Any of you live in Alaska or ever visted?

Originally Posted by Superpusha

You know NT is majority Black and asian right?

at watching that show.

at finding that @%+! an accurate representation of Alaska.. I don't even need to watch it to tell you nothing in that show is accurate..
at watching that show.

at finding that @%+! an accurate representation of Alaska.. I don't even need to watch it to tell you nothing in that show is accurate..
Originally Posted by Essential1

at watching that show.

at finding that @%+! an accurate representation of Alaska.. I don't even need to watch it to tell you nothing in that show is accurate..

I know..I find it interesting though
Originally Posted by Essential1

at watching that show.

at finding that @%+! an accurate representation of Alaska.. I don't even need to watch it to tell you nothing in that show is accurate..

I know..I find it interesting though
Originally Posted by IRockTMacs

Northern Lights are piff, but you don't have to go that North to see 'em. There are a few NT'ers who have lived in Alaska, though.
I agree with you on the Northern Lights. 

Not talking about the one you could see up in the sky by the way..

Originally Posted by IRockTMacs

Northern Lights are piff, but you don't have to go that North to see 'em. There are a few NT'ers who have lived in Alaska, though.
I agree with you on the Northern Lights. 

Not talking about the one you could see up in the sky by the way..

Originally Posted by ALDY

Originally Posted by IRockTMacs

Northern Lights are piff, but you don't have to go that North to see 'em. There are a few NT'ers who have lived in Alaska, though.
I agree with you on the Northern Lights. 

Not talking about the one you could see up in the sky by the way..

Originally Posted by ALDY

Originally Posted by IRockTMacs

Northern Lights are piff, but you don't have to go that North to see 'em. There are a few NT'ers who have lived in Alaska, though.
I agree with you on the Northern Lights. 

Not talking about the one you could see up in the sky by the way..

I've been to Juneau, visited my cousins up there.
Stayed 5 days, but saw the whole damn "city" in 1.

Spoiler [+]
My cousin went to college with Boozer and said that he's !!*#!+@ stanky and stay smashin fat ol' native pocahontas broads
I've been to Juneau, visited my cousins up there.
Stayed 5 days, but saw the whole damn "city" in 1.

Spoiler [+]
My cousin went to college with Boozer and said that he's !!*#!+@ stanky and stay smashin fat ol' native pocahontas broads
Originally Posted by Superpusha

Originally Posted by af1pops12

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by Superpusha

You know NT is majority Black and asian right?

yeah i black

Yea, so why you wanna go to Alaska boy boy? Only people I know voluntarily go to Alaska are fugitives on the run.

Dont know..dont wanna move there,id visit though.I guess i want to experience new things
Originally Posted by Superpusha

Originally Posted by af1pops12

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by Superpusha

You know NT is majority Black and asian right?

yeah i black

Yea, so why you wanna go to Alaska boy boy? Only people I know voluntarily go to Alaska are fugitives on the run.

Dont know..dont wanna move there,id visit though.I guess i want to experience new things
Haha, I watched some of her show earlier too...I went to Alaska back in June for a week and had the time of my life, easily the best place I've visited in the world and I've been a few places/almost every state in the US sans the upper Northwest,

Anyways...the scenery out there is surreal, just beautiful, even if you aren't into that type of thing now - you will be after visiting Alaska. The people in general seemed nicer, it's WAY cleaner - a guy I stayed with for a few days put it in a good sense in saying it's almost like its America in the early 1900's when they were still building this country...there is constantly things going on/being built in Alaska...and those people know how to work hard, but have fun

I stayed in Anchorage mostly, but traveled one day all the way to the Homer spit (which I'm sure you saw tonight on the Palin show) - Homer was awesome, I actually stayed with the guy who filmed/hosted/narrated the show Tougher in Alaska (on Discovery Channel) for a few days, here's a view from his house,



Thats two views from a window towards the back/right end of his house, down at the bottom is an area where a donkey/horse lived (you can see it in the picture) so thats what that the east of them were nothing but mountains, and in the far north was a live volcano that actually erupted in 2008 (it's a well known Volcano - I just don't feel like looking it up right now) - but the guy told me it was awesome when it erupted and ash fell down for a few days

It was awesome being on his property though - on the road trip (which took about 6-7 hours) I was in the car with just one of my friends, following two other cars packed full of our friends. About 3 hours into the trip we realized we had the cooler with all of the beer/goodies, and I decided to take it upon myself to see how many beers I could drink by the time we reached Homer...I made it somewhere around 15-18 before we got there...and needless to say was ****faced when we arrived at the guys house, he didn't mind at all though...we talked for a good hour outside, I sat on his deck...while all the girls and other guys went inside and showered/hung out/watched TV...

