Any JB "informant" wanna confirm?

Oct 17, 2000
Dec 2008.

Black/infared VI release.

GR. (to keep the "black/red" retro in December theme going on the last few years).

Ye or nay?

Not trying to created any rumors. Not trying to put anyone's info on blast.

Just asking -- publicly.

I never post in this forum, but this is the forum to ask the question, so....?

Thanks in advance.
i hope so.
One of the shoes in the pack will continue the black and red theme for Xmas besides the VI's will come out in May along with the XVII.
Can't be true cause no retros are coming out except the ones in the packs and the pack coming out in Dec are XI/XII.Unless something changes or they go up on Flight club.

Then again, I'm not an informant.
"Flip Jays,"

Sincerely appreciated, from one JB lover to another.

All my infareds (even DS ones) don't look as crisp as they did when I copped on 8/23/00.

Thus, news of this shoe returning -- jumpman on back doesn't bother me AS MUCH anymore -- raised an eyebrow.

Thanks again.
Yo Bruh..

I will ask when I return, because from what I understand only one retro will be releasing then as well, like mentioned above, but as also mentioned stuff everchanges.

I return Friday. *sigh* Happy and sad all at the same time.
I hope not, they need to put these shoes to rest already..same goes for the black cement 3's lol
I was wondering about that as well (the christmas release), But I didn't think of this:

One of the shoes in the pack will continue the black and red theme for Xmas besides the VI's will come out in May along with the XVII.

So I guess that basically sums it up.

MastaAca- Who said the XI/XII pack was confirmed for December? I hope not because I do NOT want Bred XII's or XI's.

RockDeep- Thanks, yo! That will be much appreciated!

One retro, huh?
Originally Posted by Bigboi415

I hope not, they need to put these shoes to rest already..same goes for the black cement 3's lol
what are you talking about?

bring back both of those! I need 2 new fresh pairs for my collection.
Black cement 3s or black infared VIs

I'll be happy with anyone or better yet both
I'm in favor for some black/infrared VIs,don't have any of those,i alrdy got some black cement IIIs...but both dropping next year will be even more
Man I hope so, I meant to post pics last night of my Infrareds. Wore them Saturday all day and the sole on the right shoe cracked open on me. Immediately wentand got my Black/Cement III's and Black/Grey IV's and have wore them the last 2 days. I'm not going through that again so I'm going to startwearing my doubles some.
iono, imo theyve been released 1 too many times for my taste..i dont want them to kill my childhood shoes in ANY way...although they have been coming correctrecently with the Black Red VIII's and all, but i dont think their streak will last that you feel me TBONE95860... the NIKE AIR deal doesnt botherme that much, i kinda got over it, but i just want them to come CORRECT if they do decide to put those shoes back on the market. If they do, then by all meansRELEASE them, i could add a couple more pairs to my collection if not then dont even bother; ill just be saving my own money for something better.
what happened with the preschool teaser pic? i cant remember when it surfaced but i remember the 20 pages.
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