any1 ate these animal crackers when they was younger?

Dec 21, 2002
saw when i was at walmart today..... ahhhhhhhhh, it took me back to the good ol' days


pic doesn't work but if its the one with the circus on the box then smoking hat to you sir...if not then just regular smokin smily cuz animal crackers arewhats up...
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

pic doesn't work but if its the one with the circus on the box then smoking hat to you sir...if not then just regular smokin smily cuz animal crackers are whats up...
Cooooooo - siiignnnnn
i still eat em from time to time when there's nothin better in the vending machine...
we used to lick the back of them and stick the crackers on the wall.....

appreciated tho...
DoubleJs07 wrote:
we used to lick the back of them and stick the crackers on the wall.....

appreciated tho...

in a drunk PYP i posted a pic of my self eating some stale !$+ animal crackers...
Lol, I was thinking about these the other day.

Eating a whole bunch at once then washing them down with some juice...damn this summer is gonna be good.
Yo....I used to stay makin' them fight. I haven't had those in a while.
I remember back in the day they would have the big boxes of them throughout the grocery store.
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