** Any KU KLUX KLAN meetings in YOUR AREA?! ** GRAPHIC PHOTO **

They use to have a rally (might still have it) in downtown indianapolis every year when I lived there (late 90's). saw them again in mississippi a fewyears ago (near hattiesburg), just kept driving looking forward.

On a side note: the confederate flag does not automatically mean someone is racist. In the south, its a symbol of pride. David banner even has a confederateflag tatted on his back. Educate yourself people. As most of you already know...I'm black.
I'm sure in FL we got some KKK meetings going on. As long as they don't come near my area I'm good. But if they do, I don't think I couldresist going to one and spraying them +!$!@#! down with some manure.
DO these idiots still have power? I mean i knew they were around,but to have meetings and #$%@. Wouldnt they be terrified? I mean i know for a FACT..if i seenor knew some1 in that #$@%... id without a doubt start bashing dudes in
Wow....sad but racism will never die...as long as ignorance is still out there and we are all different shades of color, racism will still exist
that pic is old as hell but they do still exist which is a shame. right now, WE as americans are hated by almost every other country in existence and we'restill fighting amongst ourselves. sad, very sad.
Originally Posted by dlsilva21

I would seriously consider randomly inflicting harm on a member if I ever came across one. I never hurt anyone and I'm very level headed, so that's saying a lot. The amount of ignorant hate in this organization's heart is unbearable to ever share company with.

(I'm not black, btw)

either am I
if that matters
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by DeeeK

Wow they're in Castro Valley? I'm a 2 minute drive from CV... that's disturbing...
And you didn't even know about it, so clearly this pocket of the KKK has affected you in no way at all....so who really cares?


the SoCal area probably has the highest percentage of neo-nazi's than any other state and they are far more violent than the KKK
at somehow associating McCain/Palin supporters with KKK, yall are ridiculous.
also, just because someone has the confederate flag displayed that doesn't equate to being racist
Originally Posted by JayInfamous22

DO these idiots still have power? I mean i knew they were around,but to have meetings and #$%@. Wouldnt they be terrified? I mean i know for a FACT..if i seen or knew some1 in that #$@%... id without a doubt start bashing dudes in
First of all, the only power they have is the power to exercise their first amendment rights. Second, you wouldn't do a damn thing because ifyou assaulted them, you'd be the only idiot actually breaking the law. The logic on NT is astounding sometimes. You can't just attack people physicallybecause you disagree with their message.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by JayInfamous22

DO these idiots still have power? I mean i knew they were around,but to have meetings and #$%@. Wouldnt they be terrified? I mean i know for a FACT..if i seen or knew some1 in that #$@%... id without a doubt start bashing dudes in
First of all, the only power they have is the power to exercise their first amendment rights. Second, you wouldn't do a damn thing because if you assaulted them, you'd be the only idiot actually breaking the law. The logic on NT is astounding sometimes. You can't just attack people physically because you disagree with their message.
Like I said, they wouldn't do a cotdamn thing if they saw a group of dudes wearing white hoods and bed sheets chilling in the cut.
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