** Any KU KLUX KLAN meetings in YOUR AREA?! ** GRAPHIC PHOTO **


at first i thought that it was humorous that they are still active. but really it just makes me realize how stupid a large part of our population in americais. just living my life in my little bubble it seems like america has so much hope. haha honestly if a pres canidate can promise me that he will at leastattempt to make our population smarter as a whole i would probably vote for him. forget aids ******ation is the new pandemic.

Burn in HELL kkk.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

i think it would be really cool to sneak up on one of those klan meetings, armed with an m4 and a scope. then just start going to town, bring your friends so they're surrounded. whomever wins gets a baconator and frosty, on the house!
Bad boys 2.
They went to work.
Originally Posted by jarrett XX3

My neighbors have like 3 MCCAIN-PALIN signs up in their yard though
Those two, if elected, will steer this country even more off course than it already is. I digress, of course.

Do you know anyone personally involved?
I used to be the Editor in Chief for the Daily Review and would get constant death threats when I would have investigative reporters working onstories trying to oust this nonsense in their town. I've published 3 stories from 2005-2007 about the homegrown extremist threat and none of their threatshave come into fruition yet. I also have some professors at Cal State Hayward who have had their lives threatened for working on stories for the HaywardPioneer... don't think they ever published those stories though.
From what I hear, the activity of Klansmen isn't even close to being what it use to be and is for the most part dead round here. I was talking to an oldergentleman one day and he was telling me about how one day when he was at college here in the 70's the KKK were passing out pamphlets at the collegeencouraging students to join them. It kind of put things into perspective because I couldn't see something like that happening here now.
Originally Posted by rsdplaya

Originally Posted by breakinyourankles

There's this old dude with the Confederate flag on the front of his porch down the street. And there's a house full of black dudes that just moved in RIGHT across from him
well that won't end well. but house full of black dudes...suspect...

There's like 1 girl
Originally Posted by jarrett XX3

The thought of this scares me..

But on another note,

My neighbors have like 3 MCCAIN-PALIN signs up in their yard though

3? man that's nothing, infront of my boss' friends house this family easily has 20 signs all over the house(they aren't white btw).. and to make itworse, their neighbors are packers fans
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by jarrett XX3

The thought of this scares me..

But on another note,

My neighbors have like 3 MCCAIN-PALIN signs up in their yard though

3? man that's nothing, infront of my boss' friends house this family easily has 20 signs all over the house(they aren't white btw).. and to make it worse, their neighbors are packers fans

I'm thinking about taking the signs down though.

SMH should i do it?
Originally Posted by jarrett XX3

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by jarrett XX3

The thought of this scares me..

But on another note,

My neighbors have like 3 MCCAIN-PALIN signs up in their yard though

3? man that's nothing, infront of my boss' friends house this family easily has 20 signs all over the house(they aren't white btw).. and to make it worse, their neighbors are packers fans

I'm thinking about taking the signs down though.

SMH should i do it?
Nah dude, not worth the trouble they'll give you.
Originally Posted by Th3RealF0lkBlu3s

Originally Posted by jarrett XX3

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by jarrett XX3

The thought of this scares me..

But on another note,

My neighbors have like 3 MCCAIN-PALIN signs up in their yard though
3? man that's nothing, infront of my boss' friends house this family easily has 20 signs all over the house(they aren't white btw).. and to make it worse, their neighbors are packers fans

I'm thinking about taking the signs down though.

SMH should i do it?
Nah dude, not worth the trouble they'll give you.
Yeah I wouldn't do that....
I've heard some stories of people's McCain signs getting stolen or trashed & the people being pretty damn upset.
that website is not only comical, the layout is horrendous. i'd expect nothing less from uneducated, ignorant hicks
i live in Ohio i know there is probaly alot of meetings thats why i try to stay out of them small country towns i stay in the city
Originally Posted by jarrett XX3

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Originally Posted by jarrett XX3

The thought of this scares me..

But on another note,

My neighbors have like 3 MCCAIN-PALIN signs up in their yard though

3? man that's nothing, infront of my boss' friends house this family easily has 20 signs all over the house(they aren't white btw).. and to make it worse, their neighbors are packers fans

I'm thinking about taking the signs down though.

SMH should i do it?

i wouldn't do it, not really worth the trouble.. at least you know who's the fool of the neighborhood.... but the packers flags on the other hand..those must go down.
Originally Posted by LALAKERFAN213

I remember hearing my government teacher in high school say something about a lot of in San Bruno, Ca...
That's odd, I'm a good...2 min away from there and I've never noticed anything. I wouldn't doubt any KKK activity going on inBrisbane though.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

From what I hear, the activity of Klansmen isn't even close to being what it use to be and is for the most part dead round here. I was talking to an older gentleman one day and he was telling me about how one day when he was at college here in the 70's the KKK were passing out pamphlets at the college encouraging students to join them. It kind of put things into perspective because I couldn't see something like that happening here now.
Well that happened less than a year ago here in TN. The klan put pamphlets on cars etc saying that they were protecting them while they slept. Itwas in madison tn i believe right outside of nashville
"I'm not a member of the f!@#!%' low rent, disorganized, redneck Ku Klux Klan.. Pull your head outta your $#@ and look at who you're dealingwith. "
I had sex with a white chick that called me the N word with er at the end, best sex of my life.
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