Anybody ever experience Food Poisoning?

yeah, i was like 10 the first time. I had a pastrami sandwich from Tam's out in South Central LA and the next morning I was throwing up blood and couldn't control my bowels. loose bowels. lol. nah, but on the real, it was wack. I had to go to the hospital. I remember cringing on the bathroom floor. I didn't eat pastrami for eight years.

Then in January it hit me again. Guess where...Tam's. I thought it would be safe since it's a nicer neighborhood, but nah. They got me. And I had a fever from playing basketball outside at night and not staying warm after my sweat was cold.
Originally Posted by BabyfacedAssassin31

 dry toast n orange juice

I've gotten it a few times and it's no joke. Worst was probably when I had seafood that had been sitting out for too long.

I was crapping on the toilet and puking in a bucket at the same time. Then I'd start sweating and got the chills while still sitting naked on the toilet.

I honestly puked over 10x over a 9 hour span. $+%# was crazy. I'm paranoid with all food that has been sitting out now. And the weight

loss can be attributed to all the liquid that your body loses.

Anyone ever had the Norwalk virus? You may as well sleep in the bathtub because it's coming out both ends uncontrollably.
1st time was a burrito from Panchero's in Ann Arbor....hit me th enext day, and like everybody said, it felt like hell

2nd time I went to Subway in my school 10 minutes before they closed, went back to class...took a bite, and immediately got sick.....had it coming out of both ends for that night...10lbs lighter
Worst time of my life. Couldnt even get up the energy to get out of bed, except the times I needed to puke or poop. Which was often. The stomach aches were the worst; it hurt to stretch 
I was in the fetal position for like 2 days.
Yeah, i wouldn't wish it on anyone. I had a burger from Fuddruckers and within an hour after eating i felt 
. To top it off when i had it our house was being remodeled in the middle of winter and there were walls missing. They turned the power off since they were doing some electrical work so i was freezing my +%! off shivering in the fetal position lying down on the bathroom floor. I was still young and couldn't drive so my mom came from work and picked me up and dropped me off at my aunts house since it was at least warm.

Op, best thing to do is just drink sips of gatorade to replenish lost electrolytes. Don't eat anything until you stop vomiting. You'll just vomit what you eat so small amounts of fluids will help.
Yep.. Can't pinpoint what I ate though.

Went to bed and woke up in the middle of the night feeling like death.

Throwing up, pooping... Errything. I had the chills. Sweating, weak, fatigued, and achy.

Remember still being horny through the whole ordeal.. smh.
I got it at a local deli
I thought I was having a heart attack...i got light headed, dizzy, short of breath, i was trying to walk down the hall and fell...smh. After I puked my life away, it was all over. I never had food poisoning. I was so scared I called my dad crying like "I think i'm dying" lol.
I ordered a turkey sandwich with avocado, gouda, mayo, lettuce etc...

I thought food poisoning was like just tummy ache and visiting the porcelain god. Never knew it could make you dizzy and what not.
Missed 2 days of work this week due to FP. It SUUUUUCKS.

Vomiting/diarrhea at the same time :x

Feeling much better, but still don't have much of an appetite. Your boy lost 5 pounds since Tuesday :smh:
I've had it and I ate like a champ the very next day. That bucket in the front, toilet in the back life is no joke, but I've survived it a few times.

Is it true the most common cause is a server or cook's dirty dookie hand on your food? Nah, I just don't wanna google that.
Smh worst feeling ever. You cant even avoid it unless your like a veggie or something.
I remember drinking sprite and it tasting wonderful, but knew that in about 10 mins its will be coming back up... Weird Pleasure+Pain situation..

But I was on the floor all night hurting/on the toilet/plotting my suicide...

Walked into work the next day, they looked at me, and said go home.. lol

I had crystals burgers that day I got food poisoning..

Dat fetal position...
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Man I never could have imagined how terrible food poisoning could be before I actually got it from a crab sandwich this time last spring.

Just the worst 72 hours of my life. I was cold, damn cold. Shivering, terrible headache, just felt terrible, kind of like the flu. 

But by far the worst was the never ending liquid excreting from my anal cavity. I must have boo booed something like one hundred times in three days. The second twenty four hours were the worst of it, like I physically couldn't move without **** coming out of my ***, absolutely zero control of my own bowels. Ruined multiple pairs of RL Polo briefs and soccer shorts. 

Food poisoning is the worst. 
I've had it before.. Vomitted so much that I couldn't even walk.. My friends had to literally carry me to the car and take me to the emergency room.. Worse feeling ever
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