long as you were meeting your quota, which I never did. I always treated it as quality > quantity.

Bruh, I worked for block busters version of Netflix back in the day packing dvds in envelopes.

They would try to hype you up to pack faster and people actually were hyped to get the quota and all that. :lol: I couldn’t believe it, that was the worst job ever. I just rode it out packing at my own pace until they fired me.
Crazy story. 600 times?
Work at an amazon warehouse part time right now.

Conditions are fine at my location.

It’s horribly unorganized tho. Some of the easiest money ive made. Just super boring.
Bruh, I worked for block busters version of Netflix back in the day packing dvds in envelopes.

They would try to hype you up to pack faster and people actually were hyped to get the quota and all that. :lol: I couldn’t believe it, that was the worst job ever. I just rode it out packing at my own pace until they fired me.

Yeah it was probably very similar. They gave us a little station with pads and cleaner and we basically had to zip through it while making sure the DVDs were clean and scratch free and in the right sleeves. The quotas were impossible to meet so I said f**k it off the rip.

Dude had a seizure one day and they wouldn't even let us get up to check on him, they just called 9-1-1 and made us keep going.
Jobs like amazon need a high number of employees to come in with that idgaf, Ima work at my own pace, take long breaks and call out when stuff comes up mentality and need that to outnumber the hard working mentality employees.

Thing is it’s way too many people who NEED the job, be it a family to support, bills to pay, etc that they’re in fear of losing their job so the company has them by the balls.
I've worked warehouse jobs the i was younger
loading up trucks
kept me in shape for sure
workers need to get a union in there
if they banded together they would have leverage
imagine all the workers stopped for a week
they couldn't hire enough people to replace and train
they would be losing out on millions
and would have no choice but to give in to workers demands
I've worked warehouse jobs the i was younger
loading up trucks
kept me in shape for sure
workers need to get a union in there
if they banded together they would have leverage
imagine all the workers stopped for a week
they couldn't hire enough people to replace and train
they would be losing out on millions
and would have no choice but to give in to workers demands
Man not even a week, try 2 days.
I've worked warehouse jobs the i was younger
loading up trucks
kept me in shape for sure
workers need to get a union in there
if they banded together they would have leverage
imagine all the workers stopped for a week
they couldn't hire enough people to replace and train
they would be losing out on millions
and would have no choice but to give in to workers demands

Amazon is knowing for breaking up unions from the jump.they even coach mangers to spot unions and spot the leaders when a union is forming. The leader or anyone who usually contributes to forming a union is usually put through and ringer and is fired or they resign due managers putting pressure on them.
Dang man, this stuff is really sad. I still want my ish to be here in two days though since I paid for Amazon Prime. It's Christmas time so they better wait until next year to stage a boycott or whatever.
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