Any NT'ers living the "forget what society thinks" lifestyle?


Apr 23, 2008
Been thinking about this lately. Any of you guys ever said "f it" and decide to go against the grain? I know most people nowadays are gearing up to live the conventional life style (i.e. going to school to get a better job, settle down with the person on their dreams, etc), that probably won't lead to them being happy.

Does anyone have experience with this?
I get what you mean. It's good to go against the norm sometimes, but then again sometimes it's just plain stupid. There's this weird sophmore at my school that wears tight jeans, a plaid shirt, a suede vest and cowboy boots everyday. Keep in mind, he has to walk to every class and the heater is always on max. Dude is straight limping by 5th period.
If you do it for attention, then you're defeating the purpose.
im on youtube looking at how to build your own solar powered home.

finna buy a house in Florida and live off da fat of da land
I like American society. It is very good to me and my brother Ezekial. But my American brother says to me many people do not like American society. He says there is many hipsters who like to dry there clothing in the sun. Why is this someone who does not care to them society? This is my experience with this. Is this what you talk about OP?
You have to go with the grain in some aspects of your life in order to get anywhere and be able to live properly. Your personality when you're around your homies, however, is a completely different story.

When I hang out with my friends I am completely different then when I'm around my professor or my co workers. But if someone actually hangs out w/ me, regardless of if it's the first time or not, I'm always myself. Loud, joking, smiling.. that's the best way to live IMO. The way YOU want to.
i dont go against the grain or with. the grain i go whichever way benefits me. most.

jay z said it best in moment of clarity "saw the fork in the road and i drove straight"
I think that there is a difference between going against a norm and forgetting what society thinks.  As for me, nah I go with the grain, and with the girl of my dreams now
Originally Posted by iBlink

Been thinking about this lately. Any of you guys ever said "f it" and decide to go against the grain? I know most people nowadays are gearing up to live the conventional life style (i.e. going to school to get a better job, settle down with the person on their dreams, etc), that probably won't lead to them being happy.

Does anyone have experience with this?

Going to school to get a better job and settling down with the person of your dreams won't lead to them being happy?

What the deuce?
Originally Posted by odog24

i dont go against the grain or with. the grain i go whichever way benefits me. most.

jay z said it best in moment of clarity "saw the fork in the road and i drove straight"
this. I aint thinking about society when i make my moves, going out of your way to go against it is no better than doing everything society says you should. Either way it's dictating your actions
Some people live that life out of a sense of obligation to adhere to traditional values. Some of them end up being miserable with the choices. Word to the father in American Beauty.
Originally Posted by goukiteg

Originally Posted by iBlink

Been thinking about this lately. Any of you guys ever said "f it" and decide to go against the grain? I know most people nowadays are gearing up to live the conventional life style (i.e. going to school to get a better job, settle down with the person on their dreams, etc), that probably won't lead to them being happy.

Does anyone have experience with this?

Going to school to get a better job and settling down with the person of your dreams won't lead to them being happy?

What the deuce?
I think he's saying following the straight and narrow path (school, office job, marriage) often leaves a lot of people feeling unfulfilled, like "this is it?"
Not saying he's right or wrong, but I think that's what he was trying to get at.
Come move to Santa Cruz you will fit right in with these weirdos who are living in the 60's homeboy..

You like acid? and living in mud huts??

Might as well move to south america and become a medicine man and start drinking that ayahuasca...

or better yet grab a flannel, a 12-pack of pabst, and start smokin american spirits then you will reallllllllllllllly be cool
My biggest fear in life is to grow up and be a robot drone. I don't want to live a 9-5 lifestyle
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

im on youtube looking at how to build your own solar powered home.

finna buy a house in Florida and live off da fat of da land
I tend to go outside the box and I'm developing my own personal style ,ideas,hobbies and dreams.I don't see myself living to work rather I am working to live or doing something besides getting a good job
Originally Posted by iBlink

Been thinking about this lately. Any of you guys ever said "f it" and decide to go against the grain? I know most people nowadays are gearing up to live the conventional life style (i.e. going to school to get a better job, settle down with the person on their dreams, etc), that probably won't lead to them being happy.

Does anyone have experience with this?

Hey man.  I went against the grain. I will let you know, there was nothing easy about it. All had people telling me I am idiot and you should do what every else does. I didnt want to live like everyone else so didnt take actions of everyone else. I have had my ups and DOWNS for sure getting to where I want to be. It was all worth it for sure. My Advice don't let anyone ever tell you you can't do something man. Here is few words from me out in fiji
Clothing wise, I am a hypebest. I refuse to work 9-5 though when I am older. Wanting to make the NBA is practically illegal if you live in a true chinese household. I keep it under the wraps but without parent support, it is much harder to get in
Bern my happiest since I started doing my own thing and not caring about society and its bs. Be free, be positive, be confident, be different.
a bit of both. im in school but at the same time i run mad side hustles and pretty much do whatever I wanna do for the most part
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