Amazon workers describe soul destroying and prison like work conditions

When folks are screaming to bring jobs back to the States, theae the type of jobs they talking about.

There is so much disconnect in the workplace between departments by design. This what happens when you hire bean counters and put them over operations. Real easy for them to lose sight of the humanity vs production.
When folks are screaming to bring jobs back to the States, theae the type of jobs they talking about.

There is so much disconnect in the workplace between departments by design. This what happens when you hire bean counters and put them over operations. Real easy for them to lose sight of the humanity vs production.
warehouse jobs been in the us forever
its the manufacturing jobs
they are mainly referring to
when they say bring back jobs to the states
Dang man, this stuff is really sad. I still want my ish to be here in two days though since I paid for Amazon Prime. It's Christmas time so they better wait until next year to stage a boycott or whatever.

goledensilence goledensilence Serious question my G, what do you need in the next 48 hours that you could not get at your local pharmacy, dollar store, convenience store, Walmart, etc... Just curious? Was Amazon's pricing really that much cheaper?

I mean 48 hours ain't that crazy, however that same day or even next day delivery is what's pushing this 'slave worker' mentality at their warehouses.
goledensilence goledensilence Serious question my G, what do you need in the next 48 hours that you could not get at your local pharmacy, dollar store, convenience store, Walmart, etc... Just curious? Was Amazon's pricing really that much cheaper?

I mean 48 hours ain't that crazy, however that same day or even next day delivery is what's pushing this 'slave worker' mentality at their warehouses.
especially when a lot of these places price match amazon
u got a great point
goledensilence goledensilence Serious question my G, what do you need in the next 48 hours that you could not get at your local pharmacy, dollar store, convenience store, Walmart, etc... Just curious? Was Amazon's pricing really that much cheaper?

I mean 48 hours ain't that crazy, however that same day or even next day delivery is what's pushing this 'slave worker' mentality at their warehouses.
I will say I hate going to stores in general now that online has spoiled me. With that said amazon used to not include tax. Now that they do they’re not the best in terms of price. They also changed their return policy to having to wait until they get the item first which is another huge ding
I will say I hate going to stores in general now that online has spoiled me. With that said amazon used to not include tax. Now that they do they’re not the best in terms of price. They also changed their return policy to having to wait until they get the item first which is another huge ding

See blastercombo blastercombo - I'll preface by saying that I'm in no way singling you out, but there is a 'cost' to both the buyer and the warehouse employee for this short turn-around.
Yeah it was probably very similar. They gave us a little station with pads and cleaner and we basically had to zip through it while making sure the DVDs were clean and scratch free and in the right sleeves. The quotas were impossible to meet so I said f**k it off the rip.

Dude had a seizure one day and they wouldn't even let us get up to check on him, they just called 9-1-1 and made us keep going.

Yup same exact thing. Did you have to put them away too?
goledensilence goledensilence Serious question my G, what do you need in the next 48 hours that you could not get at your local pharmacy, dollar store, convenience store, Walmart, etc... Just curious? Was Amazon's pricing really that much cheaper?

I mean 48 hours ain't that crazy, however that same day or even next day delivery is what's pushing this 'slave worker' mentality at their warehouses.

This is what i meant in my post. Millions if not tens of millions if not hundreds of millions are choosing these quick delivery options EVERY DAY. Amazon has to deliver all of these products for everyone on time every time. They dont have time to treat their employees with care because of consumer demands.

I dont like it just like everyone else but this is the price that has to be paid.
goledensilence goledensilence Serious question my G, what do you need in the next 48 hours that you could not get at your local pharmacy, dollar store, convenience store, Walmart, etc... Just curious? Was Amazon's pricing really that much cheaper?

I mean 48 hours ain't that crazy, however that same day or even next day delivery is what's pushing this 'slave worker' mentality at their warehouses.
The only thing I bought in the past 10 years from amazon was a toilet seat
I gotta few cousins that work in the datacenters here...They're brainwashed and think Amazon can do no wrong. They're actually excited about them establishing HQ2 here. :sick:
Gotta blame the consumer on this one. Yall wanted 2 day shipping and buying constant shxt that you dont really need only because of the sale price and the shipping. This is what you end up with.

People only care now because these are warehouses in the states/other first world countries. Im sure this is how every warehouse/sorting facility/sweat shop overseas operates going on decades now and nobody had anything to say.
Same stuff typed in the tipping threads.

Blame everyone but the employers
Amazon corporate is extremely cutthroat and the definition of dog-eat-dog. :smh:

I've scaled back tremendously with my Amazon purchases and I wish that more people would.

@millenial FWIW, Amazon makes Walmart look like a saint.

Prime is life g. I can't imagine my life without Amazon at this point. Too convenient.
One reason why morality is such an interesting topic

On one hand, I don't support the treatment.

But...I need same day shipping on this useless banana slicer I just ordered.
goledensilence goledensilence Serious question my G, what do you need in the next 48 hours that you could not get at your local pharmacy, dollar store, convenience store, Walmart, etc... Just curious? Was Amazon's pricing really that much cheaper?

I mean 48 hours ain't that crazy, however that same day or even next day delivery is what's pushing this 'slave worker' mentality at their warehouses.
Well being that my local Walmart, Walgreens, etc are all 30 minutes away (local mall being an hour away) I would say everything. I don't want to take that drive back and forth just to purchase all of those products when I can easily get them off the internet. Those workers better get on the good foot and ship my ish on time.
Matter of fact, I just had a Prime Christmas order arrive yesterday.
warehouse jobs been in the us forever
its the manufacturing jobs
they are mainly referring to
when they say bring back jobs to the states

Those jobs are even worse.

They complaining about kicking boxes but crying to get the even ****tier jobs back?
warehouse jobs been in the us forever
its the manufacturing jobs
they are mainly referring to
when they say bring back jobs to the states

In general Americans ain't built for hard repetirive work. Most Americans not even built for Call Center work lol.
Corporate treats their employees just as bad. My boy works 60 hour work weeks. Can't even take a single day off because he has to spend it at home to finish a project or else he'll hear it from his boss the next day.
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