American Gangster Vs. Untitled

Originally Posted by cartune

American Gangster was like the only Jay album I've heard dudes playing in the chevys leaving clubs at car shows like dudes play it like Jeezy and Gucci down here. AG still gets played on the regular. Roc Boys gets played every now and then dudes go ham. Untitled was cool tho. Hero should have been a major hit Nas just dropped the ball on that one
Where you from and how old are you? I'm just trying to get this post. I'm guessing the south with that "down here" comment andreference to other Southern rappers. I'd expect this to be said about BP
AG...Lyrical Content on that album was on point and great production as well...Untitled was also a good album, but we know Nas and his beat selections.... smh
the problem with Untitled is tht some of the production was lacking, also, you cant listen to the album all the way through in 1 listen..
whereas AG has a fluid sound throughout(hello brooklyn excluded). lyrically they both deliver, but Untitled jumps around way too much sonically
Am I the only person who still calls it the Nr album? Anyways when i get tired of listening to the same *!## i listen to Untitled. Which has been a lot lately. The only song that i don't f with with on that album is make the world go round. And whoever said that that Toomp beat needed to go harder
. I will admit the original on the advance was better. I guess sample issuesmade them change it up. But Untitled was the best rap album from late 07 to 08.
Originally Posted by TH0MAS CR0WN

I liked Untitled, but

AG is fire beginning to end, and has great replay value

I still play it on the regular
Pretty much.
The real question should be, would you pick Untitled or the N Mixtape. I would go with the mixtape.

AG btw but the two albums dont compare AT ALL. only thing in common is they were the two greats latest album.
i swear sometimes i dont know why jay and nasir are even mentioned in the same sentence
I think the thing is...when you're making such a politically driven album where you trying to make a statement like on Untitled...the music takes abackseat to your message. When that happens...that decreases replay value. It's like "Ok, you taught me what?". What's leftafter you've Black President, We're Not Alone, or Sly Fox a few times? It would be like someone reading "48 Laws of Power" or "The Artof War" multiple times. It's not "all purpose music". You can't just throw Untitled on in the car, on the iPod in the subway...workingout, etc. like you can with AG.

There has to be a balance of content/musical quality...and that's something Nas hasn't had on his last two albums because he's going for shockvalue before anything else.
Originally Posted by Air Bonilla 23

Had a discussion with one of my boys today who said AG was better than Untitled. I feel like both are 4.5 albums, but AG's production > Untitled's.

Would you agree that AG is a mature Reasonable Doubt??
I agree with this assessment, and you're right about it being a more mature Reasonable Doubt, its also lacking a lot of the depth RD had tho.As far as which I prefer, it depends on my mood, I can pretty much rock both albums straight through. If I'm actually listening to music like trying tozone out and get away from whatever else is going on I'm more inclined to play Untitled, however if its just throwing something on just to have music on itwould more than likely be AG. They both serve different purposes.

Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by Statis22

Yeah I can still listen to AG

I ain't touched Untitled in a hot second lol
furthermore AG is a success as far as theme albums go
Nas keeps titling his albums as if they'll be theme albums and they never hit their mark.

pisses me off!

Woooooooooooooow... So you're saying that Untitled didn't hit its mark as aligning one common theme??? Hilarious
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