I will never forget sitting on his deck with my feet up staring off into the distance at the water/mountains/volcano...with a beer in hand and not a care in the world it was definitely the most relaxing moment/hours of my life...just amazing

Also while I was sitting out there I saw his next door neighbor (who lived about 1000 yards away) fly in/onto his roof in his helicopter, that was surreal

Here's a photo I took when we stopped (one of the 10+ stops after I started drinking) on the way to Homer,


I also have an unreal video I took when I wandered off during a pee stop down some path, for about 3 minutes, and came upon a flowing river where the water was as blue as the sky and the trees and mountains around just make it
...if anyone knows how to upload videos please PM me, its a 1 minute video and everyone should see it,

Anchorage was pretty cool, all they really have there is good places to eat, strip clubs, and bars. Some very, very, very sick bars. I'm talking huge + sick. One bar we went to had about 8 different areas, a karoke area, a live trivia area, an ice bar, an outside bar, a dancing area, etc. Can't remember the name but I'll look it up later, Humphys (where the Man vs Food guy went) was cool as hell too...spent a few nights there,

Here are a couple more pictures from the ride from Anchorage to Homer,





If I have one regret about going out there it's that I didn't stay longer, and I didn't take enough pictures...

One morning (don't remember where we were - small town somewhere on the way back where we had camped) we woke up around 5am and went there right before tide came in, because thats when all the fish swim upstream (or is it downstream?) and you can catch them by snagging them with a line and hook - thats all - as they try to make it to fresh water...

Me and my boy smoked a joint and went out into the water up to our waists and casted lines for 5+ hours...bald eagles were flying way above our heads the other time which was just
, sometimes they would swoop down and catch fish right out of the water..just amazing, seeing that many bald eagles at once is something I'll also never forget,

We were just getting ready to leave and my boy was pretty depressed that he hadn't caught a fish, so we said we'd stay 5 more minutes...what happens with his next cast? The dude catches a freakin fish. It was
...I don't remember what we did with it though, might've ate it when we got back to Anchorage...I can't remember

I'm not a HUGE fish guy, but the fish I ate out there was UNBELIEVABLE. The halibut I had in some small port town during the Celtics/Lakers finals game was just so so unreal. It was 21 bucks for a small bowl of it chopped up and deep fried though, but worth every penny...good god that Palin show had me craving it so bad!

I brought back a few salmons that one of the girls father had caught and smoked the day before we got there...hell I never even liked salmon before I tried this, and doubt I'll ever try salmon anywhere else

This post makes me sad, I need to get back out there...and have seriously considered moving out there. I'm just not one of those guys that works well with his hands (although I've never tried due to laziness) and you really need to be able to to make it out there...I wouldn't mind working in the oil fields at all, except that it gets colder than you can imagine in the winter...I don't know though, I know I'll make it out there one day

But all in all, I can easily say to anyone that Alaska is somewhere you MUST see/visit once in your life...the memories you will take away from there will last a lifetime, and you will never regret going. I can't imagine anyone visiting and being able to walk away saying "you know, I wish I didn't come on this trip"...

I'll post more about Alaska later, I think I've posted enough
...would love to get some more pics and videos up eventually though
Haha, I watched some of her show earlier too...I went to Alaska back in June for a week and had the time of my life, easily the best place I've visited in the world and I've been a few places/almost every state in the US sans the upper Northwest,

Anyways...the scenery out there is surreal, just beautiful, even if you aren't into that type of thing now - you will be after visiting Alaska. The people in general seemed nicer, it's WAY cleaner - a guy I stayed with for a few days put it in a good sense in saying it's almost like its America in the early 1900's when they were still building this country...there is constantly things going on/being built in Alaska...and those people know how to work hard, but have fun

I stayed in Anchorage mostly, but traveled one day all the way to the Homer spit (which I'm sure you saw tonight on the Palin show) - Homer was awesome, I actually stayed with the guy who filmed/hosted/narrated the show Tougher in Alaska (on Discovery Channel) for a few days, here's a view from his house,



Thats two views from a window towards the back/right end of his house, down at the bottom is an area where a donkey/horse lived (you can see it in the picture) so thats what that the east of them were nothing but mountains, and in the far north was a live volcano that actually erupted in 2008 (it's a well known Volcano - I just don't feel like looking it up right now) - but the guy told me it was awesome when it erupted and ash fell down for a few days

It was awesome being on his property though - on the road trip (which took about 6-7 hours) I was in the car with just one of my friends, following two other cars packed full of our friends. About 3 hours into the trip we realized we had the cooler with all of the beer/goodies, and I decided to take it upon myself to see how many beers I could drink by the time we reached Homer...I made it somewhere around 15-18 before we got there...and needless to say was ****faced when we arrived at the guys house, he didn't mind at all though...we talked for a good hour outside, I sat on his deck...while all the girls and other guys went inside and showered/hung out/watched TV...

