Anybody ever experience Food Poisoning?

I had it in India this past december. I felt horrible for about 3 days. Throwing up, diarrhea, body ache, fever, etc. Not a good look, but it helps to clean your body out.

One piece of advice: don't force feed yourself. It will get better slowly, but it's better to only stick to fresh fruits and veggies if you choose to eat. That's what I did and I noticed that when I ate fruits, I was fine. But when I started eating cooked foods, I'd feel horrible. Even the smell of some cooked items would get me nauseous.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

 I dont wish this on anybody

This is my third time getting this

1st. Dominos
2nd. Wendys
3rd. The Cheesecake Factory

This (&#$# makes you literally wanna die. Im tryna eat real food for the first time today as i type this.

Last night i was coming outta both ends literally at the same time.

btw i had chicken tacos and she wanted to go i already feel this place is overrated but they (&#$# with with this (&$##@

man u just described what it felt like when i had it!

1.Panchero's burrito

2. Subway...SMH...i went there 10 minutes before they closed, nothing was fresh....

i was puking in the tub while letting it out on the toilet...
it was the last time i messed with pork when i got it i was around 15 years old- I went to Acapulco and ate lunch at the Hardrock Cafe over there.
 I had the baby back ribs and they came kinda cold- i knew i shouldn't of eaten them i still did.
 I was dying on the plane ride back. I was sick for a week never messed with pork after that.
It was G-D telling me that Jews shouldn't mess with the other white meat.
 I remember on the flight back i couldn't get to the air sickness bag in time and i ended up puking all over a random stranger.
Got off the plane and puked in the bushes outside of the airport.
Couldn't eat for a week i remember my brother was eating onion soup in his bed next to me and *$%+ was getting me sick just smelling it.
Puking and blasting Jackson Pollocks everywhere.

worst i've ever felt in my life.
Got it from Church's chicken when I was younger.

I was bedside for 5 days... randomly waking up and just puking. Fever... sweating. Had to drink sprite and gatorade.
+$%! is the worst!!!

my %@$@ was torn to shreds after the first couple days (nh) then the back pain, my word that +$%! was wild!!

aint stepped foot in pret since that day
I'm fine today, horrible experience. Man some of these stories........5 days? A week? Wow I wouldve went to the Hospital by that time. I think I have a pretty good stomach and immune system. Sometimes are worse than others I guess.
My aunt tried to kill the whole family once, had some bad salmon at a party she hosed and had 75% of us pale and bed ridden. I tried to shake it off by going for a run, then once I hit the shower....The puking began, good thing I was in the shower.
I was on a sprite diet for 3 days. 10 mins after I'd drink the sprite I would throw up.

I was sweating all night, toliet every hour or two.

I went to work with food posioning, I walk in the office to sign in. And my spervisor saw me and told me to go home. LOL
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

I was on a sprite diet for 3 days. 10 mins after I'd drink the sprite I would throw up.

I was sweating all night, toliet every hour or two.

I went to work with food posioning, I walk in the office to sign in. And my spervisor saw me and told me to go home. LOL

You're a trooper for attempting to go to work.  I couldn't even make it to my kitchen.  I had my own place and I still called my parents to bring me some medicine/food/gatorade.
I made myself some bad salmon once. I was in bed for 3 days.

I had ate it early in the day but that night the feelings arose. I had a serious case of mud butt. I was puking all over the place, I was only drinking water and tea, I'd yak every 3-4 hours, I'd get hot and cold flashes, the works. By the 3rd day the symptoms were pretty much gone and on the next day I felt like it had never happened.
Wow I was gonna make this same exact topic yesterday. I had food poison yesterday for the first time ever and Mann o Mann it was the worst i've ever experienced. I hit up 24 hr fitness yesterday and need to eat so I went to this spot Cajun grill. I eat and feel crappy asap. After 2 hrs I go to sleep and wake up a mess going to the bathroom. Vomited my entire meal in the toilet with food in my nose while I'm sweating hardbody. I had 3 sessions in the bathroom. I drank sooo much liquid like apple juice, orange juice + lemon, killed like 3 sprites and I never drink soda, and alot of water. I tried to eat some soup but that wasn't happening. I Try to go to sleep and I got the chills while my body is on fire with cramps all over. I slept and woke up feeling way better. This has been the worst 24 hrs I've experienced and hopefully I never experience it again

my mouth felt grimy so I had to brush my teeth 5x
Food Poisoning

Liquid literally coming out both ends at the same time. Didn't make it to the bathroom in time at work.I'm a teacher so
i'm sitting in my office at school, when all of a sudden my stomach started doing loopty loops. Threw up in the hall &
s&*# my pants simultaneously.RIP to those boxers and jeans.

Have not ate Taco Bell ever since that fateful day. Was laid up on my couch for 3 straight days couldn't eat, drank
damn pedialyte like it was going outta style
yup. that peanut butter salmonella outbreak from about 3 years ago.  the thing that made the experience worse was that a chick had flown up here for a couple days to see me, and i was in the bathroom sitting on the toilet for most of the time. end run-on sentence rant. 
Originally Posted by gabers

Food Poisoning

Liquid literally coming out both ends at the same time. Didn't make it to the bathroom in time at work.I'm a teacher so
I'm sitting in my office at school, when all of a sudden my stomach started doing loopty loops. Threw up in the hall &
s&*# my pants simultaneously.RIP to those boxers and jeans.

Have not ate Taco Bell ever since that fateful day. Was laid up on my couch for 3 straight days couldn't eat, drank
damn pedialyte like it was going outta style
ahhh if only that happened to one of my teachers

Haven't had food poisoning yet
Originally Posted by LazyJ10

Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

I was on a sprite diet for 3 days. 10 mins after I'd drink the sprite I would throw up.

I was sweating all night, toliet every hour or two.

I went to work with food posioning, I walk in the office to sign in. And my spervisor saw me and told me to go home. LOL

You're a trooper for attempting to go to work.  I couldn't even make it to my kitchen.  I had my own place and I still called my parents to bring me some medicine/food/gatorade.
Hahaha. i feel that. 
I went to work on the third day, i was still feeling bad but could function way better then the past days. I knew they wouldnt let me work, but i couldnt get anymore call ins. 

Has anyone eating the food they got poison sickness from?  I got mine from krystals burgers(like white castle) and i havent been there since. I cant even smell that food without wanting to throw up. That food poison psychologically messed up my senses to that food. 
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