Another star goes broke vol. Allen Iverson

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Lets think in basketball terms....AI is done

He was a guy who relied on talent and athletic ability.  Guess what unless you lift, run, eat right, and take care of your body that athletic ability will fade away. He's not quicker than anybody anymore and he's not jumping over anybody anymore.  He also can't bounce back from the daily rigors of the NBA like he used to.  Every team since the Nuggets had him missing more games than he ever did.  Kobe isn't living off talent.  Dude is 32-33 and treats his body right.  Thats the only way to have longetivity.

A.I.'s scoring talent allowed Philly to build around him.  He never was a good defender because of his size.  He only had steals but wasn't great guarding the ball. Dude is old, weak, and slow.  Why the hell would you sign him?  Then you add the attitude and ego that comes with it?
 you gotta be kidding me.  Theres a interview with Lionel Hollins the Grizzlies coach that keeps it 100 with the AI experiment in Memphis. 

It was cool to gamble, party, smoke weed, and drink in your 20's.  Well now he's 30 plus and its all caught up to him.  Sad but its all his own fault
He's still closer to the NBA than you are 
Originally Posted by Swag Odie

Originally Posted by MonStar1

Lets think in basketball terms....AI is done

He was a guy who relied on talent and athletic ability.  Guess what unless you lift, run, eat right, and take care of your body that athletic ability will fade away. He's not quicker than anybody anymore and he's not jumping over anybody anymore.  He also can't bounce back from the daily rigors of the NBA like he used to.  Every team since the Nuggets had him missing more games than he ever did.  Kobe isn't living off talent.  Dude is 32-33 and treats his body right.  Thats the only way to have longetivity.

A.I.'s scoring talent allowed Philly to build around him.  He never was a good defender because of his size.  He only had steals but wasn't great guarding the ball. Dude is old, weak, and slow.  Why the hell would you sign him?  Then you add the attitude and ego that comes with it?
 you gotta be kidding me.  Theres a interview with Lionel Hollins the Grizzlies coach that keeps it 100 with the AI experiment in Memphis. 

It was cool to gamble, party, smoke weed, and drink in your 20's.  Well now he's 30 plus and its all caught up to him.  Sad but its all his own fault
He's still closer to the NBA than you are 

That was funny

Originally Posted by supahoopa

Originally Posted by Sellout

Who knows what he did with all that money. Dude couldn't pay a 860K bill, so they seized his bank account.

blew it gambling .. 
bomani jones wrote an article about this .. 

I live 45 mins from dumpy Tunica and, apparently, he was very popular down there.
Originally Posted by sillyputty

Originally Posted by 4U2C

Originally Posted by 0cks

Here's another article about getting black balled in the NBA... 

I believe this unless your a Kobe or Lebron. Dwanye wade or somebody

I know some people will say that David Stern is just the white slave master etc, but this sort of authority is a good damn thing and I'm proud to see it, no matter where it comes from.
The NBA is a business. It is a privilege to be apart of, not a right.

Respect it and it will respect you back. The sorts of behaviors that some of the more radical players try to bring in aren't to be tolerated.


I can deal with certain dress codes and possible criticisms about salary...but Guns? This isn't the wild-west. Each NBA game is a PG to PG-13 affair and should remain so.

If they want that other stuff, UFC is hiring. 
get off your holy horse...where were you during da REAL NBA in da 80's? only thing that mattered was skills, none of this political *#%+%+$%.

getting blackballed in spite of your talent is disgusting.
Now even amateur soccer teams tryna get the lulz at Bubba's expense

[h1]Allen Iverson gets a sizable offer from a soccer team[/h1]By Eric Freeman | Ball Don't Lie – 9 hours ago
Allen Iverson looks off into the distance (Gary Dineen/Getty).
NBA legend Allen Iverson is in the middle of considerable financial disaster right now, currently holding such little cash that a judge has ordered his wages garnished to pay back a jewelry debt of more than $850,000. The guy needs money as fast as possible, and for Iverson that means getting a basketball job. Yahoo!'s own Adrian Wojnarowski reported two weeks ago that Iverson has an offer to play in Puerto Rico, and Chris Broussard of cites sources claiming he'd spend some time in the D-League if it meant a chance at an NBA job.
Iverson is clearly looking for an answer (pardon the pun) to both his financial woes and diminished standing in the sporting world. And while desperate times call for desperate measures, some offers are just too ridiculous to consider. For instance, an indoor soccer club has now extended a not-insubstantial offer to Iverson. Here's the official press release from the Rochester Lancers (via EOB):

The Rochester Lancers, of the MISL's top level of pro indoor soccer, today announced a contract offer to former NBA star, Allen Iverson.

The Rochester Lancers host two remaining regular season home games to conclude their season.  The offer stands at $20,000 per game, with a bonus of $5,000 per goal scored, win bonuses, and merchandise bonuses.  There are over 12 goals scored on average per game.

"Allen Iverson is one of the premier athletes of our time," said Rich Randall, Vice President of the Rochester Lancers.  "With his athleticism and competitive hunger, I think he can be a great fit with our team and fans as we make an important playoff push, while also driving interest to an exciting, growing sport."

If accepted, the Lancers have also offered to host his friends and family through the duration of his stay.  With the per-game pay and bonuses, this offer will come close to the offer (per game) set by Turkish basketball team, Besiktas and ultimately keeping him the United States.

