Anybody here completely happy with their life?

I found happiness by doing what makes me happy, not what makes others happy.

Let that marinate
Steady Relationship
Steady Income (bills paid, food on the table, gas in tank, etc)
Steady Yamb intake
Stay way from the ****** threads

Complete happiness
Those who got that empty/loneliness feeling, don't worry.

Those thoughts usually come from seeing others with things that society says will make you happy. Everyone finds happiness in a different way. Find your niche and give it 100%. Once you lock that in, it'll all slowly fall into place. The key word is slowly. Best part of something good (at least for me) is to watch it unfold.

Hold ya heads no romo *cam voice* soul has been burning since the age of 18...I'm so used to feeling empty/cold It feels strange when I actually am happy...but I don't let that stop me in fact me even typing that out is stupid but anyways ...some say happiness is found in real love & helping those you care for...I think they might be right..the only time I'm extremely happy is at the homeless shelter or when I'm giving away gifts on Christmas...this upcoming year I vow to work in a big brother program I truly believe that will help me out...
Happy with my family
Happy in my relationship

Everything else could use some work.
I found happiness by doing what makes me happy, not what makes others happy.
Let that marinate

i'm always happy, it's rare that i'm mad, upset, sad. despite of being out of work and having a college degree that i haven't been able to get a chance to put it to work, bills piling up, since it's my mom and i, you gotta find that happiness inside of you when times are low and believe and have hope, remember other people have it worse and things will get better. everything has a time and place in your life, you just have to keep your head up, ALWAYS
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I'm working on it.

Definitely in a better place than I was earlier this year.
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Always in a good mood as long as i can wake up healthy. With my life can't complain about anything I''m just enjoying it.
i'm like... 92 percent heppy...

all i need is another solid JO... and i'll be up there close to 100...

i was feeling down this summer... but now i'm feeling good, feeling great!!!
Phillipians 4:12...

*plays Cudi's "We Aite"

great post. that scripture gave me a different perspective. thank you.

up until a couple weeks ago, I was great. my life is still pretty fantastic now, I'm blessed, but a couple weeks ago, I broke up with my lady. So even though on paper everything is still everything for me, I hurt quite a bit. feelsbatman. I recognize logically that I really have nothing to feel bad about, besides the loss, but, idk, I'm just so connected to her, feels like I lost apart of me. So I have my moments when I get occupied and forget about the pain I'm in and actually feel happy, but soon as downtime comes...young is back on that Eeyore steeze.

I'm getting stronger though..slowly
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Today was my birthday and had a kinda crappy day, but I'm just now realizing that I made it crappier than it had to be

If you think about life as merely an experience by itself, whether the experience is negative or positive then you'll find happiness within yourself. I personally my life have been a wonderful experience and I wouldn't change anything and I'm not saying my life is all great. I broke my collarbone 3 months ago, didn't have insurance, had to get surgery, paid all of it with my own money that I saved up in my savings and now I'm currently unemployed. I actually just got done sending out my resumes just now. We're here to experience whatever we are experiencing in our lives.

When people see some things as beautiful,
other things become ugly.
When people see some things as good,
other things become bad.
Being and non-being create each other.
Difficult and easy support each other.
Long and short define each other.
High and low depend on each other.
Before and after follow each other.
Therefore the Master
acts without doing anything
and teaches without saying anything.
Things arise and she lets them come;
things disappear and she lets them go.
She has but doesn’t possess,
acts but doesn’t expect.
When her work is done, she forgets it.
That is why it lasts forever

Lao Tzu
I am not completely happy with things at the moment. But the fact that I am breathing, have shelter, and still have some money saved up. I am still blessed. When I get a job and can be a bit more stable, I will def be happy. 
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