Any So Cal heads buying AJ XI this December 2010?

Dec 9, 2002
The hype for these shoes is spreading more heavily than the H1N1 virus.
Anybody copped a pair or is going to cop?
Suggestions on where to buy are welcome. There's no need to be hidden about any spots.
I for one can say my local footlocker on Whittier Blvd (East LA) are getting them but amount is unknown?
And other than that of course my local malls are receiving them too.
If any of you in the LA area or So Cal need help on where to go, post it!

It didn't help that there was a big write-up about the Space Jams in the Image section of sunday's LA Times. There will be more people looking to turna quick buck seeing that in the article stated that these will resell for $350 or $400.
I don't think resell will be that high. People don't have money, and there will be plenty to go around. Not saying they will sit on shelves, but ifyou get out there on RD, you should be able to find a pair or two.

I still need to get out there and find some spots,

I've been to WSS but they don't have a clue which of their stores is going to get them. All I know is that the WSS on Crenshaw and the WSS in Gardenawill get these. A few others will too, but not all locations will get them.
I'll be back home in SF during my winter break. Its gonna be hell trying to get them over there.
Originally Posted by wildout4

easy pickup meaning no line up?

depends where you go imo. from what i've heard from the managers i deal with at footlocker and footaction, the stores will be getting alot of pairs ofthe shoes and that their will be plenty to go around. i would go early to ensure your size if you don't have anyone that works there on the inside tosecure your pair but going about an hour early should be good, theres no need to camp out for these.

from what i've been hearing, i would compare these to the 2001 blk red xi release for those who remember that saturday morning. compared to all the otherxi's that came out during 2000 and 2001, it seemed as if stores had alot of blk red xi's compared to the other colorways and i remember seeing storesstill having blk red xi's in stock for about a day or so after they released.
I think the OP meant 2009.

I ordered my pair so I know I will have at least one pair. I plan on heading early to a couple spots to secure a 2nd pair. Maybe 3 if I can get lucky. Planon doing some intel and calling a couple weeks before RD and making sure my mall stores will have them.
Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

from what i've been hearing, i would compare these to the 2001 blk red xi release for those who remember that saturday morning. compared to all the other xi's that came out during 2000 and 2001, it seemed as if stores had alot of blk red xi's compared to the other colorways and i remember seeing stores still having blk red xi's in stock for about a day or so after they released.

Awww yes I remember that release vividly as if it were yesterday....waking up to go to my local footlocker and being 3rd in my sz. 11 and walked outlike the luckiest sophomore in h.s....but when i went back to school after X-mas break...saw everyone with them
but luckily I still got them not like new condition but wearable
, unlike others who beat them to hell

just to show you guys, this pic was taken months ago but still look the same to be honest.

But anywho....I'm waiting on my 09's to come in from Jay so look out for pics on Space Jam thread....
^^Probably a hour earlier well, at my spot yeah.

Theres gonna be a line, but its gonna be a easy pick-up no doubt.
any local footlocker or footaction employees wanna give me your 30% off employee discount on either the space jams or the white reds?? if so pm me

i know the deal already, i gotta give you cash and ill give you a decent tip as well. ill either give you cash or 2 fitteds if you wear 7 1/2 or 7 5.8
just in case some of you missed out on checking out the pick ups or pics in the SJ XI thread that was locked..
my recent pick up, 2nd pair will be copped on RD.
They came in the mail on black friday...
Originally Posted by enrique23

^idk if theyll allow the employee discount on this one

yeah thats what i was thinking though about the space jams. ihad a plan to get $200 in merchandice return card store credit but im too lazy t follow up on it

do you think the employee 30% will be good to go on the white reds though considering they will be the less desired of the two shoes?
any peeps in the Pasadena or San Gabriel Valley area going hunting on RD? Maybe we can hook up for some coffee or something? Would be good to meet somefellow NTers.
ill post it again but im mainly looking for the white red xii's if any local footlocker employees can give me your 30% on the white red xii's let meknow pm me.

ill take care of you in return for your help, just so you know as well.
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