Anti-Gay Conservatives being outed. Stories like this are hilarious to me.


Aug 31, 2011
There is something about all these super-homophobic representatives and senators literally being caught with their pants down that I just find utterly hilarious...and sad at the same time. Sad only because they're denying themselves....
These are stories only from the last month and a half though...

I'm sure we can all name a few...

My point is to simply suggest that being anti-gay is just a thing of the past these days. I'm not gay myself but I find it incredible that the lengths someone will go through to deny basic rights to others.�

For those that wonder why people do this, it has been described in a few studies and can be termed as a "Reaction Formation"�

Essentially:�a phobia is an example of a reaction formation. The person wants what he fears. He is not afraid of the object; he is afraid of the wish for the object. The reactive fear prevents the dreaded wish from being fulfilled.

NT, just do your part and stop the hate.�
Is there any openly gay politicians in the US? In finnish parliament there is openly gay and openly lesbian politician.
Originally Posted by ONEFORALL

Is there any openly gay politicians in the US? In finnish parliament there is openly gay and openly lesbian politician.

Fred Karger and Barney Frank come to mind.
Frank actually was busted in the early 90s lol. He is a democrat now, I'm not sure if he was conservative back then. 

Don't forget about this one: 


^^Barney Frank is the only one I'm aware of, he came out in the 80's I think.

The best story of any anti-gay politician being outed is Larry Craig and the bathroom incident.

How long till Ninjahood gets caught in a cheap Hotel in Da Heightz with some Dominican papis?
Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

yall dudes still believe in politics though...

#%**@ faker than wrestling

hey... I agree...but i'm just talking about this one issue though...thats a whole other can of worms... i'll let you start that thread though. 
I say all this to say...

Originally Posted by moundraised23

yuku screwed my real post, so @!%* it

lol @ barbarians need to be educated...
let them folk cook


Remember...this is HER husband
Originally Posted by ServeChilled81

Our Mayor here in Houston is openly Gay
Watch this documentary called Outrage
This documentary needs to be publicized. I didn't even know about this. 
"we know what you did last session"....that shh cray

i wanna see the movie now...i find it quite funny how these folks go so hard at keepin thier sexuality a secret
why be ashamed? esp in these times when its more accepted

The things that bother people the most are the things they can't get off of their own minds. For or against, it's still an obsession.
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

The things that bother people the most are the things they can't get off of their own minds. For or against, it's still an obsession.

It's a defense mechanism called reaction formation

[h1]Reaction formation[/h1]
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In psychoanalytic theory, reaction formation is a defensive process (defense mechanism) in which anxiety-producing or unacceptable emotions and impulses are mastered by exaggeration (hypertrophy) of the directly opposing tendency.[sup][1][/sup][sup][2][/sup]
[h2]Contents[/h2] [hide]
[/td][/tr][/table][h2][edit] Theory[/h2]
Reaction formation depends on the hypothesis that
"[t]he instincts and their derivatives may be arranged as pairs of opposites: life versus death, construction versus destruction, action versus passivity, dominance versus submission, and so forth. When one of the instincts produces anxiety by exerting pressure on the ego either directly or by way of the superego, the ego may try to sidetrack the offending impulse by concentrating upon its opposite. For example, if feelings of hate towards another person make one anxious, the ego can facilitate the flow of love to conceal the hostility."[sup][3][/sup]

Where reaction-formation takes place, it is usually assumed that the original, rejected impulse does not vanish, but persists, unconscious, in its original infantile form.[sup][2][/sup] .[sup][3][/sup]

In a diagnostic setting, the existence of a reaction-formation rather than a 'simple' emotion would be suspected where exaggeration, compulsiveness and inflexibility were observed. For example,
"[r]eactive love protests too much; it is overdone, extravagant, showy, and affected. It is counterfeit, and [...] is usually easily detected. Another feature of a reaction formation is its compulsiveness. A person who is defending himself against anxiety cannot deviate from expressing the opposite of what he really feels. His love, for instance, is not flexible. It cannot adapt itself to changing circumstances as genuine emotions do; rather it must be constantly on display as if any failure to exhibit it would cause the contrary feeling to come to the surface.[sup][3][/sup]