I will never forget sitting on his deck with my feet up staring off into the distance at the water/mountains/volcano...with a beer in hand and not a care in the world it was definitely the most relaxing moment/hours of my life...just amazing

Also while I was sitting out there I saw his next door neighbor (who lived about 1000 yards away) fly in/onto his roof in his helicopter, that was surreal

Here's a photo I took when we stopped (one of the 10+ stops after I started drinking) on the way to Homer,


I also have an unreal video I took when I wandered off during a pee stop down some path, for about 3 minutes, and came upon a flowing river where the water was as blue as the sky and the trees and mountains around just make it
...if anyone knows how to upload videos please PM me, its a 1 minute video and everyone should see it,

Anchorage was pretty cool, all they really have there is good places to eat, strip clubs, and bars. Some very, very, very sick bars. I'm talking huge + sick. One bar we went to had about 8 different areas, a karoke area, a live trivia area, an ice bar, an outside bar, a dancing area, etc. Can't remember the name but I'll look it up later, Humphys (where the Man vs Food guy went) was cool as hell too...spent a few nights there,

Here are a couple more pictures from the ride from Anchorage to Homer,





If I have one regret about going out there it's that I didn't stay longer, and I didn't take enough pictures...

One morning (don't remember where we were - small town somewhere on the way back where we had camped) we woke up around 5am and went there right before tide came in, because thats when all the fish swim upstream (or is it downstream?) and you can catch them by snagging them with a line and hook - thats all - as they try to make it to fresh water...

Me and my boy smoked a joint and went out into the water up to our waists and casted lines for 5+ hours...bald eagles were flying way above our heads the other time which was just
, sometimes they would swoop down and catch fish right out of the water..just amazing, seeing that many bald eagles at once is something I'll also never forget,

We were just getting ready to leave and my boy was pretty depressed that he hadn't caught a fish, so we said we'd stay 5 more minutes...what happens with his next cast? The dude catches a freakin fish. It was
...I don't remember what we did with it though, might've ate it when we got back to Anchorage...I can't remember

I'm not a HUGE fish guy, but the fish I ate out there was UNBELIEVABLE. The halibut I had in some small port town during the Celtics/Lakers finals game was just so so unreal. It was 21 bucks for a small bowl of it chopped up and deep fried though, but worth every penny...good god that Palin show had me craving it so bad!

I brought back a few salmons that one of the girls father had caught and smoked the day before we got there...hell I never even liked salmon before I tried this, and doubt I'll ever try salmon anywhere else

This post makes me sad, I need to get back out there...and have seriously considered moving out there. I'm just not one of those guys that works well with his hands (although I've never tried due to laziness) and you really need to be able to to make it out there...I wouldn't mind working in the oil fields at all, except that it gets colder than you can imagine in the winter...I don't know though, I know I'll make it out there one day

But all in all, I can easily say to anyone that Alaska is somewhere you MUST see/visit once in your life...the memories you will take away from there will last a lifetime, and you will never regret going. I can't imagine anyone visiting and being able to walk away saying "you know, I wish I didn't come on this trip"...

I'll post more about Alaska later, I think I've posted enough
...would love to get some more pics and videos up eventually though
Uter Zorker great read. Thats exactly what im talking about...Seemed like so much fun and not a care in the world...Was it expensive?
Uter Zorker great read. Thats exactly what im talking about...Seemed like so much fun and not a care in the world...Was it expensive?
Yeah man, I'm
'ing going back over this thread and reading some of these replies...some people honestly have no idea what it means to truly live life

@#@+ if I want to stay in one/a couple places my entire life, I NEED to see the entire world, you won't catch me in a cubicle for 50% of my existence...

Honestly though, it wasn't that expensive...I believe I brought about 1k in cash with me and came back with around $450, and I was spending HARD on some the bar, or at dinner, or even just on stupid stuff...when you travel you pretty much have to buy all your meals so that takes a significant portion of your money, but you can eat well and budget right...but it's just money man, that should be the last thing you're worrying about if you visit

Flight was about $550 from Boston to Philly to Alaska...round trip though, a couple months in advance,

