Anthony Bourdain dead at 61. RIP

Best example was when paul walker died and a girl posted on his daughter’s fb that he was one of the best actors ever.

This one REALLY stung when I read the news this morning. Bourdain is one of my favorite celebrity personalities ever. He's probably the best storyteller I've ever had the privilege of listening to. I became a big fan of his about 10 years ago after reading Kitchen Confidential. He's battled demons for the majority of his life, and this is such a sad ending to a brilliant man's life. I hope his legacy lives on, because he seemed to touch a lot of lives though his travels. He really opened my eyes to different foods, cultures, and people. He was the rare personality that you could learn a lot from. RIP, AB.
People love to exaggerate **** when people die. Happens all the time.

I remember reading a post on here when Stuart Scott died that said he was the reason the poster got into sports. So ****ing annoying.

Hear y’all talking, but don’t see any examples. Ijs...
andrew zimmern and huang aren't even close to bourdain in terms of not looking like a tourist and being genuine in his human interactions. not even close man.
i'm not saying bourdain was definitely the only one to break down barriers but he was one of the best for sure.
I dunno, maybe because I thought he was kind of a jackass that I don’t put him so far above everyone else doing similar things. I haven’t watched much of his cnn show but watched a lot of his travel channel stuff and he definitely drank with the locals more than other hosts. His Layover episode in Japan and talking to the creator of hentai was appreciated.
With his shows he showed you his favorite spots from his past experiences, and he had a way with words those other dudes don’t have.
With his shows he showed you his favorite spots from his past experiences, and he had a way with words those other dudes don’t have.
Agreed. He seemed to look at things on a deeper level generally, and the guy was brilliant with his thoughts/words.
i took 1 tab of zoloft when i was 21
the pill artificially made me smile.

literally my face muscles started to go up
whatever that **** is damn it’s trying to work
Seen someone say
That Bourdain was the one
Who helped expose Weinstein
And that this was retaliation
And made to look like a suicide
I was familiar with the name, and the face, but never watched any of the shows.

My instagram feed has been full of quotes and stories about him today. All I can say is he seemed like such a great human being who truly valued the world around him, but at the end of the day had demons of his own that he couldn't quite conquer. With that being said, be kind to those around you, make an effort to make connections with those around you, try to care more.

It's nearly 2 AM and I know it sounds cliche, but sometimes the smallest gesture helps, whether its a friend or a stranger.
With weinstein being in the news for months i’ve never heard bourdain’s name once in any of the stories. Now people saying he was the first to expose him came out of nowhere.
With weinstein being in the news for months i’ve never heard bourdain’s name once in any of the stories. Now people saying he was the first to expose him came out of nowhere.

I know there was a famous chef that went down in the #metoo movement. I know Tony had a lot to say about that. I think people are confusing that with Weinstein andreaching to put pieces together to say something.
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