Reaction formation is sometimes described as one of the most difficult defenses for lay people to understand;[sup][1][/sup] this testifies not merely to its effectiveness as a disguise, but also to its ubiquity and flexibility as a defense that can be utilized in many forms. For example,
"solicitude may be a reaction-formation against cruelty, cleanliness against coprophilia",[sup][2][/sup]

and it is not unknown for an analyst to explain a client's unconditional pacifism as a reaction formation against their sadism. In addition,
"[h]igh ideals of virtue and goodness may be reaction formations against primitive object cathexes rather than realistic values that are capable of being lived up to. Romantic notions of chastity and purity may mask crude sexual desires, altruism may hide selfishness, and piety may conceal sinfulness."[sup][3][/sup]

Even more counter-intuitively, according to this model
"[a] phobia is an example of a reaction formation. The person wants what he fears. He is not afraid of the object; he is afraid of the wish for the object. The reactive fear prevents the dreaded wish from being fulfilled.[sup][3][/sup]

The concept of reaction formation has been used to explain responses to external threats as well as internal anxieties. In the phenomenon described as Stockholm Syndrome, a hostage or kidnap victim 'falls in love' with the feared and hated person who has complete power over them. Similarly paradoxical reports exist of powerless and vulnerable inmates of Nazi camps creating 'favourites' among the guards and even collecting objects discarded by them. The mechanism of reaction formation is often characteristic of obsessional neuroses. When this mechanism is overused, especially during the formation of the ego, it can become a permanent character trait. This is often seen in those with obsessional character and obsessive personality disorders. This does not imply that its periodic usage is always obsessional, but that it can lead to obsessional behavior.
[h2][edit] Example[/h2]
A man who is overly aroused by pornographic material who utilizes reaction formation may take on an attitude of criticism toward the topic. He may end up sacrificing many of the positive things in his life, including family relationships, by traveling around the country to anti-pornography rallies. This view may become an obsession, whereby the man eventually does nothing but travel from rally to rally speaking out against pornography. He continues to do this, but only feels temporary relief, because the deeply rooted arousal to an unacceptable behaviour such as watching pornography is still present, and underlying the implementation of the defense. At that point he can be said to have developed an obsessional personality above and beyond the defense mechanism.
[h2][edit] Sexuality[/h2]
A strongly heterosexual individual who is fearful or hateful toward those who identify themselves as homosexual and bisexual may be seeking to counteract deep-seated and often untouched homosexual desires. A reaction formation is used to exaggerate heterosexual behavior outward, to relieve inward anxiety regarding homosexual desires.[sup][4][/sup]
[h2][edit] Relationship assessment[/h2]
When an individual cannot deal with the demands of desires (including sex and love) and reality, anxiety follows. Freud believed that anxiety is an unpleasant inner state that people sought to avoid. In an attempt to protect ourselves from this anxiety, people employ reaction formation unconsciously in their daily lives. Reaction formation involves adopting opposite feelings, impulses or behavior. Someone adopting a reaction formation defense strategy would treat a spouse or loved one in the same manner in which they’d treat a hated enemy. Another example would be that two people really fond of each other fight all the time to suppress their desire of love for each other. This may also occur when there is a failure of acceptance that the other person is really important to them. To suppress their feelings for that person, they may resort to reaction formation and try to hate or fight with their loved ones to avoid the anxiety of not having them around.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

[h2][edit] Sexuality[/h2]

A strongly heterosexual individual who is fearful or hateful toward
those who identify themselves as homosexual and bisexual may be seeking
to counteract deep-seated and often untouched homosexual desires. A
reaction formation is used to exaggerate heterosexual behavior outward,
to relieve inward anxiety regarding homosexual desires.

I knew a dude (former friend) who not only bashed gay men every chance he got, he would look for gay tendencies in other people (even me).
He would also start rumors about mutual friends being gay.
One time I was talking to dude on the phone and I can't remember what I said, but his reaction still makes me laugh today. He thought I asked if he wanted me to "tickle his tummy."

At the time I thought nothing of it, but damn...
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