I'll also tell you a quick story about someone I ran into my last day there,

Ok, so on my last day out there a couple of us were trying to figure out what to do...our two friends that lived there were down to take the people out there wherever, and a couple girls and a guy decided they wanted to go to a reindeer farm...I wasn't really feeling that so I asked them to drop me off in downtown Anchorage so I could walk around and check things out, I went to the mall, the museum, and then eventually ended up checking out some I'm checking out these shops I find a little store that had all unique old items that they would trade or sell, I ended up getting a mint condition Phillies box from the 1950s
, but that is not what I wanted to say. I end up walking into the store next door, a fur trading post, I'm the only one looking around the store when I hear a older man with a somewhat raspy voice say "Hello son", I notice him sitting in a low rise chair behind the counter, reading a book with a bunch of papers in front of him...I notice behind him a wall covered in money from all around the world. He tells me I look like an northeastern, to which I replied "yeah actually, Rhode Island"...he immediately said "nice, the Providence area?"...I was shocked by this as the guy looked like part eskimo/native, I told him yes and we started chatting. He told me he was called "Old Jack" around these parts, and had been there his whole life, all over thing led to another and I asked him about the money on the wall - he told me it was money from every place he's visited in the world - over 115 places. He was able to tell me anything about any country he'd been too...he loved Prague, and he was dying to go to Kzyakastan (sp - but the place Borat is from) next. He said not the inner area of Kzyakstan but the outer areas - the mountains and all that. He really seemed into me, and we talked for a good hour, he talked to me about traveling and life. And *gulp* while I think about this he told me how the most important thing in life is to treat women well and always wear a condom with them, because if you don't, your life is essentially in their clean/unclean hands. Now that I remember this I feel sick to myself about having been raw dogging this chick I just met a month ago for the past few weeks. Anyways, the talk I had with this guy was just amazing...he gave me so much knowledge and I walked out of there just
stunned, when I met up with my friends again I couldn't stop talking about this guy...just one of those experiences you know (possibly) happened for a reason...I'd keep talking about what we talked about but there was so much it'd take forever...the most important part of the conversation though was the importance he kept putting on traveling and seeing this Earth while you can, that's stuck with me nearly every day since...he was a great guy, and I'd love to run into him again next time I'm in Anchorage...
Yeah man, I'm
'ing going back over this thread and reading some of these replies...some people honestly have no idea what it means to truly live life

@#@+ if I want to stay in one/a couple places my entire life, I NEED to see the entire world, you won't catch me in a cubicle for 50% of my existence...

Honestly though, it wasn't that expensive...I believe I brought about 1k in cash with me and came back with around $450, and I was spending HARD on some the bar, or at dinner, or even just on stupid stuff...when you travel you pretty much have to buy all your meals so that takes a significant portion of your money, but you can eat well and budget right...but it's just money man, that should be the last thing you're worrying about if you visit

Flight was about $550 from Boston to Philly to Alaska...round trip though, a couple months in advance,

I'll also tell you a quick story about someone I ran into my last day there,

Ok, so on my last day out there a couple of us were trying to figure out what to do...our two friends that lived there were down to take the people out there wherever, and a couple girls and a guy decided they wanted to go to a reindeer farm...I wasn't really feeling that so I asked them to drop me off in downtown Anchorage so I could walk around and check things out, I went to the mall, the museum, and then eventually ended up checking out some I'm checking out these shops I find a little store that had all unique old items that they would trade or sell, I ended up getting a mint condition Phillies box from the 1950s
, but that is not what I wanted to say. I end up walking into the store next door, a fur trading post, I'm the only one looking around the store when I hear a older man with a somewhat raspy voice say "Hello son", I notice him sitting in a low rise chair behind the counter, reading a book with a bunch of papers in front of him...I notice behind him a wall covered in money from all around the world. He tells me I look like an northeastern, to which I replied "yeah actually, Rhode Island"...he immediately said "nice, the Providence area?"...I was shocked by this as the guy looked like part eskimo/native, I told him yes and we started chatting. He told me he was called "Old Jack" around these parts, and had been there his whole life, all over thing led to another and I asked him about the money on the wall - he told me it was money from every place he's visited in the world - over 115 places. He was able to tell me anything about any country he'd been too...he loved Prague, and he was dying to go to Kzyakastan (sp - but the place Borat is from) next. He said not the inner area of Kzyakstan but the outer areas - the mountains and all that. He really seemed into me, and we talked for a good hour, he talked to me about traveling and life. And *gulp* while I think about this he told me how the most important thing in life is to treat women well and always wear a condom with them, because if you don't, your life is essentially in their clean/unclean hands. Now that I remember this I feel sick to myself about having been raw dogging this chick I just met a month ago for the past few weeks. Anyways, the talk I had with this guy was just amazing...he gave me so much knowledge and I walked out of there just
stunned, when I met up with my friends again I couldn't stop talking about this guy...just one of those experiences you know (possibly) happened for a reason...I'd keep talking about what we talked about but there was so much it'd take forever...the most important part of the conversation though was the importance he kept putting on traveling and seeing this Earth while you can, that's stuck with me nearly every day since...he was a great guy, and I'd love to run into him again next time I'm in Anchorage...
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