Any NT'ers living the "forget what society thinks" lifestyle?

Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

My biggest fear in life is to grow up and be a robot drone. I don't want to live a 9-5 lifestyle

depends on what you do.  People make it seem like 9-5 is the worst thing you can do, it all depends on your career path. I dont work 9-5 anymore btw
In some ways, but in an capitalistic system that's built solely on bs you have to become apart of that bs to move forward unfortunately.
If I only had the balls...

Originally Posted by iBlink

Been thinking about this lately. Any of you guys ever said "f it" and decide to go against the grain? I know most people nowadays are gearing up to live the conventional life style (i.e. going to school to get a better job, settle down with the person on their dreams, etc), that probably won't lead to them being happy.

Does anyone have experience with this?

Getting a better job and settling down with the person of their dreams won't lead to them being happy? 
How you sound? It almost sounds like you're trying to rebel against all the wrong things for the sake of rebelling. 

How do you know that not doing these things will, in fact, lead to happiness. You don't. Life is about trial and error. 

To answer your question, yes, to some extent. Some have called me a sociopath because I live by my own set of rules and laws. 

I'm not just going against the grain for the sake of going against the grain though. Every situation is different. In the moment where you need to decide whether to go with or against, you do. 

Not before. 
Originally Posted by Wade187

Originally Posted by odog24

i dont go against the grain or with. the grain i go whichever way benefits me. most.

jay z said it best in moment of clarity "saw the fork in the road and i drove straight"
this. I aint thinking about society when i make my moves, going out of your way to go against it is no better than doing everything society says you should. Either way it's dictating your actions
these guys are enlightened

Originally Posted by OXspzFinder

Come move to Santa Cruz you will fit right in with these weirdos who are living in the 60's homeboy..

You like acid? and living in mud huts??

Might as well move to south america and become a medicine man and start drinking that ayahuasca...

or better yet grab a flannel, a 12-pack of pabst, and start smokin american spirits then you will reallllllllllllllly be cool
A+ post
I would've added starting your own aquaponics farm and raising your own chicken coup
Originally Posted by odog24

i dont go against the grain or with. the grain i go whichever way benefits me. most.

jay z said it best in moment of clarity Renegade "saw the fork in the road and i drove straight"
There we go
Originally Posted by El Duderino

I like American society. It is very good to me and my brother Ezekial. But my American brother says to me many people do not like American society. He says there is many hipsters who like to dry there clothing in the sun. Why is this someone who does not care to them society? This is my experience with this. Is this what you talk about OP?

we're just gonna act like we didnt see this
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Bern my happiest since I started doing my own thing and not caring about society and its bs. Be free, be positive, be confident, be different.

What do you do?
Honestly, Jabril has inspired me through his posts to get the hell away. One of my co-workers did a 1 year teaching placement in China and she went all around SE Asia. I have been obsessed with Japan since I was yay high and I think I am going to go for it. I think I will probably be gone come September. I have a friend in the PeaceCorps that is currently doing a 2 year stint in Mali.

For anyone else interested this is the program that I am looking into:
Here is a 2nd short term program I am looking into. I will probably end up going with this one. Here is an email I got from one of their reps.

It was great speaking to you earlier today.  As promised, please find a few materials that will hopefully allow you to learn more about our programs and services and different options of ways to embrace SE Asia this summer.

I am attaching a flyer for our Summer Group Service trip.  You can either join the full 4 weeks trip, or start with the first 2 weeks and then do our individual volunteer in Thailand or other countries in SE Asia. 

The other programs that I was suggesting on the phone may be found on our webpages:

http://www.culturalembrac...unteersoutheastasia.html This is volunteer opportunities that may be designed in a bit of an a la carte format, where we can combine various week-long activities, volunteer projects, etc.

Our Language Living is a very cost effective way of traveling abroad and immersing yourself within a local host family.  We will match you up with a carefully screened and selected family; and live with them while you teach 15 hours of English per week.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Bern my happiest since I started doing my own thing and not caring about society and its bs. Be free, be positive, be confident, be different.

What do you do?
Unemployed writer but I day trade a little.
Dudes talking about living "that YOLO lifestyle" as if any one else is living multiple live's. Grown men really be getting gassed off these tracks? Y'all realize dudes busted their !$! and worked hard before that motto right? Every dude doing nothing with themselves screaming YOLO as if only living once just means drink up and not make the best out of your one life you live 
. None of y'all are established millionaires, leave the YOLO !%%! for the 15 year olds and read some books 
Society is so diverse now and there's lots of unique people.  It's kind of difficult to go against the grain now considering there are so many different types of grain.
Originally Posted by Wade187

Dudes talking about living "that YOLO lifestyle" as if any one else is living multiple live's. Grown men really be getting gassed off these tracks? Y'all realize dudes busted their !$! and worked hard before that motto right? Every dude doing nothing with themselves screaming YOLO as if only living once just means drink up and not make the best out of your one life you live 
. None of y'all are established millionaires, leave the YOLO !%%! for the 15 year olds and read some books 

 don't tell them the truth man
Originally Posted by miamib30514

It's a mindset. Yall talking about clothing really have no idea.
Pretty much this.  Of course I just go to school and whatnot... Don't have much else to do other than that and my normal hobbies.  I stick to what I like and say what I think.  A lot of my ex-gf's friends didn't like me because I'd just speak my mind about anything.  Call ideas stupid or whatever.  Idk just how I am and how I always have been.  I don't think just anyone can be like that.  There are people who are very uncomfortable and overly concerned with others' opinions.  It's a bit hard to explain.
I'm gunna expand-

Just do what you think is "right."  It's a hard thing to "go against the grain," whether what you're doing is right or wrong.  To put it in perspective, how many times have you gone out and seen something bad happen to someone?  Maybe watched a person at dinner by themselves collapse, and everyone around just stares at them for the longest time.  It's how people are.  No one seems to be conditioned to actually doing what they think is morally correct.  Do something that you believe is the right thing to do.  You'll feel more satisfied with yourself.
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