American Idol Results Show TONIGHT...... vol. RAMIELE GONE [finished 9th]

May 25, 2003
Was top 9 this week & Ramiele was voted off.

The bottom 3 were 3 girls...

Kristy Lee Cook

The 8 left are....
David Archuleta
David Cook
Michael Johns
Carly Smithson
Jason Castro
Brooke White
Syesha Mercado
Kristy Lee Cook
ooooohhhh $%@@
David Cook is ready to make records. I don't see him NOT winning it all unless he totally screws up.

Archoo showed weakness tonight. He looked uncomfortable singing his song and looked not a day over 12.

Kristy Lee suprised.

Brooke was awesome.

Chikize did his thing.

Syesha did her thing - but got cocky with Simon...which is never a good sign.

Michael Johns performance was overrated I think. He's a screamer.

Carly stood in the same spot the entire performance. Outfit was bad. Vocal was good.

Jason was good...picked a very safe song and he's usually good with the guitar.

Unfortunately, it looks like the end of the road for RamRam. I don't even think NT can save her after that performance.
^ I disagree. I think Chikezie is in serious danger of getting the boot. Jason Castro and Ramiele are nearly on par with each other, so it's too close tocall there. If Ramiele survives this week she should be fine for at least another 2 weeks or so 'cuz Kristy Lee Cook sucks, she just got lucky tonight. Iexpect her to falter again next week. Michael Johns was good for the first time in weeks; I agreed with Simon about D. Archuleta's performance with theanimated creatures and all. I thought Carly was the frontrunner since the Top 24 was created but she is starting to fall off.

On the rise:
- David Cook. He hasn't had a bad week yet IMO.
- Brooke White. She's getting better every week.
- Syesha Mercado. I might hear flames for this but when I close my eyes I swear I hear a Jr. Whitney in her vocals.

On the downfall:
- Carly Smithson. 2 bad weeks in a row.
- Ramiele Malubay. She's been in the middle of the pack the whole competition but the lower end has been weeded out, so she's starting to get into thelower tier.
- Jason Castro. His first 2 weeks were good, the rest were not.

- Michael Johns. He was good, then he wasn't, now he is again this week.
- Kristy Lee Cook. Never liked her, especially since she performed Amazing Grace twice when she auditioned.
- Chikezie. He was good, then he wasn't, then he was, now he isn't again.
- David Archuleta. IMO "Imagine" was the performance of the competition. Since then he hasn't blown me away.
I was slacking this week.� Wasn't home last night and had to watch it late on DVR.

Ramiele completely disgraced what may be the best performance in American Idol history.....

I see her going home because her performance was just TERRIBLE.� Sick or not, there is no excuse for that.

Chikeze was completely forgettable.� If he goes home it wouldn't shock me in the least.

I thought KLC's performance was a good vocal, but it came across as so cheesy and corny to me.� We know you're patriotic, but c'mon.� Sing a realsong.� She'll stick around another week.

I thought Castro had a real chance to win this after his Haullejuah (I just murdered that spelling), but he has been such a disappointment since coming intothe top 12.� If he doesn't step it up, he won't be around much longer.

The judges loved Archuleta.� I don't agree.� I thought the song choice was terrible, and the performance was nothing special.� I seriously have started tothink that the judges suck him just because he is such a draw for the show.

I can't get a handle on Michael Johns.� He can be so good, but he sucks other times.� If he had it all together, I think he could win this, but hisinconsistency will probably only take him to about the top 6.� Last night was good.

Carly needs to step it up.� She's the best female singer in this, but she needs to start showing it if she's going to have any chance of lasting,especially after being in the bottom 3 last week.� You would have thought that would wake her up for this week, but it didn't seem to.

Syesha was very good for the 2nd straight week, but she still just doesn't do it for me.� Maybe it's the tone of her voice, I don't know.�She's made great song choices which is something so many people don't do.� I think one of these weeks she's going to pick a bad song and getslammed and probably go home.

The judges were right with Brooke.� She should have stuck to just her on piano.� It started great, but when the band came in it went down.� I want to see whathappens when Brooke has to perform a rock song.

