Any of you ever lived with a female room mate?


Apr 23, 2008
Moving back to Atlanta in a few weeks. Got it set up where I'll be with my moms, but I don't see that arrangement lasting too long. So my best friend back home happens to be a female who I've messed around with in the past. She tosses out the idea of living together. Says we can lay down some ground rules and have a 2 bedroom apartment or something. She's pretty cool, I've known her for years and have never argued. Is this a good idea or would you all advise against it?
I know this from experience...never move in with your best friend. Rarely ends well.

Me and my(former) best friend never argued beforehand either.
This sounds like a horrible idea, especially since you two have messed around before. I don't see another side of a person when you live with them.
never move in with your best friend(s) if you value your relationship(s).
You know shorty better than anyone on here. Yet you still felt you had to ask, so I think you already know it aint a good idea. 
If you have a history with her, don't do it.

As for living with women in general, it's great. Their rooms are messy as hell, but it's because only two people ever see it: themselves, and whoever they're sleeping with. They don't really care. The rest of the joint will remain spotless because women like to give the outward appearance that their home is neat and tidy. Hence, they will take care of a lot of the house cleaning. And to be perfectly honest, living with a woman is just more fun. Living with dudes is boring.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

never move in with your best friend(s) if you value your relationship(s).

2 of my homies who were best friends ended up having beef and now don't even talk to each other after living together.
Yes....two of them actually in a 3 bedroom house while I was in college. The very first night I was in the bed with one of them, kissing and sucking her breastussus, but when I went for the patch I got the ole guard hand. Anyway she started seeing one of my homies not too long after that so it never started up again...well there is the one time she flashed me her !!++  while I was playing Goldeneye. The other chick was like my sister so nothing ever went down.

The best thing about living with women is that the fridge is ALWAYS stacked, as well as the pantry, and dinner will be cooked regardless. Just put in your share for food. Also when you meet new chicks they are more comfortable coming to your house at first because another woman lives there...but after awhile they get a little jealous cause they think you smashing. All in all it was a great experience, and ther was a whole lot of sex in that house when my chick was over and my roommates boyfriends were over at the same time. All the guys would meet up in the living room after smashing sometimes and talk sports and play video games. Ahh the college life!!!
It could be a good idea if yall are that tight but living together can bring about new disputes and arguments about things you took for granted living alone for so long or other random %$$$ you'd never expect.
I lived with 4 females (different rooms) in a house my freshman year of college. INSTANT jealousy from the ex. She thought I was smashing the prettiest one.
You'll have problems.
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

never move in with your best friend(s) if you value your relationship(s).
This. Everyone who's gone to college has seen this happen
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

If you have a history with her, don't do it.

As for living with women in general, it's great. Their rooms are messy as hell, but it's because only two people ever see it: themselves, and whoever they're sleeping with. They don't really care. The rest of the joint will remain spotless because women like to give the outward appearance that their home is neat and tidy. Hence, they will take care of a lot of the house cleaning. And to be perfectly honest, living with a woman is just more fun. Living with dudes is boring.
I'll be in my last year of college and she's like a junior or something. She says we have to establish early on if the messing around thing will continue on because although there'll be two rooms, there's a good chance we'll be in the same bed most nights. If that happens, neither of us want to put a title on it, but we think it's only fair to respect the other person by not sleeping or messing with anyone else. I agreed because I'm at the point where I'm almost sure I'm done with the college life and I want to focus on school and +%@%. I dunno, part of me is with the idea of living with her, but I'm apprehensive because I know it's inevitable that feelings will grow and the lines of being just friended will be blurred. She's a cool girl who I'd date, but it's a sticky situation. I lived with my former best friend a few years ago and that ended terribly (but he was a dude). Just don't want living together to end up being a nightmare.
After gathering this knowledge, I now need to live with a woman. I need to live with a woman and a kitchen and not have physical relations with her.
Originally Posted by iBlink

I'll be in my last year of college and she's like a junior or something. She says we have to establish early on if the messing around thing will continue on because although there'll be two rooms, there's a good chance we'll be in the same bed most nights. If that happens, neither of us want to put a title on it, but we think it's only fair to respect the other person by not sleeping or messing with anyone else. I agreed because I'm at the point where I'm almost sure I'm done with the college life and I want to focus on school and +%@%. I dunno, part of me is with the idea of living with her, but I'm apprehensive because I know it's inevitable that feelings will grow and the lines of being just friended will be blurred. She's a cool girl who I'd date, but it's a sticky situation. I lived with my former best friend a few years ago and that ended terribly (but he was a dude). Just don't want living together to end up being a nightmare.
 for sure is not a trap.
Originally Posted by ksteezy

All I know is I better get an invite to the wedding or the babyshower.

If you down to come to the A, I got you fam
OK this is a BAD IDEA

the fact your already talking about messing around means this wont end well if the relationship goes south because YOUR both on the lease. You can't kick her out.
I live with a female in Atlanta as well. Living with a female is really chill way better than I thought it was going to be in your case you should really set the rules pior before moving in her with her. I would make sure that you guys have a plan in a event that it doesnt workout theres an escape plan where you both aren't screwed. My room and I have it set up like if something happens i will leave. I am not on the lease so I am not stuck here also we made a deal where I got the smaller room so I pay less in rent and shes pays for the wifi . Just negoiate a plan that you both can live with and you will be good.
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