Any Best Buy people here: Are they real complicated about computer return/exchanges?

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Like lets say a labtop is only a few days old and it keeps shutting down randomly "system error" thing will they exchange it for another one or willthey make you pay a restocking fee/be annoying?
you're good. just keep insisting and they'll exchange. your goal is to get an even exchange that day or get something worth similar value.

if you want to return it and get your money back then do what I said but come back another day and return it. If you try to return it to get your money backthey will be more suspicious and force the restock fee.

also helps if you know what you're talking about. i just bs'ed them with a bunch of terms they had no idea meant and they just said f it and waive therestock fee. there was absolutely nothing wrong with my laptop lol.
if its the same spot where you bought your tv. w/ discount. then you go in there like you're asking for too much. they will be arses
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