Anthony Bourdain dead at 61. RIP

Damn, I grew up on this guy's show. I always dig his personality because he's not some TV personality putting on an act for the audience. RIP to him, hopefully someone can fill his shoes in the future.
man, i loved watching his shows and reading his books.

dude was such a great wordsmith too, the way he could describe something so simple and make it sound like the greatest thing ever was unreal.

Nah man, suicide is selfish.

and people who call it selfish are hypocrites.

Someone who commits suicide
Who has little children
The children are selfish??!!

cant say for children. but for adults, it can be selfish and hypocritical imo.

There are better ways to end their misery though. Therapy, counseling, rehab, etc. the extreme option isn’t the best option.

RIP to Anthony Bourdain. Dude showed all of us plain folk the craziness and hidden gems of the world. Thank you.

Gonna grab some lechon and a San Mig for the man today.

oh absolutely. im not saying suicide is the recommended way to end their misery at all. they should def try rehab, treatment, speak up and we should have a culture to bring awareness about mental illness and depression issues more. but im saying if someone does choose the suicide road and someone calls them selfish, its hypocritical.
"I feel absolutely miserable for no real reason and I can't explain why" depression?


I tried therapy and counseling and it didn't work. Medication didn't help either, they just loved prescribing new things (go figure).

I dunno, maybe for me it's cuz someone tried to take my life before so I view it as selfish to take your own life.
Damn, I grew up on this guy's show. I always dig his personality because he's not some TV personality putting on an act for the audience. RIP to him, hopefully someone can fill his shoes in the future.

This is a fact. Dude did it his way.

Cant say I was a fan of his style but always found myself tuning in to No Reservations.


I tried therapy and counseling and it didn't work. Medication didn't help either, they just loved prescribing new things (go figure).

I dunno, maybe for me it's cuz someone tried to take my life before so I view it as selfish to take your own life.
Of course they're gonna prescribe new things if what they were giving you wasn't helping. A doctor has an obligation to treat and evaluate the efficacy of what they're prescribing. It's not like their follow-up note is gonna be "Welp...**** it, I tried."

But either way, I'm glad you had the mental strength to overcome your depression. However, I'm not gonna sit here and judge someone else's mental state when I have no clue what was going on in their life or in their head.

I just think it's wrong to use a memorial thread as an opportunity to get on your soapbox about how you thought their actions were wrong when the ink is still drying on their death certificate.
I love that they sealed the table and dishes they used from that special in a glass box. Would have never thought to do that.

because those people rather have suicidal people suffer for their own emotional comfort/not having to deal with the burden of knowing someone who committed suicide.

being suicidal/extreme depression is like what someone posted back a couple pages. being stuck in a house on fire while suffocating. like a mental prison of torture.

I dont agree with suicide, as we they should speak out about their problem, but I also cant agree with people calling them selfish.
I love that they sealed the table and dishes they used from that special in a glass box. Would have never thought to do that.

I wrote this in another thread but I really hope they at least washed the dishes they used
RIP. I don't even know the guy beyond his public persona, but the news has got me in my feels. It makes me reflect on the health of the people in my life. Be well, NT fam.

Mental illness, depression, etc (too broad to make a general statement), has a common thread. When dealing with it you have a tendency to become fixated or overly concerned with yourself (how I feel, how things are affecting me, why do I feel this way and so on). When you get in this headspace it can make your problems feel overwhelming and that there is no way to deal with it. This coupled with the aftermath loved ones have to deal with is why suicide is often viewed as being selfish. By definition selfish is just looking out for yourself and how others are affected becomes less important.

I guess my point is every act, in life, we make is SELFISH. We all look out for US, first and foremost.

Even when doing FOR others, it makes US feel good, so we continue to do so.

So calling an act that a human does SELFISH is like pointing out the color of the sky.

I think it is pointless to comment on how selfish it is when we don't know WHAT he has dealing with, for HOW long, to WHICH extent, and WHAT he did to get through it. We simply don't know.
And leaving a basketball team
Cause ur not the main guy
Is a false parallel
But yeah everyone has the right to be selfish
With their own life
But I also have the right to call folks out on it
Mind u
I get it I understand mental health
I’ve been in very dark places in my life
Very dark
But each time
I had to think about my kid and my girl
Who depend on me
I can’t let them down
And put them in a bad place

by me Wanting to escape it all

What if you felt like you've already let them down and put them in a bad place? I'm pretty sure you've been down bad, but that's not clinical depression. The difference is they can't do what you did to stay strong.
With Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade committing suicide. I hope it changes people’s perceptions on mental illnesses and depression. People think its just the millienials and the younger generation who make these stuff up and are soft who dont know how to face these problems. It can happen to anyone.

Having a close friend who committed suicide 6 months ago broke me and devastated me. You feel this guilt in there feeling like maybe you could have done something. Maybe I should have done this or that. I wish his family and friends the best during this awful time. Anthony Bourdain based on what i saw on TV was an awesome human being.
I just watched one of his episodes and one thing I noticed is he's seems extremely self-reflective and cerebral. One thing I know is when you're super aware of yourself and your feelings, it dictates your mindset. So when you're not happy, you continuously reflect on it and it constantly stays on your mind. It's a like a hole that only you can help yourself climb out of, if you choose to.
straight-up clinical "I feel absolutely miserable for no real reason and I can't explain why" depression
If you've experienced this, imagine how it is for someone on a much more intense level to the point they choose to end it. It's like being a prisoner in your own mind. Saying it's selfish to me is like being mad at someone you love for not escaping prison. Is how they got there selfish? possibly, but their period of helplessness ain't the time to judge.
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