145harlem on instagram got a few dope furs. im thinking of getting one for next winter
OP getting approached by animal activists...
I don't but my 4 year old niece has a chinchilla.

Do you put this on your Lord?





Getchall paper up
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So y'all telling me that y'all completely against fur, but y'all rock leather "KICKS" everyday? Leather is cows B...what about the cows being slaughtered? What about those animal air max 90s y'all cats be rocking with all them leopard print? What about the Air Jordan 3s with the elephant skin on em?

Cop used fur and it's just as good because no new animals being killed, and it's cheaper
I don't know if you're trolling or if you're serious. Every bit of the cow is used from it's hide to its bones, these other animals are only being killed for their fur/hides so it's unethical/inhumane as the rest of their body parts are being discarded. Rocking furs in this day and time in general is ******ed to me this isn't the paleolithic era.
Every bit of the cow is used from it's hide to its bones, these other animals are only being killed for their fur/hides so it's unethical/inhumane as the rest of their body parts are being discarded. Rocking furs in this day and time in general is ******ed to me this isn't the paleolithic era.

I eat rabbit though, fam
And people in other countries throughout the world eat most of the animals that are being skinned
from a moral perspective, i can't get down with the idea of skinning an animal alive to suit my fashion desires in this day and age when other clothing options are available to keep me warm.

that said, i wouldn't act like those peta folks and be on some high horse giving others crap if they decide to wear it. 
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