It's hard not to be a little curious about Iverson as a soccer player. For years, observers have speculated that, based on his elite quickness and toughness, he could have been one of the best soccer players of all time if he'd devoted himself to it from birth in the manner of athletes in other parts of the world.

Still, let's call this offer what it is: a publicity grab by a team in a minor sports league looking to get as much attention as possible. There's no way they can expect Iverson to take this deal. Disregard all the talk about helping Iverson stay in the United States or hosting his friends — the Lancers are exploiting a great athlete's name recognition and dire circumstances in the hope of getting some extra money.

Iverson is far from a perfect person, and any consideration of his financial situation has to accept that he frittered away more than $150 million in salary (and more in endorsements) over the course of his NBA career. Yet there's a difference between giving a thorough explanation for why someone's in trouble and reveling in that misfortune. Love him or hate him, Iverson is one of the most important athletes of the past 25 years. It's genuinely sad to see someone who once held so much sway over the NBA reduced to a punchline. It's fine not to feel compassion for him. But, at the very least, please don't treat him like an object of derision. He deserves better than that.
Originally Posted by Wade187

I don't know what kinda shape AI is in right now, but I know one thing being blackballed is never deserved. It's one of the ugliest things in boxing and music, and if someone can use your service or you have the talent, not working due to "the powers that be" I know David Stern didn't get where he's at by being a good dude, but how anyone can see that as admirable is beyond me. Clearly people still want to see AI play, and you kidding yourself if you think there's teams out there that don't want him. It's a disservice to the fans that fill your pockets. 
I can agree with this. Maybe someone wants him but they don't want to be "that guy" and bring back someone that everyone feels doesn't deserve another chance. So technically that would mean they don't want him. I don't know. 
But reading the story about how he disrespected Coach Hollins on the team bus is out of line. Disrespecting coaches is something that isn't cool at all man. And the thing is everyone on Memphis was younger than him and probably looked up to him so I am sure nobody called him out on it. 
He said straight up that AI wasn't good anymore, didn't want to practice, got hurt, and then expected to play heavy minutes without practice. That's why nobody wants him.
AI problem was he was saving a lot of people in the 757. It was as if you ever went to one of his childhood birthday parties he would break you off some cash or let you hold one of his cars. One day I seen a Bently in my next door neighbor's driveway and I asked him how in the hell did he get that. I live in a upper middle class neighborhood so it's nothing to see a BMW or Mercedes but if you roll up in a Bentley it's going to bring attention. He said AI let he borrow it for the summer as sure enough my neighbor had the car for the whole summer.

One of my good friend's uncle/cousin whatever was one of AI good friends until recently used to live off AI. So much so that my friend's uncle/cousin can't get a job because he has no work history. AI took care of everything: house, car, clothes etc. My friend's uncle/cousin is getting by by pawning off the gifts AI has given him over the years such as watches and jewels.

AI was for the people of the 757 even though he was a D.
Originally Posted by MonStar1

start watching at 10:11 for the Iverson story


AI tried to keep it real with the Grizz.......the reality is you can only keep it real when you've got the skills to back your talk up.
Originally Posted by eyanks

He said straight up that AI wasn't good anymore, didn't want to practice, got hurt, and then expected to play heavy minutes without practice. That's why nobody wants him.
 exactly....its really that simple.

Iverson isn’t ‘broke’
Peter Vecsey

Last month, when a Georgia judge seized the bank account of Allen Iverson in order to pay out a substantial debt for an unpaid jewelry bill amounting to $859,896.46, the mass media assumed it meant he was broke. Reports claimed he’d gutted $150 million in earnings over his 14-year career.

From what I’m told, the number is more like $250 million. Let’s not forget A.I’s numerous endorsements, specifically Reebok.

However, hold the bankruptcy proceedings. He is far from insolvent, at least in the real world, if not in harmony with his “nothing in moderation’’ lifestyle. Someone who cared a great deal for Iverson and grasped the extent of his habits, loyalties and generosity protected him to some degree from financial ruination, at 36, at any rate.

A person with a firm grip on the situation informs me Iverson has an account worth $32 million, a principal he is prohibited from touching until 55. In the meantime, it feeds him $1 million annually.

At 45, Iverson is eligible to start drawing on an NBA pension that maxes out at 10 years of active duty, or take whatever’s there as lump sum. He will be entitled roughly to $8,000 per month ($800 per x 10).

If at all possible, Iverson will issue a restraining order against himself until he’s 62 or so. At that time, I’m told, his lump sum will be between $1.5 million and $1.8 million, or he can elect to take monthly checks of approximately $14,000 per.

Busted or “in the chips,’’ it’s distressing we’re driven to dissect Iverson’s fiscal fitness and downright depressing we’re discussing his career in the past tense.

Was Iverson really that bad an hombre for the whole NBA to turn its back on such a crowd-pleasing talent? I can name 10 teams without exhaling that would be better off with Iverson starting or subbing. What’s more, their fan bases would get a whole more entertainment bang for their misspent buck.


yea he blew thru alot of cash but hes far from broke.

 wash your salty face
A.I. been broke for a while now, he was living a crazy lifestyle its a article about how he went broke. check out the part what he was doing when he was on the road with the team games
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