Anthony Bourdain dead at 61. RIP

This one REALLY stung when I read the news this morning. Bourdain is one of my favorite celebrity personalities ever. He's probably the best storyteller I've ever had the privilege of listening to. I became a big fan of his about 10 years ago after reading Kitchen Confidential. He's battled demons for the majority of his life, and this is such a sad ending to a brilliant man's life. I hope his legacy lives on, because he seemed to touch a lot of lives though his travels. He really opened my eyes to different foods, cultures, and people. He was the rare personality that you could learn a lot from. RIP, AB.
I enjoyed his book. He was an a-hole but he was our a-hole.
I enjoyed his book. He was an a-hole but he was our a-hole.

Yeah I'm reading Kitchen Confidential right now. I've always loved his show but the book is outstanding. He was a real student of the art.

But what I appreciated most about him was that when exploring other cultures he didn't attempt to explore them in that disgusting Colonial "everyone but Europeans are savages" kind of way that a lot of journalists/writers/others do. He approached different cultures and ways of life with the respect that are owed and that showed in the quality of his work.

i took 1 tab of zoloft when i was 21
the pill artificially made me smile.

literally my face muscles started to go up
whatever that **** is damn it’s trying to work
That’s not how it works and when it does work it doesn’t work as a happy pill. More of a not depressed pill after taking it daily for a month.
That’s not how it works and when it does work it doesn’t work as a happy pill. More of a not depressed pill after taking it daily for a month.
not saying it fully worked
since i immediately stopped taking it after those side effects. totally didn’t like it, felt artificial.

but i could tell zoloft wanted to produce something i lacked. can’t really explain something 11 years ago
Yeah I'm reading Kitchen Confidential right now. I've always loved his show but the book is outstanding. He was a real student of the art.

But what I appreciated most about him was that when exploring other cultures he didn't attempt to explore them in that disgusting Colonial "everyone but Europeans are savages" kind of way that a lot of journalists/writers/others do. He approached different cultures and ways of life with the respect that are owed and that showed in the quality of his work.


He saw people as's, IMO, his best quality. Even going back reading about his early years in the business, the appreciation he has for a lot of the immigrants he worked with in the trenches helped to make him who he was.
Damn, this caught me in the feels when Masa Takayama starts to cry...

Was very shocked at the news Bourdain committed suicide. I really appreciated & loved his show for introducing me to places, culture, food, & history. He always did right by the places he visited & the people he spoke to. It was awesome that he made it a habit to interview folks left of center. It was never exploitative. He always showed great humility & respect.

I loved that he appreciated high end cuisine from the likes of Paul Bocuse but could also loved an In N Out burger. There aren’t many people like him in this world & it’s less of a place without him. I’m grateful he shared his gift of storytelling. I will really miss new content from him. RIP Anthony Bourdain.
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Love this quote, that's my life.
I was really heartbroken about this. Honestly I shed some tears. I wanted to be this guy. I've watched his shows since the beginning.

I've visited 40 countries so far, and he inspired me. And he also was originally from NJ too, just like me.

I really can't believe it
I was really heartbroken about this. Honestly I shed some tears. I wanted to be this guy. I've watched his shows since the beginning.

I've visited 40 countries so far, and he inspired me. And he also was originally from NJ too, just like me.

I really can't believe it
I loved how a passport full of stamps looks...
How long was his show extended for on Netflix? I believe I seen all of them
other channels will attempt to replicate..but i think they should leave parts unknown alone

i was wondering if he had other writers as well..if he did maybe it is possible
Would be dumb for cnn to get another host. It’d be like when man vs food returned with that ginger host. No one watched it.
i watched every episode he loved all the SEA countries

the food there looks ridiculous
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