Anybody co-sign Manu hate....

Jul 25, 2007
Man i'm sorry but i live here in San Antonio and i just can't stand Manu's game. Every contact sents him flying or has him grabbing his toucannose. i cannot respect him or his ridiculous european style/game. he represents everything that is SOFT about the NBA, grow a pair and eat the contact/hacksand STOP flopping. he scores because no one can play physical (i.e raja bell) with him because his neck is made of rubber, he gets bumped and hes snapping hisneck back. And he never fouls himself. Anyone co-sign sorry had to vent. My sons will never play like this guy.......ever!!!!
C'mon are you really from SA?

Do you also hate his championship rings?

What's next, Heat fans admitting D-Whis gets all the calls?
Can't hate on him.

Dude is helping his team win.

Hate the refs and the league that allows such play.
I really don't have any issues with Manu...Tony Parker, on the other hand
i hate his guts. my most hated player in the nba aside from bruce bowen and nash.
I do, but like dude said, blame Stern for letting the NBa come to this. This isn't even basketball to me anymore.
I Dispise Manu Ginobli. Dude has a face like a rat. Plays like a rat too. Not one play in basketball should result in the person flying into the third row,after a player sneezed on him. Dude is horrible.
Not necessarily with Manu, but with the snoozefest that the Spurs produce 82 nights a year.

Putting these dudes on national television, versus the Jazz at that, is ratings suicide.

I don't like Tim Duncan though.

Since they beat the Knicks in 99, it's been a slippery slope.

Dismantle the Spurs.
Knowing that a basketball player can get create more pointless hate than is rational makes me root for him even harder.

Go Manu.

Dumb-*** people around the world hate you. Shake them off...
he's obviously skilled, but I cant disagree with you. His flopping, gets out of hand like captain hook. Dude always throwing himself like a grenade justblew up 5ft away from him.
Originally Posted by solesavage

he's obviously skilled, but I cant disagree with you. His flopping, gets out of hand like captain hook. Dude always throwing himself like a grenade just blew up 5ft away from him.
I cant possibly express feeling towards him any better than that....well put sir.
I don't like his flopping but I do understand it, if you can prevent a score, get the ball back and give an oppossing player a personal foul that helpsyour team much more than swatting the ball out of bounds.

Offensively, I don't see where the hate is coming from. If you could hand check, he would score less and so would almost every other slasher in the NBA,blame the refs for inflating points for perimeter players.

People say he is soft but he attacks the basket as much as any guard in the league and he only shoots threes when he's open, is that something to justifyhating him? That's just playing smart basketball and, based on his ability to win championships on three different continents, winning baksetball as well.
I really don't have any issues with Manu...Tony Parker, on the other hand

I agree.

Worldwide, I think Manu is the best international player in the L right now, who brings the most to his respected country as well. Dude is beasting, he'saggressive, as much as I don't like playing against him, he's a great player.
The guy just scored 37 points in two straight games against the Mavs and Jazz without Tim Duncan. In the words of Charles Barkley, "GINOBILI" isballin right now.
this guy will yak on your team so hard.

although i hate the flopping, the guy can ball. his offensive arsenal is really something else...can't quite put my finger on it...perhaps it'sbecause he is a lefty.
He's arguably the best finisher in the league. I'm amazed at some of the shots he gets to go in with like three defenders on him. His offensive game isa work of art when he's on.
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