David Cook is blowing everyone else away.� He consistently picks the right songs with amazing arrangements.� Whether he wins the show or not, he will be theone to sell the most records by a long shot.

My bottom 3 for tonight are Ramiele, Chikeze, and Carly.� Ramiele goes home.
David Cook is blowing everyone else away.� He consistently picks the right songs with amazing arrangements.� Whether he wins the show or not, he will be the one to sell the most records by a long shot.
totally agree. his performance of elenor rigby a few weeks ago was incredible and when he rocked Billie Jean last night
there is something about the guy I don't like though. maybe it's the fact that he has an emo haircut because he's got thinning hair?
atleast it's a comb forward and not a comb over.
but vocally and performance wise, he's as strong as anybody on there.
I'm just waiting for the day when Archuleta gets the boot and his dad storms the stage and demands a re-count or something. dude is a ahole from whati've heard.

Originally Posted by JBug88

David Cook is blowing everyone else away.� He consistently picks the right songs with amazing arrangements.� Whether he wins the show or not, he will be the one to sell the most records by a long shot.
totally agree. his performance of elenor rigby a few weeks ago was incredible and when he rocked Billie Jean last night
there is something about the guy I don't like though. maybe it's the fact that he has an emo haircut because he's got thinning hair?
at least it's a comb forward and not a comb over.
but vocally and performance wise, he's as strong as anybody on there.
I'm just waiting for the day when Archuleta gets the boot and his dad storms the stage and demands a re-count or something. dude is a ahole from what i've heard.


I wasn't a big fan of his performance last night; matter of fact I've only really liked him when he did that Lionel Richie performance,that was sick. But I can't stand dude; he seems like an arrogant prick and always comes out very smug. He's good and he knows it and I can'tstand that for some reason...
Originally Posted by truthmain

Originally Posted by JBug88

David Cook is blowing everyone else away.� He consistently picks the right songs with amazing arrangements.� Whether he wins the show or not, he will be the one to sell the most records by a long shot.
totally agree. his performance of elenor rigby a few weeks ago was incredible and when he rocked Billie Jean last night
there is something about the guy I don't like though. maybe it's the fact that he has an emo haircut because he's got thinning hair?
at least it's a comb forward and not a comb over.
but vocally and performance wise, he's as strong as anybody on there.
I'm just waiting for the day when Archuleta gets the boot and his dad storms the stage and demands a re-count or something. dude is a ahole from what i've heard.

I wasn't a big fan of his performance last night; matter of fact I've only really liked him when he did that Lionel Richie performance, that was sick. But I can't stand dude; he seems like an arrogant prick and always comes out very smug. He's good and he knows it and I can't stand that for some reason...

It's funny how when rappers do this it's "swag" but when a rock artist does it they are jerks.

Honestly, three weeks in a row he has had solid performances and I think he's finally going to be the rocker that wins it all - call it redemption forDaughtry if you want.

Couple other notes:

Kristy Lee did a great version of that song but it's almost like she was scraping the bottom the barrel to find something safe to sing. I wouldn't besuprised if she sang the National Anthem next week.

I thought the judges were being a little harsh on Chikizie - when Simon said his facial expressions and hand motions looked cheesy and fake...come on Simon.. what concerts have you been to where the performer stands in one spot and sings their song with a straight face? He was definitely reaching with that.

Oh and by the way...Brooke looked GREAT with straight hair.
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

The judges loved Archuleta. I don't agree. I thought the song choice was terrible, and the performance was nothing special.� I seriously have started to think that the judges suck him just because he is such a draw for the show.
I agree it was a bad song choice but he definitely has skills & is one of the top people left. He should definitely make top 4 &we'll see how things go from there.
America is racist.

I still think Ramiele deserved to go home. It's terrible she wasn't bottom 3.

Syesha got a raw deal being bottom 2.

But Chikeze getting sent home is no shock.

Next week is country or whatever with Dolly Parton, so KLC will be saved for at least one more week. Unfortunately, I think it may be Syesha getting the bootnext week. Castro could have real problems with country too.
^please, this dude is mad arrogant..not surprised he got sent home..not even close to Luther Vandross's version.
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