American Gangster...

Whatever you say Mr. Miyagi.

Album is a classic.
Whatever you say Mr. Miyagi.

Album is a classic.

See.............. That's whats wrong with this rap I SH............. No need for disagreement to be adversarial.
It is what it is I guess though.
Originally Posted by iLLscan

Whatever you say Mr. Miyagi.

Album is a classic.
See.............. That's whats wrong with this rap I SH............. No need for disagreement to be adversarial.
It is what it is I guess though.

I was trying to end the argument not be adversarial fam....

And some of y'all are quick to claim that every and anything is whats wrong with people don't argue in other venues.



Come on son................ You was trying to "end" the argument with the last word, on some old passive aggressive I SH.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by rocyaice

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

It takes you 5 years to fully grasp why an album is good, unique or porgressive?

Good art almost always instant gratification. The hell are you talking about?

And i'm trying to rewrite history?


We're talking about music. A completely different art form. No one screamed "classic" when Thriller dropped. No one screamed classic when "The Chronic" dropped. Yet, in 2008 we think everything is classic. Cats say @#@ is classic before the album is even released in stores. Ridiculous. The word "classic" is being tainted by cats who are just excited to hear good albums. Especially since music is heard not seen.

It doesn't matter if you see or hear an artform...its about how you personally recieve and process the media that defines the art.

The problem is that y'all cats wait for someone to tell you if and when something is worth prasing...Thriller and The Chronic received crazy critical acclaimed when they dropped...with the the term classic being thrown around within weeks of their release....

The first time I heard The Score....I knew what it was. Ready To Die, The Blueprint, Doggystlye etc the same. some work is so good and ahead of its time that you should be able to determine that its instant classic from the jump.

If you never heard of Bob Marley....and someone let you hear "Legend" would take you 5 years to determine that you just heard a classic entry to Reggae music history?

Stop letting others tell y'all what to think and make up y'all own damn minds. If something moves you to the point that you feel its some of the best work you have ever heard in that particular it for what it is.


In a Melody Maker publication Paolo Hewitt gave Thriller possibly its worst review. The review opened with "This is not a good LP" and in Hewitt's opinion there were only "two songs worthy of mention". "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" was praised as an "exciting", "uptempo electro-funk song" as was "Billie Jean". Hewitt's stance was that as a whole the album could only be described as "bland", particularly the closing tracks. He summed up "Jackson seems to have lost his talent for turning gross into gold".

I wonder has his opinion changed 20 years later?

Originally Posted by rocyaice

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by rocyaice

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

It takes you 5 years to fully grasp why an album is good, unique or porgressive?

Good art almost always instant gratification. The hell are you talking about?

And i'm trying to rewrite history?


We're talking about music. A completely different art form. No one screamed "classic" when Thriller dropped. No one screamed classic when "The Chronic" dropped. Yet, in 2008 we think everything is classic. Cats say @#@ is classic before the album is even released in stores. Ridiculous. The word "classic" is being tainted by cats who are just excited to hear good albums. Especially since music is heard not seen.

It doesn't matter if you see or hear an artform...its about how you personally recieve and process the media that defines the art.

The problem is that y'all cats wait for someone to tell you if and when something is worth prasing...Thriller and The Chronic received crazy critical acclaimed when they dropped...with the the term classic being thrown around within weeks of their release....

The first time I heard The Score....I knew what it was. Ready To Die, The Blueprint, Doggystlye etc the same. some work is so good and ahead of its time that you should be able to determine that its instant classic from the jump.

If you never heard of Bob Marley....and someone let you hear "Legend" would take you 5 years to determine that you just heard a classic entry to Reggae music history?

Stop letting others tell y'all what to think and make up y'all own damn minds. If something moves you to the point that you feel its some of the best work you have ever heard in that particular it for what it is.


In a Melody Maker publication Paolo Hewitt gave Thriller possibly its worst review. The review opened with "This is not a good LP" and in Hewitt's opinion there were only "two songs worthy of mention". "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" was praised as an "exciting", "uptempo electro-funk song" as was "Billie Jean". Hewitt's stance was that as a whole the album could only be described as "bland", particularly the closing tracks. He summed up "Jackson seems to have lost his talent for turning gross into gold".

I wonder has his opinion changed 20 years later?



I like how you ignored the first couple of lines in that Wikipedia article you took 4 hours to look up...

Robert Christgau published a positive A- graded overview of the album just a few days before its release. He acknowledgedthat there were "fillers" on the record but still labelled it "almost classic". He expressed the opinion that"Beat It" was the albums best track, calling it, "the triumph and the thriller" but criticized "The Girl Is Mine" as,"Michael's worst idea since "Ben". He was of the opinion that the collaboration did not work well, but still praised it for, "gettinginterracial love on the radio".[29] A year after the albums release, TIME summed up the three main singles from the album as, "the pulseof America and much of the rest of the world moves irregularly, beating in time to the tough strut of "Billie Jean", the asphalt aria of"Beat It", the supremely cool chills of "Thriller".[17]

Come on duke....
Four hours? It took me 2 seconds to go to wikipedia lol. Anyway, the reason I brought up that quote was due to you saying this:

The problem is that y'all cats wait for someone to tell you if and when something is worth prasing...Thriller and The Chronic received crazy critical acclaimed when they dropped...with the the term classic being thrown around within weeks of their release....
Then you bring up you know a classic instantly when you hear it and I brought up the quote because that's a prime example of someone who heardthe album ONCE and didn't let it sink in before he made his review. You think he still feels the same way 20 years later? That's my point. Then you putthis in bold, "Robert Christgau published a positive A- graded overview of the album just a few days before its release. Heacknowledged that there were "fillers" on the record but still labelled it "almost classic"."

I helped you out not putting the beginning of the article up there.But like I said, you're not going to change your stubborn ways. I agreed with you that American Gangster was a great album. But "It has passed thetest of time."?
%$% just dropped some months ago. Not even ayear. Cats too quit to label %$% a classic.
honestly, I'm not that big of a HOV fan and I dont keep his CD's in rotation like I do with my fav artists.. but somehow this album gets a play from meat least once a week. it may not be a classic but it's definitely not crappy.
Tracks 6-11 are classic status but the rest of the album leaves something to be desired. If you ask me, the album should have ended after "SayHello".
His flow/delivery on this album was terrible. Lyrically he hasn't lost anything but the delivery is so terrible I can't listen to this album.

Jordan with the Wizards> Jay-Z with Kingdom Come and American Gangster....He has these akward moments when he changes/raises his voice, and slows downtrying to force lyrics out like it's supposed to be smooth/stylish (listen to Lost Ones off of Kingdom Come, it's that style/pattern/delivery that ihate)...i'm probably not describing it right, but just something about his delivery doesn't sound right the whole album...

And Listen to 'ignorant ishh" and u can hear the diference from Black Album Jayz to AG...the new verse around 2:45 (the whole Imus verse), justterrible....

I'm a huge Jay-Z fan, but American Gangster is not one of his best albums. He had some good tracks and it was good lyrically, but his rapping just held thewhole album back from being good.
American Gangsta is easily one of Jay-Z's best albums. Kingdom Come was pretty pretty good on the low. I noticed people want Jay-Z to keep spitting aboutdrugs even though he's a made man. Kingdom Come we need more of those types. There were some fillers. Those fake pop songs Jay-Z tried to sneak onto thealbum that song featuring Beyonce was hot but it sounded pop-@+!. he had a few of those on there.

Dudes throwing out the word "classic" like it means nothing.

Jay has one classic and one classic only, RD.

American Gangster along with the vast, vast majority of Jay's career = waste of hard drive space.
Originally Posted by MidEastBeast


Dudes throwing out the word "classic" like it means nothing.

Jay has one classic and one classic only, RD.

American Gangster along with the vast, vast majority of Jay's career = waste of hard drive space.
..are all classics
Still not a classic but it is my 2nd favorite album from him right after RD.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Just listened to this joint again after a 3 week break and it is without question a classic...if this album ain't classic ain't no classics in Hip-Hop.

Everytime I hear its its fresh, flows feels almost perfect to me. Everytime I bump it I enjoy it like the first time I put it on.

And I don't buy that time argument AT the f_ can you set a timeframe on brilliance?

When MJ dropped a double nickel on the Knicks in #45...did we have to wait 5-10 years before knowing that it was a classic game?

When you saw Malcolm X or The couldn't tell that it was a classic flick form the jump?

When you heard Illmatic/Makaveli/Life After Death/OB4CL/Reasonable didn't know that they were classic albums after the first couple of spins?

Come on now...there is such a thing as an instant classic...and with all the heat on this joint...its an instant classic in my book. Why wait 5 years to give props to something thats moving you now? In 10 years half of y'all bangwagon hip-hoppers won't even be into the artform anyway.

I can't see how anyone can not say this album is one of Hov's top four...
Originally Posted by Addict4Sneakers

i just dont hear jay the same way anymore
at least not like 98% of NT does
naw i agree. hov is prob my fav rapper besides 'kast but it seems like he jus doesnt come with it anymore. im buyin the next album jus off ofg.p. but im not expecting too much tho
That Marvin Gaye sample on American Dreamin gets to me everytime. It's a great album, and it seemed as if Jay wanted to put himself in those shoes from 20years ago and play around a bit. It's some good piffery music...
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